arcn Saturciay morning at Il1 :30 Iock. Let's have 100 percent sent!1 The meeting will be rt, but it is important that we .LV LIUs.1 . . have 'a full attendance. Please be The sponsors of, the course su- promp. gest: "It would be very illuminatîng 1 for mothers of girls alreadyý scouts, or of prospective. scouts,, to attend even one meeting. Qune gains a veryM m eso Tr p3 much.more comprehensive idea of, Play Fîrst Aid Game what goes on in scouting-what your Wiesm ftemr dare girls do. This course, too, is particu- hl on fth Mr daye .larly1 fitted ýfor young women who girls. were- taking. their personal wish to MI1 their spare tinie . e-ti -measurements for first class at. the profit té, theinselves and to others." recent. meetin g of Troop 3, the. younger girls. played .a- bean-bag game, called ý"indoor rounders," and a "Basebali" and, Signalitng knot game._ Then. we al played a .Feature Troop 1 Session first aid gamne. We, counted off in Trop 1s metig lst eektwos-and the "ones" left theý room, Troo Ismeeing est eekand the 'twos" planrned a dramatiza- started, with a "basebalilga me. tion. When the "ýones" came. back, Then came, two signaling games, te"ws rmtzdteacdn "opposites" and one in whiclh the th ey had planned. The "ones" Were girls changed places the. supposed- to help the victini. The' letters called. We went into patrol- girls found out they did flot know as corners and planned games for the nuich as they thouglit they daiA about 'subjects given us.As theré was only'first aid. tînme for one, 'which was a first aid We did flot have patrol corners relay, the rest will be given next because two patrol leaders were ill. week. The meeting closed with the At closing circle we, sang "Dark singing of "Taps."-Marian Cox, BonI h ie"ad"as" assitan scrbe.Virginia Dalstrom, scribe. Troop Il PIays Games Leaders' Association .and Invests Members to Meet February 27 The girls- of Troop Il played sev-y eral games at their meeting Tuesday, Th~e leaders' association will meet January '30. Carol McCue was i- daye-ning. . .a__27. a to Palestine -several years a-go, and following thi trip Mr. Pemberton published 'the book, "A Modern Pil- grimage to Palestine." Mr. Pember- ton also wrote several books of verse. He was a musician and had a uuHauci zcompositions to nus credit.. The. funeral services were held. at. Re- d.ondo Beach Iast Friday. William H. Lawton Dies; Noted lMortgage Broker William' H. LaWton, 325 Maple 51avenue, died. Tuesday, February 6, at the ageof 54 years.. Mr. Lawton- asaral etate mortgage broer He' was born and educated in Eng- land. and came to this country. about thirty-five years ago. He was active in -the, British Empire society.. Surviving himi are his widow, -Mrs. 1Mafri on Emily. Lawton; a son, James ýrederick Lawton; two daughters by his .wife's ,preiu& nlarriage,. Mrs. Miay Jenkins of Columbus, Ga., and Mrs. Lila Carter of St. Helen; M?%ich.; a brother, 'Henry Lawton of New Orleans. and two brothers and a sister living ini England. The funieral services were held last Thursday afternoon a t Scott' s Ev- anston funeral home. BAHA'I LECTURE Sundays> . . ...... l A. M~. Morning Prýayer (other Sundays) ................1 A. M. lrednes4Iays In Lent 8 P. M. (exctept in Iloly Week Wednesiday, Maèrch 28) AMission conducted hy the ýRt. Rev. Frank Aî'thur clan D. D. biishop of Alinnes-ota and professor of tihe Sca- bury-Weste'n s"tninar.,, Evan.;i4o. 5W,- ject: "Go)d"s uiding Po.wer DI:sîla.yedl Across the- Ages." Object:"Toj illuminate every pei-sona1 exl)erience of birth and marrlage, of JOy- and îsorrow, of moi-al and physicai ty, of su1ferlnigand, death. 1 Due to the inabillty of the .Blshop to' be present W"ednesdaS,, Mai-ch '7, hià place ivili be taken biS, the Vers, Rev, Frederick G. Dt-i, Arehde.acon of the Metropoltan aàrea,. Chicago.' (Holy 'Week observances. wil .i be Jan- - OUned ln a later issue of Wîi,.tip.rr TO ENTER FLOWER SHOW The Kenilworth Junior Garden club ,met Wednesday,,Februar.y 14, at the home of Mrs. Stuyvesant Butle'r, 239 Ridge avenue, Winnetka: A business meeting .t which plans were discussed for the entry of the club in the an- nual Flower show of the Garden Club> Of Illinois on the Narvy Pier April 7 to 15., were discussed. BREAKS ANKLE Mýrs. John C. Blaylock, who is iin charge of the Wilmette Welfare of- fice, is confined to her home witha broken ankie which she sustained ilii a faîl last Thursday afternoon on her ves ted. --Malce a lllard. ie.sang *Whene'er YVoul Promise." - Marguerite Girls of Troop 4 Enjoy .Meal at Leader's Home January 30, Troop 4 enjoyed: a splendid home-cooked 'dinner, the dessert consisting of caramel sundaes, at the home of our leader, Miss Huninhries. efoe ti, q r-nlr .Wansbi 'redl to ' eoria'son, D- i.Miss I.ang- Beach, r.i o -rogrs.'-1Vb. -rom now on. however, the meetings will be' held the fourth Tuesday of each month. A 100 percent. attendance is the goal. for the next meeting., Leaders Are Discussed. by Committee Chairmen A meeting of the troop committee chairmen was held at the home of Mrs. Ira L. Reynolds, deputy coin- John H. Iawson, Jr., 330 road, Kenilworth, and ber içare leaving for Miapli Fla., the last of Pebruary. Feoruary 18, at 3 Sunday the speak Sarah Walrath. of the direction of Mrs. CI comf'osed the proqrapi. j'Wiete Mrs. Mark Maistrovich, 555 Ch,-r- ýock. This ry street, Winnetka, entertained lier ,be Mrs. bIridge club of sixteen, members at' >. her home last Friday evening., tiroa. '.wncIke, L-lcre liarler, and d of a çeries of perfc.rn- venin g of Iost week under a 0>3-at PIaly, and lnuice ay evening at Scout room of' with Give Mallinckrodt Drama Pro"gram..