* Lke venuie, west of Wilinitte. 1.- inett WVhealan, president of the board of Forest Preserve commissioners, alînounces. . The 1arra!zks will houge the civilian conservation corps now Iemployed. in the Skokie region. I ~The new camp will comdt the origl!lal four comipaies now Iresiding in tents- at SkQkie boulvar and WiIow'road,ý and one compan) occupied ini clearing the. north branch * ofthe hicgo ri' er' a'd 'the add,- tional five conîpanies assigneèd by the government. fEfflistment of niew recriiits i- t under wýay following word received by Brig. Gen. rnk C.Bolles, Camn inandantof Fort Sheridan, foni Ma». * Geti. Frank. Parker, commandanito the sixth- corps area. Fort Sheri- (Ian's quota for ýre-enlistment in1 th-' reforestation. army for the next six iiionths will be 12,000 men. The.first * ixmonths period was completedi *October 1., The new forest army 1111..lb.iw iork camps, by December 1i. Men have been e.îolling, General J Biolles said, at the rate of, 300 to 400 a HAVE SON Mr. and Mrs. James D. Baker of 51 Sunset ioad, Winnetka, announce the birth of a son on Tuesday, Octo- ber 3, at the Evanston hospital. His name is Michael Colvin Baker. Thev also have -a ittie daughter whose * îanie is Barbara. .Willow Road, West of Skokie KLEENEX Toloif Photo JIrs. Frapik Ferry, »1 Shteridan road, Wfinnetka, has bee>a e)ected chu irIMan the ,urIv rgaktzed sez'entit and eighth grade inothers' group at thae. childre>?s ie4&ol, Na-~ tion-wl College of Editration~. Other .ficers chose,, are: Ilrs. Francis iollistce, 914 In'w:7ood avenue, Il'il;iette., vice-chu irinan; Mrs. Burt J. D)en mu»a, 21 Lindeet avenue, liiz ette, secretaryj. In this flrst junior higi, school unit there are tzi-entv-t7ko pu/'ils enrolled. in thle combined seventh and eiqhth grade lyrouups., TzceIv7e of ihis mnhuer arc bolS and te» ûJirs. 17~ KOTEX .ifr2,5c 25C Colgates Dental Cream 2Ifor 25c soc Hind's Honey odAlmond- Cream 2É9c 1' PRESCRIPTIONS Comrfpetentt registeredpharmacists constantly-on duty, fil your pre-ý scriptions as Yôur physician bas orerd them Our drugs, are alwi4ys' fresh. The Prescription Files of the Kenilworth Pharmacy bhave been purchased by us, and refils, may be secured Use Our .Rentai Library Ail the latest fiction for your selection. Select a book-or two. and enjoy the convenience of this service. Books flot on our shelves cari always be secured on short notice. 17e Offer Eizabeth Arden Beauty PireParations > Exclusively in Winnetka We Carry, Blvd., Winnetks Famous. - u u-à- I IVUMSEY 2700 (ail departmowags) PLANT NO* 6 MU RPHYMIIES WC »-QI 01L COMPANY Phne 3100 140 West 43rd Stroet