FRE.E Have yutrie d the re marka bic facilitieès o>'-the North-,Shore Shool of Pysical Development? A NEW and GOMPLETE COURSE ini physicel develop- ment for one yemr for only $5 PER MONTHI You. jet a plannd course, ges, swimming, exorcise, Iocker, ahower and laundry accommodations. Ali for about 50c a viskit Whereceau Vou provide for lasting heelth at So littie cot? So that vou mAy try theme excellent faciltiez son college in Iowa, a sccession of engagements followed which eflisted bher services in, both public schiool and univers.ity work. She hbas served with, distinction :on the faculties, of seveiral of Chicago'simotn con- servatories. The, beauty of her voice,: the. high. Standard' of ber 'musicianiship and, quite as desirable, the possession of, a gracius and charming, pers.onalit have, led; to a great numberi of ap- pearances on thé concert stage, ivith, symiphony orchestras and in churcht work. In. voice steaching, ber sym- pathet.ic understanding of the prob-, lems involved and their solutions, haire enabled her to send out from her studios, -many students9 thoroughly equipped to meet the demands of their chosen profession. *Heenry FoWer, 1404, Forest ave- nue, Wilmettc,, whe was rc-elccteid presideit -of the North Shore Area. coincl, Boy Scoutils of! .4rerica, at âat11 u.*iay nifilit tlt Iiie~ VC~'IT DANCE AT CONSULAR BALL H-ighscoo naiu. Miss Marian Keeney and Douglas- MacMillan of W\innietka danced two Athihelrs ndusculg. selections, a Spaish mnber and a A hs h ags norsot tango, at dt foreign consular bal meeting ever hield ini the couincil, moôre. evening, February:-'Oat than two tbotusatnd persons also ap- the Belden-Stratford hotel. Iplauded when Mr. Fowler was pré- s eiied wIthI the Silver Beaver award __________for distinguishied service to boyhiood iiii ~ tliîs comncil. Robert Townley, scout- nlaster of Kenilworth T'Iroop 13, with K ~a active nicml>ership of more thian sev eiity boys, was the other recipient of the Silver Becaver aurard. Troop 13 is <'7 the largest in thie North Shore Area NORTH SHIORE SCHO OL of Physical Development 1700 Cexitral Street Iimorika 41 8 Evailston $rela 700 RADIO SERVICE AND PIANO TUNING' AND'RA'El1 I803 DEM PSTER ST.I EVANsTON Univ. 8640 In addition to Mr. Fowler, the offi- cers chosen to serve the, North Shore Area council during 1934 are : treas- urer, Allami I. \olff of Highland Park, finance chairman, Sherman L. Aldrichl of WVimnetka,; vice&presidents : T. A. Connors of Lake Forest , C E. Piper of Deerfield, Robert Bowén Br~own orf Winnetka, Kenneth L. Fox of Glen- coe, anid Richard Appleyard of Glen- PUlL K. BRAUIN CAUL L. BRAUN »OUT. Y. »OEPKL "'For Fuelt Oit'> t 20 T ANJ%' TRuCKIS TO SERVE oY 0l KILDARE 3M.DAVIS '7870,- WILMETTÉ -WINNETKA 3020 - HIGHLAND PARK 3MS and Mrs. Augustus Hollands, Robsàrt road, Kenilworth, en- ined twelve.guests at tea Sunday.