Social Atrrospliere to Joyous "CÇaieties" Between-act.diversioni social at' the, "Gaieties" opemi- ing tonight ,at the- Woman 's club as a benefit, for, the build- ing fund of the Wornan's Club of Wilmette.A chat: with friends will be possible while refreshment s are served in the Green room. This is aý feature 'Nhich has gained considerable, popularity at the club theatri- cals ithe past. On Thursday evening, Mrs. A. E. Klunder, president, and Mrs.: C. L. 'Darling, chairmhan of, the ways and me ans commnittee, will. pour. Fridav evening,' Mrs. David Davis. vice- president, and Mrs.: HarveV Bush. past president, wil serve at-the re- freshment table and on the last eve- ning, Mrs. Arthur J. Dixon. ticket chairman, assisted by Mrs. Evan J. M1cllraith, chairman of the play cona- mittee, will preside. * miss Dorcas Tuttle fias charge of the Green Room party and Mrs. Elizabeth 'Muehlberg is chairman *of the ushers who are reicruited fromn the ranks of the attractive junior group, Foshion Show andJ Bridge for Wranglers' Auxiliary *ý A, fashion show andi dessert bridge ivili be given by the WVoman's auxili.. ary of the Wrangler fraternity WVed- nesday, February 28, at 1 :30 o'clock, at thehome of Mrs. A. R. Pet'erson~ 227:Raleigh road, Kenilworth.. GOWIIS and hats aré.-to be.shown and a'sprinug bat- is ta be, a prize. Mrs. Gene Flack is chairman af the followimg social coimittee in charge: 'Mrs. 1. eA. Smothers, Mrs. Neil Skinner. Mrs. Myron Gates, Mrs. Preston N\eýir, al of Evanston. Mrs. A.' R. Petersn ocf Events class led by Mrs. Ward and sponsored by th bors of Kenilworth, will me homie of Mrs. Armand H. 240 Raleigh road, Kenihm 10:30 o'clock on Tue sday, 1 Current .Florence ýhe Neigh- ýeet at the . Peycke, worth, at February Miss Edith B3tllen 'of Evanston- is guest of honor at numerous events prior to ber marriage ta Samuel George Creden of Evanston. Saturday after- moon,, February 24, ini the apgrtment of hber father, John. H-erbert Bullen. Mrs. John Walter Mutler of Winnetka is, giving.the bridai dinner on WXednes- day, evening, February 2L. as she is sailing for, a cruise 'of the West Indies the nigbt of the %wedding., On Febiruary 22, Mr. and M rs. Les- lie M.. Parker of. the H1omestead .wiII entèrtain at dinner, .and the following evening Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Iair%1 of Winnetka, are ta be host .and hostess at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Delwyn 1%rthingktoln and Mr. and Mrs. Jay I-unter -of Ev- anstoai entertained at diiiner *X\Yednileý-' day, at the Palmnerflouse ini honor of Miss Bullen and Mr. Creden. Circle Meeting The East circle of St. uîmrs lpiscopal churc.h is. meeting at tlhe home af Mrs. Perry L. Smithlers, 711 Lake> avenue,' Fridav, - Febrilary 23, for an all-dav session. Theic assisting hostess wil he Mrs. Dusdlev Lester. Holds ( don. road,. Kenilworth. 'The is assisted by Mrs. J. Clark Mrs. Lester W. Elias, and Mt Mcllraith. Mrs. Dwight L. is in charge of the tickets. Fi'orence McCoy to Wear Mother 's Wedding Dress Ifiss Florence McCov Of \il- nmette il erlier nother's Wedding 'dre5s when. she b e- cornes the bride of Spencer Wright Earnshai - of New~ York, forrnerlv 'of Glenc oe,ý on Fridav Teig Fehrùary 23. teceremony wil' be perfornied at W o'clock at' thé home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shrader McCoy, 730 Ashland avenue, lw the Rev. Douglas Hawley Corneil, pastor of the Glencoe Union-church. Onlv the, immediate families and close friends will, attend the service and the informai reception, that is ta Attending the bride vvilI be lier two sisters. Miss Louise M'cCoy and M'rs. Robert S. Cook of Evanston. the former Pauline McCoy. Serving Mr. Earnùshaw as best man wilI be Robert Kaudy of Wisconsin.. >This Friday evenîng Miss Jean Thackery of. Winnetka and M iss Gloria >Harringitn of G lencoe will be co-hostesses, at.a, dinner pa rts at Skokie Country club in hionor of the, bride-to-be. Others who will enter- tain soon for the bride are Mfrs. Stanlley Clague of Evanston and Nfrs'. RQbert Cook. Mrs. Stanley R. Clague of Glencoe was hlostess at a miscel- lanleous Shower on Friday evening, February 9, in Miss cCo3y's honor. ,After attending Bradford academv in the east Miss 'McCov ivent to' the University of' Wisconsin, where she was a 'Delta Gamma. Nfr. Earnshaw. Who, is thée son of Mr. and frs. George Frederick Earllshaw, Who re- sidea. for. many vears ini Glencoe, was a, member of Chi Psi. fraternity at, the Universýity of Wisconsin, where he went after' ýttending Salisbury acad-' emy. lionu is ai 12() Sixi tlsfrect, isç as- sisting 1I!,s. Iho»m/Pso» 11'akelt.1 alto of [Wilpu'fe, hinflhe sale Ofi. tickets i tleir v1illage and ini Kenilwcorft, for tfliCGh'aqo [Wl- iciey club bridge tea and' fash ion *slqow' Tusday aficrnoo,î at tlhe for thme bene fit o01fthe scholar, Sh'ip fund. Te. Dance on Sunday« St, day niglît, February 18, the Sti- burban club) of Xilrnette is giving a tea d ance at the St. Francis Xavier school halIni\Vlli iette,. at 4 o'clock . Fur t ( hs ccasionI, whi ch is open to ýanyoi e interested, withotit charge. the-Holrues- Weese orchestra is .playling. The Suburban club gave a dance at the Georgiatn hotel 'Iast Saturdav nimb. ineMeting Today )tess The Kappa Delta Mother's assoca Lpen, tion wilI meet' wîth Mrs. Walter A. 1 van Mockler of 595 Sunset- road, Winnetka, arris, on Thursday, February 15, at: Il o'clck, fora' luncheon meeting. AM Kenilworth Club A Valentine dinner dance la an- nounced 'by the Kenilworth club, for Friday evening, February 16. Mrs. Donald Roùyce and Mrs.. Willard. T. Grimm a re the -committee. Mr.- Bessie M.* Taylor is in charge'of reservations.