tor wbscfl prizes described as "both useful and attractive" will be given, coffec Wil be serve&. AIl expenses of event are de- frayed. by donations, Mrs.. . Dubbs, card party chairman, an- nounces, 50 that the money for every ticket goes one hundred percent to; the charities to which thé* club con- tributes, and tbey are* many. The work of the philanthropy departmenit is really communiity- wvide ini scope. Twice a month; sew- ing daysare held in the club bouse, wbvhich are open to any resident of the village eager to sew for'babiesp,moth- ers and. chiîdren, or older people in underprivileied .families.,iniand. around Chicago and its settlement districts. In tbe sunny, philantbropy room just, off the louinge scwing ma- chines hum constantly and busiîy on these Frîday sewing days as women froni Wilmette Mtitch, on those hrn- dreds of garments which eacli year go out to needy persons. .Wbile some women stitch,' others cut and baste, wbile the committee members in charge of each sewing day sort out and distribute the mate- rials awaiting workers. Large buiît- in shelves that line the waIl cupboard are an inspiring sigbt 'With the warm and useful yet colorful mnaterials and cut garments piled high. Proceeds with which to buy these niaterials', as well as funds for distribution to the organizations for which Wilmette * womfen work tbrougb the philan- thropy departuient of the Wopiar's Club of Wilmette wilI be swelled by the card party and style show on Wednesday.. The Research and Education hos- pital of the State Public Welf are departuient, The Children's Receiv- ing home, Lake Bluff Orphanage, St.. * Mary's' home,..Mary Bartelme home and Se rv i ce council, Chicago Woman's Shelter, Bird Meniorial *center, Infant Weîfare society, Ar- den Shore, Baptist Children's home, Ray Photo Mrs. Garbon, P. Dibbs of 1004. Mfichigau avenuüe, for a second year. i2 châirman of the annual card. party sponsored by thé philasithro- >y departme&t o! the Won's Club of Wifmtêt. lThe-eveni, which takes place Wednesday aflernooni, zç'illiinclude a fashion show. N. S. Pen Women Appeat on--P rogram at Host House' Several north shore members of the Northern branch of the National t eague of, Amierican Pen Wonien *will bavé a conspicuous part in the program that the league is to give at J. Bradly Griffin will read a group cf recitations to music written by Lulu Jones Downing of Evanstoni, composer -pianist. Drothy Bell Briggs of Kenilworth willpîay the piano ac- compartinment for, several cf ber own compositions to be sung by Hazel ,,den, formerly witb the Chicago Civic Opera company. Frances Cop- thorne of Winnetka- will play the ac- compartiment for some cf ber songs which will be sung by *Norma Bos- The Chorus of the North Shore Musicians club, Miss Dorothy Rae, Mrs. Sarah Ida Perry Bush, Mrs. Frances Evans, Mrs. Evelyn LaSalle, Mrs.. Dorothy Cordts, Mrs. Ca.rolyn Fuermna nn, Mrs. Helen Stewart, Mrs. Madeline, Vaughan, Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson, and Mrs. Marjorie Sher- man, will give the miusicale. Tbre selections will be on its prog ram, l"Bird of the Wilderness," by Eîward;, "Moon-Marketing," 1by Powell Weaver;P and "Green Cathe- dral," by Carl Hahn. Suobscriotioni Dance Oct., 21 Rene fit for Wonian'a Club The first subscription'dance of- the season under the auspices of the ways and means committee of the Womaýn's Club of Wil .mette, will take place in the club -house Saturday evening, October 21, witb Cope-Har- vey's orchestra plaviiig for the danc- ing. The affair will be informal. The evening is -in charge of Mrs. E. EarI McDow, chairman of a coni- mittee whicb includes Mrs. Alvin E. Beirnes, Mrs. Elmer A. Claar, Mrs. Gieorge N. Lamb, Mrs. Paul C. Lang,- Mrs. Charles N. Evans, Mrs. E. C. Hildreth. and Dr. Alice Tuttle. Refreshments will be served and card tables will be set, up in the lounge for those who do flot care to dance. The junior brandi of Friends of the Chicago junior school will give aý bridgé tea at Shawnee Country club Friday afternoon, October 20, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. É~red A. Bunte is general chairman of the party, and assisting ber will be Mrs. Walter Vaaler, who promises attractive table prizes; Mrs. Lucius Andrew, Jr., in charge cf décorations, and Mrs. Fred D. Fisher in-charge of refresbments. ber Z, at 4 ' ocUk, at hehe ioiit Mrs. Adams. Dr. L. D. Young, pastor of the Ab- bey Preshyterian church, read the ceremony befôre a* center arcb of, southern smilax and talisman roses. Sprays of talisman roses were placed at each side of the arch ýwhich was lighted- witb yellow tapers in. the background. Tbe bride was given in- marriage. by ber uncle,.W. IF. Weeks of Tyler.. She worèe an, oliverette green suit trimmed with s tenciled lapin. Her accessories were of brown and green and she wore ýa shoulder: bouquet of orchids. Miss Janie.Adams attended ber sis- ter as maid of bonor. Her frock was of rust colored crepe wîth black ac- cessortes.. She carried a shower bouquet of. talisman roses. 1Thomas Fitch of .!os Angeles,. for-ý merly: of Wilmette,, attended Mr. English a s besf m'an., Master Harry Weeks, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Curtis Weeks of Wîc1ittâ7Faàls, in a suit of yellow crepe, was ring bearer. 1Miss Josephine Oliver, violinist, and .Miss Katherine Weeks, pianist, play- ed the wedding music. .A reception followed the ceremony. The dining rooni table was laid with a Normandy lace cloth centèred with a ring-sbaped wedding cake, the cen- ter of which was fi lIed. with brides' roses. Bouquets of brides' roses also decorated the table. Mrs.- Hestel Billingsley, Miss Mar- Mrs. Adamis received ber guests wearing a gown cf pansy-bîue crepe witls a corsage- of red roses. Mrs. Engîish .wore blue velvet with a shoulder bouquet of, pink roses. . The couple Ieft.after the receptiin. for'New Orleans. Froni there they sailed for New York, and' wiIl reach Chicago abou t the. middle of the. month.. and Mrs On Sunday evening Mrs. Rufus B. entert Stolp, 336 Warwick road, Kenil- last m wortb, entertained 'two. tables cf' bor, 1 duplicate contract bridge at tea. ly cf ur Lee, 925 Manor drive, at a* tea Wednesday cf b onor of a new neigh-, lward Reichbelm, former- nd Park. and eigbth gradt ing at Shawnee, Saturday afterpq children's .Party fresbmnents. Ehirteen" dance Ssixtb, seventh, is Friday even- intry club. On there will be a. galmes and re- je