dluo s sketch class will meet at IU :JU, LU" and Monday the members of the club tea andi will join with the Chicago Smith club iin bearing Miss Mary Ellen Chase, professor of English language1 *and literature at Smiith college. speakz *on"Hofepeful Tendencies in Currenti Literatu're." Tuesday. Miss .Helen Parker will conduct an Art Institute gallery tour for tbe College- club members and. will tell of'-"Twent.y Outstandi:<Yý Masterpieces of, tjie Ex- position." Mrs. Ruth Wallis Wan. will speak at the club, XVednesday rnorning on "Antiques -as.a, Hobby," illutratinig her talk with appropriate oddities from ber, collection. That afternoon the club will celebrate North Shore day. The. club believes that thosé of its members living on the north shore- do not realize how many other mem- bers there are living close by, and b as àdeignated this day for tbem to *become acquainted across- the bridge tables., Play will- start at 2 o'cIock, and during the tea bour there-will be a fas hioù show, it îs planned. Miss Elizabeth Olnsted and Miss Doro- thea Posey will be hostesses for tbe afternoon. P»evie.w Tea Dispiaga Mr. Articles for Bazaac Mr.F. A. Spitznagle, 2907 Lake a venue, Wihnette, entertained at a pre- view tea Friday, September 29, for the f riends and members of the Protestailt Women's Service club. The. beautiful kitchen necessities, including hànd made towels, curtains, and ail articles for uise in the kitclien, on display and for sale, were the work of Mrs. Spitznagle and a group of members working for the annual bazaar of the Protestant Women's Service club, which is beld arinually at the Drake hotel in Novem- ber. The ne*, officers of the club are -as ýMiss Ina Clark of Oak. Park, presi-, dent; Mrs. H. T. Woodman of Naper- ville, first vice-president; Mrs. Phillip Dawson of Chicago, second vice-presi- dent; Mrs. R. P. Rockefeller of Chi- cao. ~recordinz àecretarv:; Mrs. S. P. ATNJ#IFTV CON VENIENCE' FOR0TUR: KIT CKEi 0 You wiIl like the convenience of an xtn practice, la. open , w all wno wouui De eligible for local ,uembership. Mrs. Wendell H. Clark, 711' Kent road, was hostesu to her luncheon bridge club on Tuesday afternoon. - l A J lui 1