Chine Colors Car 1140 WILMEITE, AVENUE-Ai WORTHENS EjARSON9»s »MAUKET 813 Ridge Rd. Wilmotte, III. for Xi WaIm.tte 28m Wimette -152 Order YO.ur Chwlutnas Tuwikeyl- Todmy 1 The mont Important part el azy holiday feautis fle Tnèýrkey. Our bird. are direct froin thfe farnasud are espeecilly seleeted and carefuily preparpd. They are ail tender, plump and Young. Jloaut one to a goldenl brown and serve If on your ib.IIday table. Tlhere's real gooduess! r-UN SPECIALS for FR1. and SAT. pojrk Loin, ltoatiht Chicilcus, lb .............................. er Case Bib Joast of Beef, SI7thb nb, Ml. i50 10 1170 Z40 - set Of Ylrestone Mathew, Francis .Photo, Pire ChWf Walter Zibble is show inspecting sorne of the hnndreds of reconditioned toys ini Sant a Claus' bran ch factory in the basernent of the fire station. Chie f Zibble a.nd hisfire laddies are deterrnîned that tAis, year ne? expectaWt childish heari j»ù Wilrnctte shall be critshed by disappoint- sinetit.throtigh the non-arrivai of Santa Claous. Mrs. Jonathan A. Noyes, 331 Cum- nor road, Kenilworth, who has been in the St. Francis hospital for aný operation, is returning home the last of this week. I Select Your I Christmas'i to look likenew. Giencoe Bicycle Shop I 708 Vernion Qleheoe &7 I We Cali and Del#ver RETURNI14G FOR HOLIDAYS Miss Eleanor Potter, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Potter, 925 Chestnut avenue, is returning on,,Sat- urday from Denison university, Gran- ville, Ohio, to pass ber Chri.stmas, holidays with ber family. Her sister. Elizabeth, a studient at Obèrlin col- lege, returns on Wednesday, and their brother, Norton, who attends Lake Forest academy, wiII be homne next Thursday. Mrs. Potter's sister, iss Mary Norton, who has' been -spending the past nine years in1 Europe, is visitý - ing the Potters. The Kenilwort.b Tuesday evening bridge club was entertained this week by Mr. and Mrs. George, W.- Keehn of the Orrington hotel in Ev- anston. .TIRES the whole fan Christmcas Time la FrPanel Time! 721Mi Mmiii JY4~'~~~ "N Wilmefte 2600-261, For More Ilion Fort7 Yeara Pl Ord for