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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1933, p. 13

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- L..ungPe D. Hall, rehabilitation chairni. The oung Ple's meeting wiI b This will be of interest particularly to held at 6 o'clock wIth the Stewardship ,ew niembers and to those who hiave eoomtnttee ln charge, of whjt-h .Lee 1 nsc or i h leay()k s harm n Iotgoll n se tusint past. 1 BIaloc i chirmn.Annouticement will be made when aj Tonlght. (Thur.sday) 18 the rt'gular re- laté i s set. The men at North Chlicatgo-.1 hearai o th. Juior nd enjo ehIr on accoutf curtailmient of funds, r undr te dreciono! adae Gldry jini need of help, particularly' in recrea- fin. . Playing cards, jig-saw puzzles Thursday, November 16, Lik, . Mrs. and m agazines ar e tuch ini demand. .NcDow, leader. wlll boid ità imoethly IMrs Hall will he glad tu hear frum bunheo wth r8 C.Heber j n e having such articles lu donate. Anîhe ellowship dinner, on wed- Phione Wilmette 1252. The 'Municipal ntsday night at 6 :30, The progrâm will TL'nerculosîs sanitarium also aqks for h'é ini charge o Mrs. C. Heirb-rt lIoties.il duations of jelly andl eggs, Legion A uxiliary Wilpliette' Unit 46 liii Amne rican Legwn lauxliarv-.\Vil- :niuPost No. 46, el ver\- inter- --stiIig tnîsiness ani social mieeting Mon- day cevenling. Novemb>er 13., at the lhonte r 1 J S arctus'. 3MA eeîunl k.eîurt, (if cionlinuttiLe diairmnin SI(lplans for Ille Nears ictivit]ie> ! Il fCi rllulaîe< l amI the w kair ady il;trtuil. "leimmne(iate %w-ork c()f tlî c:lîild ' w'tare corurnite, oi Ni.licli \rr.. 8aÎuS icliairnîanl, is thc arraniginig for Tlauîk~~:ving let.s toi be given i icel~ taniies Dona ion Oir the.se îî.lsktts will he received frn n nelr, :ad'.friencîs. L1ic .ways anid nîcaiiis ciiiiiiiitet chdair- iiiiiit Nir.s. Nurinan Deno, rept>)rtcd on-)i %,arl(i îuý projects tînder considerationl. 1'lus coemmittee wvas respon)isjle for the (icu~ f thîe Armistice nighit diner \VNIrs . J. Benner's hionie. 'I'hc , oî îd. îîrepared hy comlmittec neiibers. Wa. l' (IiCioiJs, alla an evenling t.f gaines L,.eù.eral. goo(i t'ie followcd J ut rAuxiliary menhers 11c](1 -a uuucetinig Saturday morning.. Noveniuhe.r Hl, au thé home of Mrs. . J. Dow%.d. i> the th, junior advi ser. Eetinof .lieswas thie main business. Bc.t-1 rice Lecal was lected presidenit for an- ilitr vear, Marjorie Albright, vice- prt-si<Ient. and Janice \'aiiwagen., :ecrctary. . One of the juniors' projects is tb collect: old silk stockings to be wlrechiairinaui gave a short, îalk aboult' lier receuit tnîP ltliIlle fui So ldiers'. andl Sailurs' Chiildreni's schooî l a« .ormral. SetOld of What is hîu (1111), tlire alon)ig recreatinal lîiit. Iliefv will lie a sewuulg ineeting t ils uxng( Thursda3,-) ai Ithe hu if N r,. Earl Nfoii. 125 Ninith street. \\~nedyafternioon. Noveniber 2 2. istedate of ftie îîext Sevuuîth idistnîci nmevtinig ai the 1 lvainst4on Aniurîcaln .1efresliinîeits '.Were servwed hy flic SoCiali coninaitie. Mr's. A. W. Bersch. clhaîrinianl. after vvIich al,.lparîicipa;tud ,n al icw tailes of brid1ge. Ainvrîcan Educationi week. pIs n l\ flic National iAducatiomî association and file Aniiericati Legion. reachied its climiax last Friday in appropriate cere- j munies at niany of Ilhe' shools iii, fliec counitv. Two mem'betrs of the Wilmette unîlt, No. 40, contributed tlu the exer- cssin tlhree of the schools. . -Nrs. F. J. Dowd, alternate (irect r and trieibershrip chairman of Ille ieveith district, spoke to tlle pupils of Ille. Ieerfield publiç sçhool' i 'the nurning and addressed the meinbers uf the P.. T. :A. in the afternioon on a sul)>ect appropriate tu Armistice day. MNs. C. B. Cochran appeared on thýe 1mittee. n Lior iIV LcJunii aai 41U a 4ItVIIm l 13 L E ^VI the state Americanisin coin IPI@ WiLoMtfla" *What doeés ALER OE&CO do? Just "mnaking spectacle S" is àlot de-ý scriptive of Aimer Coe's work. There is muéh more to: it than that. Aimer Coe makes spectacles precisely, imdi- U .L* vidualizes them to fit each wearées 1 J-r' features, and takes pridée in each pair. Yet imerCoe glasses are flot expe- Church of Christ, Scientist WILMETTE. ILLINOIS Anrnounces a Free', Lecture Christian Science Il 20 Central Avenlue, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2526 Wilmette Theàire- Buildig-2nd Floor The Public Is Côrdially Inuited to Attend 'I wun--

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