- LETSHORELINE * TACKLF YOUR CLEANINC PROBLEM' We're our to win against. dirt! Over the years WC've developedl a winning team. Mir4wlean, a thoroughly traîned. personnel, quickcaret ul cli and deliv- ery service, careful cleaning thât re- sHo stores the -life and appearanée *to gar- ments are ail factors.. an our Winning comibination and mnakes us, ready to tackle your most obstinateclean:ingjob. 1215 Washington:Ave. Phono Wilniette 3400 1. [STANFORDElNORTHWFSTERN LOOK YOUR'BEST For the Gaure * . t Ait Timnes The beauty of being well groomed is achieved 'througja regular atten- tion te your persoôn by experts. trained in the art. We offer conâ:- plete beauty, service. 1167 Wilinette Ave- Wil. 4517 3, E ùilis n Ewis. A Winnlng Couublnatlon >Aga'nat Winter's Cold' STORM SASH and STORM fDOORS ae approxhnately last year's prlee. HOFFMANN RS 1208 CenstralI Avene For More Than Fort y Years 4-n EOhioLr] .uderbilt I g Home MUNS ÇHÈROLTýBUILDS A NEW RECORD Durng the First 7 Months of 1933 National Passenger Car Registrations from January lt to.August 1sf iCHEVROLET ..... 289,830 Plymouth..... .... 131 ,469 Ford ........ ... 170,282 Alil ot4i@r in jpric 3,0 c1ess........ * PRICES GOING UP-BUY YOUR CHEVROLET NOWI* A Reniarkable Clost- Oui? of Our Entire Usea car Irve:ulury. Ail prices arv for down payment-bal*ance over 12 or 16 rnonths. '32 Chevrolet Cab~rioet > $150 '30 Ford. Convertible coupe .$100 '32 Chevrolet Coach ....$125 '30 Sfudbaker Pres. Sedon. .. $150 '31 Chevrolef Coach........ $100 '31 Durant Roads.r .... -.$85 '31 C hevrolet Cabriolet -$100 '30 Pontiac Coach ......... $125 31 Ford Sport Coupe 100o '28 Buick Sedan, full price. .$125 Many Other Good Bergains NUR Hý Wilmefte, mI.' r'SHORE Girourn Fora I t orDecorative Purb e We have a fresgh supply of these gorgeousblooms on band at ail times very reasonably pricéd. A io Ail other seasonable plants nflws Floral decorations for ail occasions RLIDGE "ROAD .,FLORISTSe 333 Ridge.Road Wilmett.: 757 2. TUNE IN. Bundav Evening 'Station WLS at 6:30 ?.M. FOOTBALL PUMPKIN PIE They're aImost U yIouFIUOns. Bafiven utried ours? The Wilson alkery Wiluutte and Keailworth 1182 WIlmette Ave. 408,Green Bay d. 6. [:]Pit ,E-1-Nvy We'Il DBet YOU 10Oto 1 That your car. wiIl runa whole lot amootimer mtes am, À4UTQ ROCKER Car greased under actmal drivIng coniItions. Your 619 Clark St., Evanston ElSo. CMJFORNIA j ST. MaRY'S 19 Gre. 0007 CHICAGO j]WASHINGTON U E ICIGAN ECORNELLI il 611 MAIN ST. Tel. WiI. 414, .1.LI A, . . 18. mi 1