tôr to variotis ieading magazines and i's the author of many books, includ- ing "A Goo.jly Heritage." Monday morning she will speak at the Chicago ColIe-ge club, on "Hope- fui Tendencies in Current Litera- ture," addressing at this timememn- bers.cf both the Chicago Smith club and the College club. Followiing ber talk the Chicago Smith club is having a luncheon for MIiss Chase, and that evening Miss Neitie Bauman n,. pres i- dent of thé club, is *presiding' at a ,mailldigner in the Trustees lounige ,at A Century of Progress. Tuesday morning Miss.,Chase is to addre.ss 'a groul ii Lake Forest, and that afternoon she- is engaged, to speak at. the Winnetka Woman ' s Luncncon at 1 o'clock wuli bDtiîiweu by bridge.' Co-hostesses for the afternoon wilÏ be Mis'. Paul I. Aldrich of- Winnetka,- Mrs., Frank Burpee of Wilniette, -and Mrs., Walter W. Sen er of Evan'ston:- The group is cer- pletirîg plans .fdr itslag annual charity bridge' to be: held this year on Wednesdày. Nôveinber, 15, at, the Edgewa ter Beach hotel. Mrs., Frank D. Fulton- ofWintawo is vice- president.a.nid chairrnian of'the ways and mleans committee,: is in charge of the affairi theU*mianrL:brary association, in Sigma, 4tpha Iota Day Chicago, . and Thursday she. will' vdOtbr1 speak again before the Lake Forest Obse'vdOtbr1 group. That afternioon. the Evans- Sigma Alpha Iota, day will be ob- ton-North Shore Smith club is giving served' .Wednesday, October 18, during a tea in honor of Miss Chase at the the Conference and Festival week of home of Miss Gertrude Gladwin, in the Illinois ~Fdertion of- Women's EVanston. She leaves Fridayr for Milwauikee and Minneapolis. !Clubs, with the honorary music group in charge of both the afternoon and evening program under the.direction Miss Ora Jean: Hazlewood of Wil- 'of Mrs. William H. Knapp of Evans-, iette and Miss Margaret Simupson of ton, president of Gammna Province of -Glencoc are giving a dinner dance Sigma Alpha Iota.. Mrs.. Knapp, as Sa turday night at the South Shore president of the Central district of the Country club in hionor of Miss Jean- Illinois Federation 'of Music Clubs, will ette W\right's bouse guest, John Cra- be on the reception committee for al muer of.Detroit. affairs during the festival week. TE SPORTS. SHlop 976 Unden Avenu. Hubbard Woods. A auniel.f aew, alter- noon aand, eve* u on just reeeived-alse s»Mne very narttwo and thre pliece tw eed suits. TROUBLE YOU MAY HAVE!ý THE 16,15 Hinma Avenue: a :)MESTEAD few paces uorth of Davis Street Onr 1'00 kàmdft On