a: prices. which prove i: an amusement for every home By Parker. Authontic Parker, Cup rackets of rubbér with cork handi. and thic biade $1.75 The perfect, peddle et............. American Ace Paddles, thin bladel, $1- 75. Vitory Paddles wit h short handie, $ I .75. ]PiUiPlongSets Complet* with four paddles and a green net end Table Tenm nis Manuel. Sturdy Nets The fawored 66-inch 59c. siea........ Adjustable Net ,Standards. .89c to $' 49ý lA:Colle, ge Set, twio rubber, cork-handled paddles, matai post- $3-50 60-inch net end 6 matched bails........... They that do euerything but tail! Tey re .80 secure 1. nevor wab, ble .. hey 'have eight sturdy legg ..thy clam> securely.. and à ft.r the game is over you have two tables, if you wish, for cards, ref r*shments or what you wiII. They're a snap to sa+ up, conveniently portable .. .and surprisingly moderato in priail WJlmi41400 On DvisSfr.t rii MORS.SA.N. O a P. N.-SATURDAYSS0 TO*'o Ol ý Deds > StrW.