country,. at a Chi~cago College Club meeting Saturday noon this %veek. Miss Pullen is at the Evanston Township high schoolý this year as an exclhange teacher. At 10:30 Saturday morning the College Club Players wilI, as uisual, mneet on the Goodmian theater rehearsal stage to, leairn .f rom Mrs. Charlotte Barrows Chorpenning the art of "get- ting an actor into his part." Mrs.' Ethel M. Colson Brazeltonl III will Iead the discussion- "Do you- reallv think so; why?" at the Lîbrary, m Coffee House of the -College club,, Wý\edniesday. evening next week. lier i Mrs. Frank Titale, fine aris questions refer tûOopinion about re- chairininof therVFonait's Catholic, cent -works'of.literature. The Du Moulin trio will give the:ClPbrt ï?ilmaiies telia n ipotai last musical tea of the season at 3 :-30 patl"acisth oa' Thursday afteérnoon next %veek. Fri- C lib of Wiilettc revue to hé ic day. evening Dona. Ester. Perez de.!Febriiary 15.,1M and .17, at 8:15 King, who has delighted the club o lca u cuhuc r with her talks on Spanish politic s and' literaÎure, will give an illustrated Thale is a' local atithor of. note.. talk on "eTraveling in Spain." The February calendar of the College club will be completed with a bride~ party Saturday evening, FFebrilarv . v2,'oted P hiatrist fo at 8 oý'clock. Iyc Give Morning Lectures Three .Thursday morning .lectut on , pyco-arialysis by.,]Dr. K upening Home Today fo iningrâeofté, countr3 U. o C. ortr Bord' leading psychiatr'ists, is sponsoreil1 the Evanstoni Senior board ofthe I 'rhursday.. February 15, the. Ash fant *Welfare soci ety. The. daysa street home, of Mrs. Ewerett D.' Graif February 22, March- 8. and 22, t of Winnetka is being thrown open. to hour, 10 :30 o'clock, and the place, tI ~ - h.. home of Mrs. George B. Dryde au l ortar bDUrIUs o4 Ridgevrm of Chicago livinig on. the north shore. 1314 ig Mrs. Graif, chairman 'of the North formation niz Shore Alumnae unit, has arranged forl Mrs. Elias Lyl Mrs. E. V. -L Brown, popular dramatic wood bouleva reader, to give her now f anous inter- McNally of 10 pretation of "Ah, Wilderniess." Mainy1 f Evanston.. of the older members of the club will no doubt be reminded of the davs %vhen. Mortar Board wa ciefly -a lterarv Pa organi zation-atnd M rs. Haroldý Ickes. aT1o PnM charter member, wvas anliong theý lead- iMNrs." R. D. ing literary lights. sret s caIl*i Mrs., Ickes' recent publicatidu i Mesa 1,auid." a coniducted tour cf the Indiati country of New Mexico. is testirnony to bier continued talent for u-riting, as well as to lier ively sympathy %vithi MN. lckes' iiuteres't iin lndiaii affairs. avenue, Evanston. r es ar y' S by In-. are the the- lavenuùe, DOt .Oilar of:3l18 g a mneetinigoflier cofi- I orte nua~Mart sponisored ýhy the iWoinalns Chl) (')f Wilmiette as a bene- fit for the building fuind. This vear the three-dav event will,. take place Duchess of ~Iarn real quite. catty". 461, too, have a feline trait to confess. 1 love-to relax like a cat by the hearth. So I always take a North Wlestern. suburban trai ., ThougIar -well, ust a litte liberal on girth, the seats are roomy;,the cars are dlean. Andtherideisso )pleas. ant, 1 arn aiinost tempted to slip pastmy station!" R. TH*OMSON, Passeuger Traffic Manager CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN RY. »U EYE-PHYSICIANS and U.,HLE MANN- T HE EyePhysician and Uhe- mann wocrk together to'give thé. public the most perfect glasses science and machin- ery are able to produce. Uhlemann, kas beein making.. glasses for over twenty-five years end have not only per- fected many exclusive fea- tures but have. sèt the stand- ard of precision. wniic they iast ............. Mr. Braucli says: "In ail my 25 years' &- Co. 1 have never seen these coil spi prings offered at se Iow a pricel Sirnce 1907 ... Optièjans for Bye-Ph ysicians Chac.go, Evansi.on, Oak Park, Dtoii, Toledo, Madison. Appeton. BRA±vUCH'S SUVi 1: p:HI s