somne for tea, some for break- fast, others for formiai lunchi- con, for informai. luncliéon ' oi foi. dininer, vvhich %vere arravedj aloiig one sl(lC of the louinge ot I t'ticXWonian'S" C11l) laIst Fridavi afternoon. The occasion ~a the table setting ýcontet f or, imermbers of the NVomar's Catl- oli1 -club of Xltte as rep)re- sentC(l at. the nmeeting of tlic fin arts departnint. Popuilar 1)allot- ,n ave the N)ue ril)1on to Ms Charles Nornian, for lier itluh- C)n1 table, ,and the, second rnb- bons toIo Mrs. Thoinas Minitz for lier dinner table, to MINrs.I'er Schimidt for ber lunchieon table. Th1 e centerpicce sounided. the 11,31 i d(istinction on M \Irs. Normnan' table. -na merculryplate r.epoSed l nte glassfruit,. pears.anid grapeý,.\ ater- fhlled to release rainbowç hue, dw a light rav filters throighi. re gla.,s and, silver -were tlieiravs Pale turquoise linen andvîOV6r ilaîî iîna conipleXedthe range- AlI-%ýviite, its* note il!o(erne'. was thie table MNrs. 'Mintiz isplaye<l. I)aintv hand-drawn runn.ers. oft filet patteril set-Off \Vedgwoiod cia a nmatcing bowl witfi white 'Japaniese lanterns. Monograrnnmed goblets and * a4h travs with their cigarets inivitinig-' ]y placed, were further enharnced by~ a silver cigaret box %vith its bie- jewel clasp. Nlderfl,.to<1 in its suggestion N\as Nfr,. Scli.ridt,, table for two. with its cilor schenie lavender, white and1 ilr.Amethvst and white. gla-ssware tenhaiicec a cark tray ,%Itll. its 1owl of white .sjweet. peas- flanked with * molernsilver canidlesticks. holding white tapers and tied.with pert cello-! plaebovs. 'l'le four other tables ini the con- test were entered bN, Mrs. Harry ,Sir\%ii. Xfi<H. J. Naper, %\ 1a~ The other table for breakfast iwas )rlit-hued. Real fruit added to the * color of a charming old pottery howl * of soft, shades. On a plain linen cloth green, pottery dishes were placred with hob)-uail glass trnnblers and silver ash trays to lend contrast. This. table was exÉcibited 'by Mrs. 'Bettinghaus1 and Mrs. Kirwanr. Vaue ;n $JlarnonJs, Color, perfection, size an,, cutting determ'ine .the worth of a ciamond., 'Our offiiated ýorganizations, Spaulding-Gorham, Chicago, and, Black, Starr & Frost-Gorham, New York.- buy diamonds in quaintities direct from thé cutters; ac.hieving an obvious advantage in price. These large and carefully chosen, purchases of our buyers assure yQU.. when selecting a diomond from Spaulding-Gorham', Evanston, i