Fiday. XovcÉnber Id" 7 p. m. - Men's basketball. North Shore league. Howard gymnasium. Monday, Wovember 20 7 p. n.-Basketball pract1ce. Girls. Stolp gytinnaium. 7:0p. m.-,Glrls' basketball. PoIy- wozzles va. Brnwnies. Stnlp gymnaaiùm. 7:30 P. fi.-men's Volley- ball. How- ard gymnaslum. 8 :15 p. 1mn.-OI rlàs' baskcetball1. Portersl v.C. D. A.' Sta'lp gymnaslum. 9 p.,m.---Girls' basketball. Y, P. C. Ys. Kid s. tolp gynflaslum., TuesEIaIy. November 21 7 p. mn. -ensà basketball."B league. Howard gymina-lum. Wednesday, Noember 22 7 p. m-ensbesketball. "A" league. Howard gymnasium., 7 p. mh.-Mens basketball. "C" and "A" leagues., Stolp gymnasluin. Busines s Firms Are D>onors,to Pet Show, Indicative of ie 1ie ntrest in the Charity Pet Show venture of the junior auxiliary of the Womaàn's Club of Wilmette. andin i ts purpôse, to aid local cbarities. are the business firm contributing their gifts toward making the show, the. first of its kind in the village, a success. Friday eve- ning of this week is the time, the Woman's club the place. and 7 is the hour. Donors, as announced. by the *Junior auixiliary this week are: A. S. Van Deulen Grocxýery. Dr. F. C Rqjqschbomi Animial hospital, MNathew Francis studio, Mercer Luniber eomnpany. Mille» Hardware, Palace Ca,-h Meat market, Renneckar Drug conipany. J. W. Schloesser and eompany, grocery, Snidei- Cazel Drug comnarny, Termina-1 Hard- ware compan~y, Wilmette Grocerýy and. Market, WoIff-«xrlffis Hardware com- pany, ail of Wilmiette. .Arerivin Pad and Textile- company. Greenfield, 0hio; Battie Creek Dng Foi d c ompany, BattIe Creek, Mich.; Champion Animal Food eonany. Minneapolis, *Minn.: ,Chappeili Brother_, ,Chicago; WiliamCooerand Nephews, Chicago;. Dels on Chemlcal, company. Brooklyn, .Y., Follniailn-Schmuttermaet. Cica.g*o;, Gore Products Ine., Newl Or'leanm, La.; _J.: R. Hudson conipany. Ë1'ýterett. as. Judsen Rubher Works, Chicago; Merck and company, Ine., *Rahway. N. J.; Nn)rthwe'4t Veast coin- pany, Chicao;o Polk-Miller Produts, j Mathew Francis Phot.- Yfhet1 Otiier Ghost," a mnystery play..-as its naine im plies. zwill lit presented by the Juniior. Catliolic Daughiers ofAmerica,. Ouilonette. Court 848,> Thutrsda.i- and Frida.y, ý N<n'ember 16- and- 17Y at-8:15 o'clock, a t th e Howard Sehool auditorium, Spencer. azenue and .7Sève,, seet I'lzi e ncrtt irection of Mrs.Cats'I -Broad. i he cast are. seated oit thi'floor frontî left, to ritht. Mari' Kraft, Rose Tocai Rth Steiner, Frances, ckt..Doris Sita;fcoe. and Iosa.nna Hess. In the second roz,' standing i and sitting froin left to right, arc, A atherine tVagner, Berenuice Miller, Lore tta Steinler, BeitY Schaeffer, Mary Frances Schwyall, Marie Meyer, Mtar»- cella- Bruckl,,user, ami Mtirion Schneider.,. Charles A. Nordquist .' Taken by Death Mlonday Charles Axel Nordquist died Mon- day, November 6, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Carl A. Lindstrom,. 1534 Wilmette avenue. He was 75 years old. The funeral services were held Wednesday, November 8, and burial took place at Rosehill cemne- tery. Mr. Nordquist was a retired ma-] chinist. Hie was born in, Sweden, but had been' in this country for fifty- five years, rost of which time iwas spent i Chicago. He bad lived with his daughter in Wilmette for the past three and a haîf years. Surviving him, besides the daugli- ter, are his widoW, Nirs. Emmia Nord- quist, one son,, Ruben of Evanlston, and five grandchildren. Djr. I Northwest Men's Club Twenty-two - members of the North- west Men's club, met at the home of William 1Edmonds, 1935 Greenwood. avenue, on Monday eveningï November 6. Business which had accunmulated over a period of two montbs was trans'- acted. The October meeting, held at Ray Fjellman's home, was entirely so- cial, so ail business .was held over until the November meeting. Officers' and, committee reports were heard and re- visions in the by-laws .were discussed.. Final approval of the will bc asked at the December meeting. A brief tallk was given by Miss Mae Hitchcock., She told of a plan. by ýwhich a saving cani be effected in spe- cial .assessmrents. Mis's'H-itcbicock plans to cail personally on the property own- ers, giving ait an opportunity to benefit. .Af ter the meeting adjourned Mr.and Kenilworth Cubs Mustý Learn Names of -Treesý Boys who aire members of . the Kenilworth Cubs organization have been learning the names of -various- kind s of trees. At tht last meeting of the Cubs the requirement for ad- mission was that éach boy give thct number of trees. in his yard at home and the name of each tree. Ini somne cases, according to Robert W. Townley, wbo bas charge of the Cuh work in Kenilworth, parents were unable to heljp their boys ini point? ing out al of the different kinds oi trees on their property and the boyIs were compelled to consuit the gar- dener or village authorities. The Cubs are learning to identif y every te and shrub on the' school grouinds, also, and next Tuesday. there will bc a tree hunt, with competit ion between the various dens tliat comprise the Cul) organization. TSEE ARMY-NAVY CAME 1 T uesday of Yiiiisll 8Iy,.1 k-énd spent0 kes her home Bruce H-ulbert, 316 Richmond road. iapolis. Mrs: Kenilworth, returned Saturday from r being. seri- Woodstock, Ill., where be went witlî Evanston friendsý on a pheasant hunt. 0o Mrs. 'Josiah A. Pancoa Greenwood avenue, was1 hostess to ber Tuesday briq en November 14. Mrs. Pbilip Huguening, 506 Lake avenue, was luncheon hostess to ber Tuesday bridge club, Novembe r.14. Miss E ,Central aý Iast weel with ber ii with abri Young is. ously iI Airoma - d tber who lier in mI covering