Signais pqýWILM ETTE 3e4ooOoO I. . 4 wb..: the wisaning combinationaantdr *4telp to your. phole. 'ail the n'unitiers thatwi send n s ta pick uap jour, apparel for 'a touebdo«lwn against dirt. Miraelean Ileids the juareh -downri the tieId. A tralned pers.onne . 1nans interlerenee, brushing aside opporzi. ti<on that Wouàld huit the a.dvanoee f a more sèasoned eleafhIng organisa tion. You'il chefr àt. the appearane of yomr garments. tel%, enated and refresbed, they'II lie a rei "ieaning tounehdown." MSignaix, I- METTE 8 (13! Cai 'cmtoiday! 1215'Washington Avenue Wil Mette, Illinois SHoJRNE NE$II 1. 0HI0Os N0RTH WETER LOOK YOUR BEST Frthe Ga,ée.. t, A Il Time.e Je Offer You Complete Beauty Servicç. ALBRIGHTIS, Beauty Shop 1167 Wiluiette Ave., Phone Wilmette 4517 3. Purdue vs. Wisconsin A Wlnulug Conablnatlon'. Against Winters cold- STORM SASH STO1RM DOORS Let us give yon an Estima te HOFFMANN BROU. * ~HICAG0 I. I Home MUMS For Gitt or Decorýaive.-Purboses We have a f resh çupply lof these -gorgeons bloomas on bond at ail eimes very remsonably priced. -Nil other seasonabie plant n lwu Floral decorations for ail. occasions ]RIDGE. ROADFL1ST M3 Rtidg. go"J Buy Your Car FromteLAE Announceent!F To Friends, Customers and- Prospective Buyers We will be open week days, incuding Seturdays, until 10 P. M. and Sundays until 6,P. M.-Effective Now.! Take This O>portunity t0 Inspeci (Our Exceptional Used Car Bargains - Priced for Immediate sale OnIy 14' days before the Automobile Code becombeg effective. Buy your new or used Chevrolet Now! NORTH -SHORE- CH-EVRO0LET 611 Main Street Wîlmette. 4414 Wilmnette 7S7 BAL LOWE'3* Th* 8s$0fl for &froc. Let us help you pia= yIour. PartY. See, our window forsug- tdons. The W lmoU Dake WiIm.tte and Kenilworth 1102WIllnette Ave. 400 Green BayBd. 6. ARMY vs. YALE Do You Knowl change to Witer Oil and -Grease! AUTO ROCKER $100 *Round 9 trriveu Ch.icaOgo SundaSy, 7:15 a. m1. -ip Railroad Fare-$1125 DARTMOUTH v.HARVARD MICHIGANv. I A.G. 8. 80. CAUFURNIA vs. CALIFORNIA' I loir Cirown. ICHICAGO