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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Nov 1933, p. 48

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I Desdlne fr Isertons Cîahîfied advertismniewlltsw!be ac- .,edIetr nertoJ cepted up te Tuesday 9.1p. M. for IWILMETTE LiF or all threeéers;Wednesday P. M. for IWINNETKA, TALK .and Thursday 5 P. M. fo (LECO EWSL. Telephones: .Wlmette 4300, Winnetka 2000 <Wlnnetka 600 after 6 P. M.)@ oreenelaf 4300 or Sheidrake M.* LOu? AND FoUâD- LOS - RIDY, OV.10, LADYS brcwn leather purne, close to Linden Ave. and Merrilli St., Hubbard Woods. Finder, please phonle Wlnnetka 364. Reward. 3T2-t LOST-BLACK -LEATHER BILLFOLD stamfped wlth Worids Fair bldg., Fr1- day, Nov. 10, ln Wllmette,_ contalnlng curreracy. Reward. Keniiworth 1009. 3LTN28-ltp, LOST- IN WILMETTE ON OCT. 2,1 Camneo brooch. FInder please return to 1606 ,LIake Ave., Wilmette... Phone Wilnette 2166. Reward. 3L28-ltp LO-ST--LAST WED., YOUNGi BROWN collie, white feet. Smali boy's pet. Reward. Phone. Wilmette,- 1415. 3Lg8-1te KNITTING BAG CO0N T A iNIN C brown knitting and horn i rmmed giasses lbat Tuesday afternoon. Win- netka 2697. 3LTN28-ltp LOST-RED COCKER SPANIEL. RE- -ward.,~ Phone Glencoe 1798. 3L28-ltp LOST-WALLET CONTÂINING m e.Roward. Phonle Wlnnetka 2078. 3L28-ltp '13 *EAUTY TREATMENT MRS. . DEAN WILL, FINGER WAVE, marcel, shampoo, cut hair, facial, scalp and eyebrow arch at one'.s home. Graduate of Chicago Hairdressiflg Academy. Cal! Wilmètte 4860. 13LTN28-ltp ELECTRIC W EL D 1N , BOILEII wekdiifg, automotive machine shep and parts jobbers. PAVLIK BROS. PHONE KENILWORTH 280,820 16LTN25-26tp ELITE WINDOW CLUANERS Residentlal and apartments. Interior ciea.nlng. Storm sash: put up, broken glass replaced, gutters ciea.ned. Esti-j mates cheerfuily given. J. Kitchen, Wlnnetka 415 . 16LTN27-2tp1 1 g CL.OCK NEPAININS CLOCK EXPET. CIME. ,HALL. antique vlock repaitlng. ,Learneid trade lai Europe.. <Formeriy wlth Tiffany and Flld*u.) Wl!! caill Free estimate. David: JohAnsuon. Phone Dlveraey 2041. 2OLTN21-8tp ai DRESUMAKINQ DRESS DESIGNING A NID MA KliN by* artiat-dr mkr te suityour coin- viexion and eroaIty. Artintic re- m ,deiinc. ORCIDSHOPPE 644: Exmeor Roa" Kenilworth 4226 22LTN$27-4tp COILETTE SOEURS DRESSMAKERS Gowns Wraps--Suits-Coats Made to Order-Restyled-'--or Aitered U88 Elm St. Wlnnetka 1011 22LTN27-4tp $80 WILL MAKE A NEW WTNTER F!ROCK. Also brlng your old clothes - Claire Modiste wlll make them et the newest mode. $4 willI reline any top garment. Wlnnetka 147. 221TN26-4tn DRESSMAKING I D~ESIGN AND MAKE DRESSES IN your home or mine. Rea.8. Aise remodelinge . Ph. Wilmette 2158.. 2aVrN28Itp COATS . RELINED, PLAIN SEWING or dressmaklng at your home or mine. Very reasonable. Ph. Wlinetka 110. 22L28-ltp M8b HOME MADE F006 PRlODUC73 Homemade Fruit Cake XMAS C00KIE S, CAKES, PIES, relis and open sandwiches. Order early. Ph. Wil. 2884, Mrs. Shedden. 29LTN25-4tp) FLI ZNAOA'mUJ. ).J iAj i Vi £ami*i 1258. 42L.TN28-tp CEILINGS- CALE. $1 UP ANTLQUE WALLS WASHED,. starcthed, $2.50 up; rm.. papered, $15Q0 Up; kitchen palnted, $5 up; bath rm. enameledi $5. APPRECIATiE ANY. AMOUNT. 0F *WORK. Best rets. furnished. LEWIS-Wil 1mette, 5034 42LTN28-ltýp 44 PETS FOR SALE-3 MONTH OLDP1UPPIES, pedi greed stock, mlxed spaniel', wlre halred and fox terrier. Ralsed .at home with children.. Healthy, partlyý tratned.'Maie .$3--5. 2516 Central St., Evanston., University 6259. 