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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Feb 1934, p. 18

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snmp is saia wo Deuie rst olie or- ganized this side of the AIlegileîî3- inountains. The ship expects to complete work on several boats in time for their uise on the lake next sumner. This work m-illstart next week., The îneetiîîg .Tlîuùrsday evening wilI' be devoted to a lesson on engineering, directed' byI Mr. Boyin, a graduate of Aîinapolis. Boys interested- in joiîîiîg a druni anid bugle corps spon sored by Sea Scout Ship Quilmette are being iii1- vited to signr up now. Richard Strauss and Johin Pearsonî wvere elected to run for Village offces as a project of Scout week. Wilmiette NItsic and Radio shop for their cooperation in making available to the scouts of Wilmette. the reception of President Roose- velt's message Satuirday miioriîîîîg. Februtary 10. Thanksý are also due to thé Céii- jtral hôtel1 for the use of the vacanit store for the .Anniversary NV'eek (ispla-t Roosevelt Streamers Awarded to,33 Units Guarciian ani warci act, the Lunia- tics, Idiots, Drunkards and Spe'îd- thrifts act, the Dower act. the Wills act, the Revenue act, and thé lieu rules of the probate court of, Cook county insofar as they relate to the administration .of estates in, thle pro-. bate court, - Incorporated -in the book are the essential forms required. for probat- ing the estate of:a dIeceased persoli, a nimnor or an incompeteîît person. Mr. Jam1e., hie author, bas liad ex- teîîsîve practice ini probatiiig1 estates. For, a n'umbler' of vears, lie, lias beeîî Professor of prohate, practice anîd pro- cedure at the, Chicago-Kent College Dr. D. W. Rapp, chairman -of. the IA îprsiecreonnt h legal .practice and theorv. court. of bigli a,%vards at Neiv Trier ___________ district committee, visited the inîet-Hgscolatîdyigtvste iîî lat wekto lot te ~o~rsspresentiation of thirty-three Presideîit Protestant 'Women WiII of the new ship. Roosevelt streamers to tliîrty-thre bev a fPae units of the Norh Shore Area cotîîcil Obev a ofP yr lVa-KagJa-W'an Prizes tlîat lbad1 met the requirenieuîts for Protestant wonuen. of Chicago 'and Givn t H no Cortgromtb and successful progratu for the suburbs will observe the World Two camp awards were miade at.1 The troops to rveve the awards w~it h three sessions in the. Chicago. Saturday's court of higlb awards. 'l'iei were marshale.d on the gynasiumn temple, 33 North Clark street. Speak- first was a district a ward for canIP floor an(d[ ai a given signal thie color. ers for the day.will be NIrs. E. Stan- .atendance, presented by Keilli Rob- ;gîards and color bearers of cad i lyJn if fteMtoitms sioiiary to I udia and hiersel i oe o erts, area camp> chairniani, to C É. trop, carryingthie .\miericainaîd telain isoare fP oft Piper, chairman of the I)eeriel e troop flags, advanced., to the ccii- tim iIda.ad rsJ.M district. The .second fa,%ard-la Red ter of thie floor. .Rdhaé,o hcgrpeetn Cross banner for the sw i iumiing pro- TRî,oea ule h ro) oe missof ica eld.en grain conducted at Cainp la-Nia-Jla- advanced to the t 'adale r. jtehoemis Wan-was presenlted 4v eoelec preseîîtiîîgthie awards ini be- Â~ oeevrwl seka h Sclichlenipflug, Red Cross* rep)resentt- 1iali of Presideîa RZoose%-clt ticd th, norning session beginîiiing at 10:30. ative, to Feunton Hopkins, and Franik streanier on thelic p f *g siff.