bre winter -months, mnake an entirely different picture of the garden. With- out a very definite framework, the formai garden méans very littie, and the outdoor living room is obliterated with, the coming of the winter snows. The group ings of evergreens in the borders with 'their Positive and solid colorings do much to maitain, the garden effects during this seasonal interim. For border work, screens and banking, the trees, need flot be ispecîm& or top price tree4. Im- perfect. shapes do perhaps Just as well in the informai groups. as the, carefully selected ones, and they cost- far less. The thick, substantial color- ing of the conifers, even. in. open grètupings,* gives mhore definite. ac- cents, screens, Unes and. ornamenta- ti)n than even the. bright barkedî sbrubs. Now in securing these trëes for the winterý garden, efféct,. special care shQuld be taicen to see that they, are iresh dug from the nursery and then properly handled. These choice trees,' because they are balled and burlap- ped, are often, abused unknowingl, with the, thought that sincc tbey are, balled, nothing cani harm them. They are thuis exposed to sun, wind and long hauls, ail of which injure the halled and burlapped evergreens. Even stock which is delivered direct, f rom the, original grower, then trans-1 planted to the display grounds of some dealer, left there for a few months or a year or two, and then resold for a se cond transpianting, is flot as vital, as thrifty, as sure to be a success, as trees which are nioved but Once. Repeated and frequent transplantings are ruinous to these choice ornaînentals.> It takes rnanyý years to grow a conifer to iisable size,' and it takes but >a. little carelessnessý to ruin its usefulness., Newly planted trees s;hould be thoroughly soaked, together with the* surrounding .area, so.that they will.not dry-out again ini a day -or twvo. Just a littie splash .of water on. the surface is an idle g2Cs- corner. Even the open iawn can be mnade to blossoni soon afte r the win- ter snows have lifted.' This treat- ment is worth of far more popuIarity. Just as the iawn changes into a greensward, when the chili. is ýstili in thé air, a sprinkliing of crocuses. or daffodils in the turf. is superb. The eariy blooms are the best. They comne and go befoie the late sleepers are. stirring about. Bulb plantings should be taken up and worked over,, properiy replanted every second' or third year at the most. In dividing these clumps of bulbs, it is a mistakeé to throw awaY the. small 'buibs. The, size does not, indicate that they are. worthless, but ratheir that they are- young bulbs which Will bloom when thev. corne t the blooming age. PLANTINC IN. THE DEEP S>IADE Shade, of itself, is' not at a Il an un sourmotantable ob>stacle, A tali, i solid wall, cutting off the'breezes, the driven rain, the sun and soul circula- tion, is a real -menace. That is why there is always a dead strip right next to the foundation of any house. Amateurs almost invarîably plant ton close into these hopeless strips. Among the plants -which thrive in shade. providing that other. condi- tions are good, we have evergreen trees, shrubs, perennials, ground cover vines and native wood flowers. Hemlocks and the thuya- cus-pidata are very satisfactory for sliade and i combination, they make a goo d bank- ing effect. The ciethera (sweet perr- per bush) is hardy and a real sha<Ie lover, a choice ornamental though it is not yet well known. For. ground cover 'in very shady locations, many hardy, vines are suc- cessful, such as the vinca minor, the creepinig Jenny' severai or almost any, of the sedums,: pachysandra termin- alis or japanese spurge as it is cailed, and also the creeping Charlie also called ground ivy and by soine, called ground .myrtle. Other shade lovink- -0-- Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Moss. 316 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, motored to IJrbana last Saturday to see their son, E-.ari., Jr.,, who is a, freshman, at the University of. Illinois.' Mrs. Robert. Osgood, 647 Brier street. Kenilworth, wiil be hostess to- members .of her sewinlg club next neit s pring. Sam pies aul st far s 3219 Lake Ave. Wil. 4,263 Pl ant, E VEROREENS ,Now! 14 Evergreens for the above planfing may b. obtaineci from our Cash and Carry Department for as rife as $20. SPECIALS OCTOBER 5-12 WHITE SPRUCE, 36-48 inches ........... $ 1.00 PFITZER JUNIPER, 24-30 inches..........$ 1.00 VISIT OUR NURSERIES A visit to the North Shore's largest and fines+ Nurseries will le to your advantge.. er, you can niake your personal selection from tihe assortm.nt of Evergre.ns, Trees andi Shrinibhe, ti Chicago area. We Do Céomplete Landscaping-$7'en-d for Ont Ripresentaive FDC/a vey INC. iris and h racintfls provicie such a crertain an 4timely display and then give way for other displays of th" later seasot)s.- They , niay be pianted amnong other -permanent groupings or je Re FOOT E LANDS< Winnetka 9 Il SERVICE'