its 22-.week 1933-34 season lias been announced by Daniiel M. Davis, direc- tor of recreation. The season wili start Monday. November 6, wvith ac- tivities at bath the Howard.and Stolp, gymnasiumns. The Howard gymnasiumrn will be. in use five. evenings each week and the Stolp gyminasium three evenings. each week aàfter the opening date and -the program Wili be.continuons until April 1, with the exception of a two weeks' recess. at Christmas. timne. Make Modeat Charte: Because.of the uncertain tax situaý- tion, Mr. Davis announcesý that a charge for* each,.activity will he mnade-again this year although the recreation. board, had, hoped to le able -ta dispense with it, this year. Ir %vas inaugurated Iast year as a tem-. porary means oôf defraying théeke- pense of gymnasium, rentai which, does, not corne 'under the. regular Recreation board's activity budget. H-owe ver. since the tax situation is~ tunchanged and collection of taxes equally uincertain. the. entry charge tritst b~ continued for another termn. However,, a ýminimum charge wlI be m ade in 'each league and class. The ist of activities andi charges are as follow s: .lloward Gynasiun .\onayelleing. 7 :30 p.rn. Nen's volley hall. $8-î)ex'tearn. Tu'iesday evefling. 7 p)ýn. Nleti'b basket- hall. $8, per teanm. wedinesd.ty evening. .7P.111. Men's bas- rhui'sday evening. 7 Girls' gym- nasl.ur class. 50' cents per person. Thursday evening. 7 p.i. Womnen's gymn- nasiurn class. $1 per person. Friday evening. 7 :30 p.m., North Shoru Basketbail league. $10 per teamn. * Stolp Gymnaslum Monday evening. 7 p.m. ,irls' basket- hall league. $5 per teain. Tuesday evening. 7 pan. Boys' 1;asket- bal league. $5 per teamn. Wednesday evening. 7 p.m* M>en's bas- ketbali league.,$8 per teamn. Nôo previous. registration, is required in , the- gymnasiu m classes but in ail league activities previous registration and '.paymnent of entry, fee' oreure, MWr. Davis says. The deadiine for regis- tration ini the leagues has been set for 1 «d(-ock Wednesday afterijoon, Octo- 1), ýr 25. Kasper. Rehears. progress uinder tl Ashidowri. speri, and JXu%.oIpf als are nolw i he direction of R.PATRONIZE OUR ADVRRTISERS If 'j We re Ce/ et ýrqtenq movi:ng,:into -our adding E UINES.. INDIVIDUALILY TAILORED 'DRESSES and WOO L RO BES Ther's a world of difference between thes. garments and the "factory made" kind. You must compare +hem to appreciat. jus+ .wbat w. meenli DRESSESt Anucg Those drossés includo the bost quality, ai!A n.uncn wool crepo in tho smart 'new colors and stylos of tho, season. T i w ae et $'12 0 ' 15 $1 850 by Fleischer INTRODUCTORY OFFER. Whthr you go in for active or spoctator sports thoro as Flicher Twin Sweater set .100/0~ Di S C oUflt for the occasion. A Cr.wNeck slipovor and, iorderedths weekàaTuxodo Cardiga4.n at. RO0BES. Boit quality, ail wool and flannel robes. Gen.rously cul on good linos. $6-50-$7.95 respectivoly, are ospocialiy smart and cozy' for such events. 4406 Mrs. Kingsley B. Çolton and her sinail daughter havé returned ta their home at 354 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth. They had spent a nuniber of weeks at the Coltons' summer home, , "Springbrook" in northern Wisconsin. IWO DOORS SOUTI OF FORIÏAER LOCATION' I mil