former location and is now ready to meet his friends at 1157 WILMETTE, AVENUE P hone WILO 2 766 * ILLIAMStatI Dr. Edouard Willems of Brus- Sels, Belgium)l, opte of'the otilstanid-. ing educators and scholars of the EttroPean continent, spcaking before t/e Wilmette Rotar-y club W'edn es- >dayi of lst 'wiek at the Shawiee -Counttry club è.çpressed littie fear of cearin 1»Euro/'e in the ii,diatc or isear future. It was Dr.,Wles opinion that recent events in Germanv tended to indicate 'that Adolph Hitler wvas, ni a general sense, following the liolicies of aggression employed by - Mussoliiii i the earlier days of bis régimie(les igned solelv tn ca1idifr the ta~lan of tne games will nave a bearitg on the tèams' standing in the league. In addition to the games between the midge.ts, lightweights and light beavyweights,'there will also be a match between teams composed of boys weighing not -more than seven- ty-five pounds. The Keinilworth teaàmsÉ.are ini charge, of -Robert. W. Townley, di- rector of ýphysical education at the Joseph Sears school. John McFad- .zean, who holds a similar position in the .Glencoe public gchool1s, coaches the Central school teamfs. Last week the -Kenilworth,.teams played the Havenschool at Evanston. Haven was victorious in three. of the four:gaines play ed. The Haven mid- .gets, lightweights and light heavy- weights won. by scores of 12, to 0, 6'to O and 30 to O respectively. The Joseph Sears second imidgeteamde- feated the Evanston boys,,14 to 0. Kenilworth wili close its- league sclhedule Saturday, November 4, meet1ng Glencoe at Gkencoe. Jackson Gives SwI'm Lessons, at New Tr-ier Swimming instruction is being giV-ý en every Saturdayý morning at the New Trier High school natatoriuxn by Edgar B. Jackson, the New Trier swimming coach. The boys' class meets at 9 o'clock, the girls' class at 9:45 .and the women's group at 10 -30 .0'dlock. Anyone interested in taking swin- previitd thaUt teritler governmtent would probablv follow thé saine pro- cedure. Dr. 'Willemns declared that the smaller nations of. Europe did flot f ear France, despite her large army, The French, he insisted, are flot ambitions. Their large army serVes to instill discipline and is regarded by snialler nations generally a s a definite protection. Because of racial clanisliness and di- i versity of languages existing iii many smaller couiltries. Darticularly those es- Preparation for the high schôol's swinming season will beginýitnmedi- ately after the close of the football season. XNew Trier bas haIlonis- tently'good swimming teamis 'for, sev;- eral years. M rs. J. Sickler and ber son, Les- sie, of Clark Summit and Scranton,. Pa., are visiting the Ray Warreùs,ý 932 Forest avenue. Mrs. Sickler is a cousin of Mr. Warren. 40.- Y A beautiful and useful gift free Ilwth oeL purchase of 75c or oe M CSWNLbRT!IE Co WZVE. IONERY 1204 CentralI Avenue Phone Wilmett. 5SM