înarked by ten clays of intensive speaking and meetings throughiout the country. The Reserve Officers' association. the Anierican Legion auxiliary and other patriotic organi- zations will participate in the move- nient. At l :30 to 12 rum. (çastern standard tinie). Friday ' Feb)ruary 16, there wil be a iiationi-%widc b 1roadcast over NBC froiu Washington, The speak- ers wilI e Fred 'M. -\inson, chair- mani of the. House .Naval ,Affairs éontîtîittee, and lJohn . ,NcSxvaiii, chairman of the House Miitary Affairs conîiinitteeb - Thev ill be introduced Ib M aj. Gen. Amios Fries. U.. A. (retired). m-ho lias Charge of. the I.egiou l niovexient as, chairinan of the national (lefense Hayes Cites Purp9se Pot Roast Fish Filuets LB. 1 21/2c 2 Ibs. 29c SMOKED TULIBEES FWHT Miss Bell vîoliîist. is 7'îoIîn recît Thie purpose of the intensive Suîida Lif te' sponsor.slip. as explained hy Nation- flie audit Orili al Coîninatîder rEdward- A. Hayes of ..4., Clui the Legion. i"-s~oiifor.in the public, Tuýje aSsiSli on provisions contained ini bills noiv îisî before coligres;s to bfing the flavy1 ac'c-Oîiîpailiçî. out of third place to equality Nvith Locke ani Great Britaiti, and to bring the army M1iss Býiesieî froru seventeentlî place to where it xziTrierj will I)e adeqtlate> for proper defetîse of Amierica. WC lerBa SThe Legion, Mr. Hayes 'pointed 1 acîc1ro *ýout, also is sponsoring the bill to en- l f '0'\ oi'tli act into Iawv the principle of universal i1$111'Î 'sfil service in tinie of war. This,* he i"}'g'at V' said. ivould be the greatest guarantee1 - - for peace that cotild be devised. Marian L eiuinating the urgiug «of %var b- avariciotis elernents. lt would freeze Peoria]? i)rices lîe.n war is declared, hie stated, and' "would place ail the jeo Miss Mariý pie anîd ail the uation's reoreo, Wilmette has including iîîdustry, capital. tràîîspor- noon. March tatioti. as %vell as youth, subject to marriage to service for the government %with Peoria, - 111. profit. for nione." Mr. Murphy' Endorsed by Pershing;ur u ~ NatinalDefnse eek~ . and will be a Natone ' efesewee ý s- lgnu mediate faîil unquahified endorsement by Gen. -take place at John, J. PershinXg in the. fllowiug parents, Mr. letter:don, 715 Laur "Washington, January 1 4'Co1onel L. Kemper WIiflsr, .-National President, 'IRe.serve Olicers- Askýociat ion. 14. Stanlley B., Rogers Park officiating. tY Biescîièr, Wilmnette rappearinp ini a di- ta witILelii. I Uiili t erfl<lOU. Febiii<irv-18. in <np of: thc Central 1. 11. Àcayo, ai .4:30 1olClocie. ing artîst' wzill bc Lol HIolley, Soprano. Piano Is are Iobe l'c' 7*tiy R.apnond A113-11 Silih lic icr is a qradîeate of Higli school and rci !îeloir of *Music ami lier' niuisic ed!icat joli degjres iwestE'rli uw.stv S fdv-iing7for, lier îise' to Wed 0. Stuart Murphy of Owing to the death of 's mother early iii in- lding wilI be very quiet .ttended by 01113' the inu- lies. The cerenlioluy wiii tthe home of the. bride's and Mrs. Bueli A. Lang- iel avenue, witlî the Rev. Croslanid, pastor of the c Congregational clînircli, *i Allworth of \Viliiiette CHOICE BEEF SWViFT'S PREMI UM Ch ic kens, 1ST TO 5TH Rila LB.19C. LB.19C 6TH ý- 7TH RIB LB.' 14C' *RtOIl&JNG OR 1FRYING B21 c. * lc ALE! BUTTER KERNEL, WHOLE GRIAIN Corn, White or Golden Bantaim Can 'o TED No. 2 Can POLK'S GRAPEFRUIT -Jui-ce. OR GRAPEFRUIT Noý. 2c Con 1' AMERICAN FAMILYV Victor Trautweirî, unarle es CL, - Joe Pape, George Macuntyre, Phillip Edwards, and Phillip Sesterhenn.' Mrs. A. R. Nickcrson of BokôthbaY *The tournamnent was won by Mr. Harbor, Mainie, is visiting lier daugh- Stapp., The consolation prize went ter and son-in--law, the Thompson to Ralph Finnigan. A. J. Linn was Wakeleys, 730 Elmnwood avenue, un- referee. tii spring. .... Blue Label 1