[rs. Jones will speak at 1:30. During \Vicunan Jr, diecto an assstan ~ sta. * jtlh afternooîî there will also be "A director, respectivelv, for the Ma- jPgaî f aioî. h vnp Kýa-ja-Wan wvaterfront. More than 2,000 View * session at 7:30 wilI be especially fori business and professional wonien andi Court of FIigh Awa rds for studeîîîs. Mrs. Jolies will speak. Pavey, MePherson Get More tlîamî tvo tlousaîîd UyAIl three meetings are under thei Rank of Quartermaster Sco :t")bs' Sea Sconkt,parents~ auspices of the Woma's D:partment The Quarterrnaster rank, wvich teîîded thie atnmal meceting anîd court lis n aieed by lScou s tulîan- thre 1[of high awards. lieldU in New Tricr Congregation Will ,Hear'ý' hundred Se Scouts trougboIt l igb schooI -l yniastiînu Saturdav hr fLcueSre nation,> was; presented at tlhe court of li eieiiiig, F7ebrtary.10. T ido etr er high awards to William Pavce-, Sh li> Boys lit atten (lance iiîîberedl ai>-, The third- of a series flctîeo 26 Wnntk, n Lu cPeron1 proxinîiateîy 1,400. Thiis is t le Iarg- the general ~ujc of. the contribu- Se Sou Ptrl 6,Lae orst b etiîîdoor mteeting of scoîîtiiîg ever tions of the ancient world to presentt Walter H. Willianms, conmmiodore of 1 lin tihc North Shor.e rea c»01.11-1 day life will he given by Rabbi Char- thie Sea Scout division of the Nortli1cil. Elsewliere on ibis page areIlistud les E. Shuian at North Shiore Con-a Shor Ara cunci. * . *awards îîîade at ibis cou~rt. gregation Israel temple in Glencoe - ~.*Sulav iirnii Flrl;n v 10 ..f il *William *Moody, Troop 5,; XVi, Mîette, and Jack Coyîîe, Troop 11, Wilinete, were amoîîg the seven boys who received the Life Scout award at the court of high awards at New Trier High school Saturday night. Althoughi a iiewvcotner into the swinm- iining rariks. the Turner aggregat ion lias afllas5C( an array of talent thiat promi- ises to aiford tie north shore grotip a rather anxiouis evening, both ini the iTeins and %\onîietns evýents. The sciiedule for the evening iîîcludes sprint' races, backstrokeanid hreast- strc)kt. events. relays and fancy dliv iîg. A: full prugrani of races and,(ivinig lias licetiarrange(l hetweeîi Oie Woiii- en is teains of botuiiistittiiins.wicli slîond 1 h hgilîlglit -of initere:t and keen coipetitio>Iifor the. cvcinlg. Ini ie nicn's &eveîts Sliawniee. %vill hew rel)resentc(l hy Stan lPost, Bud L.ange, 13anltr. 'oul, Bol) Wa>lker, Bob Ker- ber, be I . îîcl. EBil l .vntclh, Ioy .1vs, Dunî Oelericlh, and JohiI)owdlc. ln thiéwo,îîcî's.events Shawnec wi~ll lireselit Claudia Eckert. Ilieleti Steele, Mlarion 1ledIrick, Jean) Sollitt, Jaie, Kitigi; e. 1al ie liurpec, Iugns Fais,. aiid l>ollv Nraithiefer. Fri sucli a list of iiii[)snîg: talent- iividual. chatupiotîs, fo rmîer cliain-: pions, aii"d tcani chamipionus of ail divi- sionis 4f iadtiatic sport-a trtnly grea7t exhibitimi m:ay \weII he cxpectud. Th'le public. is ilivited to -,Iar»t ,ibis prograin, of su îîîîîniig. North Weýstern Plans te Air Condition Equipment Club, diiîing and ob.serv-ation cars on nMost of the crack trains of the Chicago and( Northî Western railwvay will be air coiîditioiîed for service this stiminer, asserted R. Thomnson, passenger traffié manager, iin outlining -the prograni. l'le niew equi:pmelit will be in use oin three of the tlîrouglb Pacifie Coast trains, the Overlaîîd liniitéd, the Los Angeles 1,inîiited anîdthie Portland Rose, and on other imnportant,,iîîtercity- trains. "In iînost ca§sstbie'air conditioning wPil he conifined.to,,club,'observation and. diiîing cars; but sorne sleeping car equil)iient wiIl be conditioned,"' Mr. Thomson stated. "This is another 'step in our drive to get passeuigers back on thé rails, a drive whbich started withi a general reduction in fares andl the élimination of surcharge. So far the results have ceivd th Eaae.uankthéhighsî . VtJin, nîas îj'.r îor rKenuiwortn, are leaving Mouday, for celed he agl rak, he ighst.Princeton after spending bis mnid- Miam*i Beach, Fia. giveîî Boy Scouts, at, the court of S'eniester vacation witb i aens _o bighi awards: 4Gerald Spinner and Bill- Mrs. Edgar *A. Stevens, 330 Ab- Jeuikins, Troop 4; Edwin Colegrove,. Leaffa Raîîdall, 500 Fifth street, botsford road, Kenilwvorth, is enter-- Troop 10;, Williami Beebe, Troop 5, entertaiîîed at a Valentine Party taining ber duplicate bridge club to- aîd Johin Weese, Jr., Troop 13. Saturday. day hrsday.) r. ý

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