44LTN28.71tp7 43 PIANO TUNI-Nts PIANO TUNING, ALL MAKES TUNED RECONDI- tloned and repalred. Piione Wllmette 2744. 45LTN28ltp EXPE~RT PIANO TUNINO $5. Uit-; right orgrand: alsu repair work guaranteed. 16 yrs. Steinway, N. Y. H. C. Thiomas, 517 Fairvlew. Park Ridge 699-R. 45LTN26-4tp 53 SEWINO MACHINE REPAIRINO SEWING MACHINE~S ALL KINDS 0F SEWING MACHINES and vacuum cleaners repalred. L. E.i Blunt, 1008 Oakwood Avenue. Tele- phone Wilmette 754 or 4368. 521LTN27-tfc s WEARING APPAREL FOR' SALE BECAUSE 0F DEATH- Fine. black caracul coat, size 16, worn 5 times, latest model. $150. Original cost $400. Winnetka 3544. 59bTN28-ltc 8 U4NCLAIMED FUR COATS TO BE sold for charges. Aise fur garments - ieft on deposits. Prlced $20-195. M. B. Okean, 548 lÀncln Ave., Winnetka.. 59L28-ltpc FOR SALE - DARK BROWN COAT9 with Raccoon coiiar. In good condi- tion. Size 13. $15. Ph. Wllmette 3956. 59LTN28-ltc 1BLACK AND 'WHITE 'PONY COAT about size 14, ln good condition. Bar- gain. Phone Saliy Clover, Glencoe 177. 59LT28-ltp REFINED.- MIDDLE- as nianaglng liouseký nursing, careful dri% anid economieal. Shel 'b WO'MANý coimpanion, consclentiouse le 6549. 68LT28-ltp EXP. AND RELIABLE- WHITZ WOM- an wlshes- dayý woi k 'of any- kind, - iaundry or bleaning. $3.a day., Refs. furn.' If :desired. Cail Wllmette 2719. 68LTN28-ltp NORWEGIAN, 30, WANTS GENERAL. 3-r. Glencoe ref. REINHARTS'EMPL. AGENCY 74.Eim St. Winnetka 3399 68LTN2&-ltc WOMAN, 38., WOULD LIKE POSITION, generai housework., Good laundres., Capable et taklng fuil charge. Best reference. Tel. Wlnnetka 1530. 68L28-ltp SWEDISH, 26, WANTS GENERAL. 5-yr.. Wnnetka. ref. REINHART'S EMPL. AGENCY 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3M99 68LTN28-ltc' EXPER. WHITE GIRL WISHES DAY workwashng, roning, cieanini, $2.76 pek day. Phone Wlnnetka, 3238 after 7 :30, ask for'Nellie. 68L28-l.tp, H-. S.'GIRL DESIRES TO CARE. FOR children and asst ~wih housework. Care for children evenlngs. Wl!. 3068. 68LTN28-Itp MIDDLE AGED, WOMAN WANTS general housework, good cook. North Shore refs. Ph. Wilmette.4288. 68LTN28ltp GERMAN GIRL WANTS WORK BY day or hour. Washing, lroning, cnook-, * ng, serving, care of chlldren. Win- ntka 2552. 68LTN28-1tc COOK AND GENERAL, AGE 26, 6 years' exper., refs. Reasonable wages. S-H--A-Y, 14 W. Washington, Chicago. Central 9800. 68LTN28-Itc MIDDJLE AGED LADY DESIRE~S PO- sition as housekeeper for one or motherless home. Ph. Wilmette 3851. 68LTN28-ltp COLORED WOMAN WANTS GEN- eral wol'k by day or week. Phone Wilmette 3422. 68I4TN28-ýltp 69 SITUATION WANTED-MAL. EXPER. CHAUFFEUR -~ MECHANiC, ail around houseman. Referenices. Phone Morton Grove 1942. 69LTX28-Itn COUPL1ES- CALL US FOR HIGHLY EXPERI- enced cou~ples.' Have on file 39 white and colored. Are willlng to work from $50 Up. Private intervlewlng room for yoûur con- ven.Lence. -1GERMAN, 28, WANTS GENERAL. =21/-yr. Wlnnetka ret. REINHART'S EMPL. AGENCY 7C 748 Eh» St. Winnetka 3399 an- 68LTN28-ltc bs. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWOflK 20. or day work. Calli Magge Masters, .4tp Glencoe 1534. 68LTNq28-ltp 421 Fou st. TRAINED HELP CALL rl or Winnetka 2662. We ve advertlse. 's EFmp. Agency Wilmette 70LTN28-ltc COUPL~E - WIFE COOK AND GEN- erai;, Man chauffeur, houseMan and gardener. Good refs. Reasonable wages. S-H-A-Y, 14 W. Waahlngton, ChiÇago. Centrai 9800, 70LTN28-îtc 84t:. ýj

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