YTOUR. every-day 1 purchases, whcn made at the L Terminal complete ishopping district, wilI reflect an appreciable saving on your weekly or monthly'bill.'And thaï: is no idie remark - we are pledged to Save you, money., In connection with certain services, like on your radio or auto-ý mobile,: or even on merchandise bought, -it. may not always show iln the- amount paid, and yet the'savinùg RIB ROAST of .BEEF .Best'cuts, lb. 6th and 7th ribs, l.b. TELEPHONE PEAS), Monarch Brand... 4o9 Linden Avenue G. L. HODGISON Car ps9ter-Co'ttractor General Building Repatirs and Remodeling 411i Linden Avenue Wilmette 284.3 Art Furniture Co.. . 338 Uinden Avenue Phone Wlmette 45 T.. A. Cizok, Shield of Quality 405 Linden Avenue Phone Wlmette 4646 DinlSweet.fSbop,.......>40 lànAeu Phone Wilmette 5441 40LndnAeu Fourth Street Auto Servie... 516 Fourth Street AI Rodenkirk - Phone Wilmette 5440, Hfil Stone, Raltors...... 404 Linden Ave nue Phone Wilmette 1644 G. L Hogso.........411 LInden, Avenue Carpenter-Coritractor- Phone Wllmette 284'. Ivan Lind, AWnlng#' . 1 o*hSre Phone Wilmette 3376...478orhSro La Carita Beginty Salon ...417 Linden Avenue Phone Wllmette 4500 linden Crout Eeauty SboD . 428 Linden: Avenue Phone Wiimette 4454 Linden Garage . ... É2tne,,e Phono Wilmtette 54303 ide veu LiIIdenMaret&.........409 L4indeniAvenue George Pettinger - Phono Wilmette 948" Linden Tea Room......... .413 Linden Avenue0 Phone Wilmette 1826 Lyman Pharmacy ....68 . 400 Lindon Avenue Phone Willmette 6 Mannu'@ Fond Sbop > ...~.. 403 Linden Avenue Phono Wilmfette 50 Open until midnlight. Rose C. Obermeler....... ... 430 Linden Avenue Interlor Decorator _ Phone WIimette 4534 0. Peterso................. 407 Llndeft Avenue Shoe Repairing Shawnee Cleaners .... ....... 521 Pourth Street Tailors & Furrieru-Phone Wilsnette 1907 Shawnee Seryiee Garage.. ý....15 Fourth Street George Schasfer - Phono Wilmette 636' Sliorty'u News Stand ..............' - L" Station Newspapers, Magazine, ga urs, Tobaccou South Water FrtIà .etale*Market ..... ,Phone Wiltnette 9860._.. 405%~ Linden Avenue Terminal[ Barber Sho ..408% Linden Avenue Phono Wilmettà 5392 Terminal Hardware..... 411 Linden Avenue .Hardware, Radios, Radio Service - Wil. 2843 Terminal Sheet Mtal Works . ..411 Lindon Avenu. Phone Wflrnette 2843 Tigbe lealty Vo., ealtors ... 21Fourth Street. Phono Wilmette 910 Winbetg'S Drug Store...... 417 Uinden Avenue Phono Wllmette 4500 . 0 in ON SALE THIS WEEK SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOL'R, 23 package ............. ...... . -2 é large size package........... AUTO SERVICE, AL RoXNultX, Manager corn. handl HOUSE BROOM weight, genuine .quality Illinois Four-sewed. Attractive-, greenc i. will 'be' there in a botter sevc rendecred or better merchandis.e. We- members of the L Termninal Business Association aimn to, make, our goods, service and p'rices irresistible to you., Miss SWEETE having recovered from her recent illness will be plcased to, see her patrons, again. S HAMPOO - and SET 0#c Your choic* et Shurnpoo Rinse Trm - Manicur.- Finger Wave - F.yebrow Arch.. 3for $1 Linden C rest Beauty Shop' 426 Linden Aven ue, Wilmette 44 *"'Learn ma., :hings but know one tin g.«'.11" Moto -of G,,,seral Upkoisteri * Our workers are. skilled in their trade, and their knowledge of re-, building and repairing furniture is at your disposai. ART FURNITURE CO. 47 YEARS' EXPERJENCE UPAeL#eoring-Special Fornsturt Made i. Orde, CHAIR RECANING 338, Linde.n Avenue Phone -Wilmette 4453 FOR SMART WOMEN.., Permianent Wavcs that honor every head- given according to test curi .by expert coiffure artists. NEW-A COLOR FINGER WAVE that actually colors the hair, while waving. Smoke ripes - t-uucrs Roofing - Down Spouts WHERE EXPERIENCE COUNTS Towing - Tire Changes -- Etc. 5 x6.~ouîh Sree Phone Wilmette 5440 LINDEN MARKET 25C 2 29c Wilmette 947-948 A-AI This Week's Bargain ué-i , regular Wilmette 636 Fourth Street i 6,.Fourth Strtýct