b~, wich e aiur facilities, and nothing less. will satisfy us, Bepeat'ed families find our m7osluary to be indeed a 'second home" -a place wheie'theii privacy is respected and theit every neped.anticipated duaîng q .,tyiganqime... Tbe -Oldeat Esatablished Undertakers on the Immediate North ehbore Supetiot Ambulance Service *Licensed Lady Assistant ýM .1118 GREENLEAF AVE. pim . .554 CENTER ST. WILMETTE 654 WINNETKA 404 The Sa e, UNDERTRAKER "Th.e Hoise ofPersonal:Servi*ce" De pendable, Quiet Heat COSTS LFJSS Coal heat is safe. It is qvuiet. It is de pendaàble. Th'e n 1wb%-a t "adv antage is there ini ebanging to à more e xpensive fuel? But coal heat can bc self-regulated, too. Equipmient for self-firing and self-regulating coal heat costs no miore than burners for other fuels. And it saves you money instead of increasing your fuel bis. Stick to coal or coke and for bonest measure andý grading, buy f ron the inerebant in your neighborhood who is a mnember of the Chicago Coal Merehant's Association. CÇOAL HEAT-STILL COSTS LESS! W-ilmette Coal.& NMat'.i.ar 1301 LAKE AVENUE" PHONE-WILMETTE 4200ý OIL CO. Phil H. Br&",ar . ru Robt. F. Doepel 'mist onahe by which we ff Ciel