For trne to the AÂ'%W iLA 8 ignscoo teams las.t Friday at the New Trier natatorluni. The scores of 49 ta 10 in the senior division and 42 ta l H in ýthé junior section of th e meet> were as -decisive as those by which New Trier whipped theMaywood .boys in their homne pool two weeks earlier., 1One meet rem ains on New Trier's schedule before ,the Suburban le ague. inter.scholastic at Oak Park.. Friday' of this week 'the' Newv Trièr teams go -ta Highland Park for a return: match. with Deerfield-Shields..' They are anticipating noô, fiut with the -Lake county boys, whomn they defeâted decisively in bath the senior and junior divisions, last month. Victory in the Deerfield- Shields en- counter Witt mean another Suburban league, championship for the. New Trier juniors, wvho ar e undeféated. Momopoize New Trier took every first place P and. every second place, vvith onie ex- ception, last week iii the senior sec- lion of the Proviso meet. The anc exception was 'the first place won by Goldstein of Praviso in the 100-yard breast stroke. His 'time was 1 min- nie 23.2 seconds. Silverman of New Trier took second in this event. New Trier also won bath the 160-yard relay and the medleyl relay, with WVatt. Patton, Paulson and Conirad swimniinzr 'on the 160-yard teani and prdcc.- sc OiietIn U Ana . * AflA. ** mates Wilson and Galloway, eacb placed third ini the back stroke and diving events respectively. Bath the 40-yard and 60-yard free style events went to New Trier, Ver- hoven winning the 40-yard. swimn in. 22 seconds and !Harvey the 60-yard swim in 34.4 seconds.I Second places in these events also were won by New Trier, Streeter finishing second over. the 40-yard'- course and Hoffman in, the. 60.-yard race. Mack and, Zinner won first and- ;second places espectively ýfor New Trier in the 40-yard breast stroke.. Mack's time was 30.3 seconds. exhibition. Th be devoted tc pitals. Therei KABK hos- .heon, Creathe Activitis-Scintific Metioda WNorth Shore parents are taking adva.ntage of thla institution of. national recogni- lion-an f ntegral part of the, culture of this, section. You start your boy or girl on the right track when you enroli them ln the. Nursery Schooi, the Kindergarten, or the Elementary Grades of the, Children's Sehool. fHere you will find exceptIonai equi pment and zthe, application of practieal Yet gclentlfic ohild study that makces, for rlght adjuutments and rapid advaxneent. Efficient teacbems give Individual attention where needed. qconstantinmedical superviiion lnsures . aopnd healthi. Automobile service to and trom àchool. Warm noon lunch If desiréd. BeginnIng classes ln Kindergarten and First Grade now, starting. Visit the, school,' write or telephonie for catalôg., Greenleat 0221 THE CHILDRBN'S. SCHOOIL Rogera Park.1867 National Cellege et Edacati<on I i The Dy7New DEI4 LTVILLEI A merica's Beautiffut $2,OOO,0OO Resort at MUIAM 00FLORIDA ond in the 10-yard free style event. Cunningham swam the distance in 1 minute 1 :5 seconds. Pile Up Points First place in the 40-yard . f ree style- went ta Conrad of New Triýer, whose tinie was 20.2 seconds. His teani-nate, Paulsan, placed second. Pausan. also took first i., diving,. and. Barnard was second. In the 100-yard back stroke the two' New Trier boys who placed first and second respecteively were Beebe and l eaving thle frst oai next week on a visit ta >New York. 0o George .Kingsley, 529 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, is returning the end of r this week from a business trip ta' Dallas and San Antonio, Texas, and *Wichita, Kas.' AND CABANAS MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 1