er. ut nas Decil placed on sale at souvenir stands . at various points throughout the grounds. The certificate is printed in blue and silver, with a band of the spec- trum of colors above and, below the text. The impressive, inscription be- gins: 4Be. it kniown. to my grand- children and to their grandcbildren. that I, John Doe, was, present au- A Century of Prog-ress-." It bears. the signatures of Rufus C. Dawes, presi-1 dent of, the Fair, and Lenoôx R. Lohr, general. manager. Young, Stars to Offer "Pirates of Pe.nzànce" The Chicago Comic Opera company opens: an engagement at the Deer- field-Shields auditorium, H4igbIand Park, by.presenting "Pirates 'of Pen-, zaice,." for two nights,, Frid.ay .and Saturday, October 20 and 21, andfor. a special matinte, Saturday, October 21, direct f rom a success fui engage- ment at the University of Chicago, it is announced. This midwest organiza- tion, directed by Ralph J. Helperin. is said to, be the younigest group of artists the Gilbert and Sulian cycle. Trheevreiing perform- ances. wiIll start at 8:30 o'clock and the matinée at -3. Organ.izations desiring to Iearn, of1 a1 special arrangement foi seling tic],ets are requested to communic atc Nlrs. Harry Boyeli at Glencoe. i Beringer-Lindstrom Wedding, September, 30'i Misîs Ermna Beringer of WViimette *becamie the bride of Stanlev Lin1d,- stroin, son of MNr. anid Mrs. Carl A., * Lindstron .of 1534 Wilmcette avenue,: lastr S.aturday afternoon. The cere- miony vas, performned at, 4 o'cloék bv,, the Rev. Hiermani W. Meyer at the, home of the bride's parents, Nlr. and'ý Mrs. Charles Beringer. 225 Catalpa *place. %vith only the immnediate fiami- lies ini attendance. A wedding sup- *per followed whichi vas attended by >ust the relatives. T'le bride and groom are on a mnotor trip in Wis- J Ifi r, .e1 EMEMBER TO' TELEPHONE HOME!" (7 *When the young folks leave for out-of-town., chools, remind theiu to telephone at Woodstock, Ill., have returned ro their home at 520 Lake avenue. Their house bas been rented by Mr. and Mrs. William Wield and their two daughters, who are now at the Evans- ton botel. home regularly. catis are always qiiic. For 'some reason or . ,iiexpensive.