luie -o .- JC-bof-Wi ete. chaïrman of thie the ornai's lub f Wii- ande. sews for children. Thérc Soft blue carpeting on the floorad ty guests present durinj along the aisles doNvni which the manne-no nd rsA.EW quins strolled, extended up the stairs was over. and onto the stage to blend its. color with, that of the large screen which gave accent to the attractive stage- r ooni with its modern furniture and it trio playing style showv music Frorn the stage the models descend- ed, to saunter along. for adi.riing ey es to see the newv styles for sp)ringÉ.. Mem- bers of the auxiliary 'wore the, lx- uirious furs, the 'shoes and(l bats. the dr.esses for street, and afternoOn and eeig.the ensemfbles both for dlay- time and eàening. beach, garh. and lin- gerie, each worn with appropriate shoes and slippers and sandals. Attractive the outfits were. verv feni- ininée yet simpler in i ne andi design than ini some, of the ütiiet years and verv wearable. The excellent n1ake- up of the models and -,he beconingness of :the fashions each vore. tîi:,dc the .: fashion. show attractive. The revue and gaie- of b)ridgcenecd. coffee. and heart-shaped cakes wMitlî red candies and~ red and white inints indi- cating the Valentine season. were served. Dainty tallies were spring-i Aïlke in their côloriig.' Miss Dorothy HIall, president of the Junior auxiliar. wearing whbite, gar-1 denias. as did ýeach meniber of. the conimittee, acknowledged the gifts and *~ court esies e.xtenided the ýjuniiors for their charity bridge and introduced thiose i, charge of the Very' successful cvent. \Mrs. lohu A. Yolnng. andl Miss Mlariaui Cook. North Evansion Club Sponsors "Pinafore" The Lake Shore Neighborhood club.j of the extreme north-end section. of EvanIstonh, is sponsoring two IperfornI- a nces of Gilbert. and Sullivan's. Pinaore"the evenings of Februarv% 22 anid 23, at -the Orrinigton school. The performance,, e.ntirely amateur, lias its personnel almost. entirely procuired from among those within the confines of the club district. It lias a double. cast of about fourteen menibèrs, a chorus of approximately thirty-eight, and an orchestra of about eighteeni pieces. YOU, t ?Vaîvt fluai luncheon and e of the Chicago Pine day of this week at tI Ietic club. Miss Janc worth is chairman1 Kenilwortb àlumnae-. ian's Ath- of Kenil- -nette and 1IEMNSMBUEII )eIepkrne ot>e wowmv'e