lem u85uay e7 n .Vuary 150'.Berkeley Square" and Little Sunday, ýFebruary 18, will be a . Oflln." great day for nor th shore movie Pa- Really that's ail one needs to say trons. 'Tis then that the Valencia in telling the north shore that the theater puts into operation its new Wilmetté theater is devoting a week Western Rlectric wide range sound to the finest in entertainment. system-"l'irst on, the- north: shore." "Berkeley Square" will be shovin Here's the "why'and wherefore, of Friday and Saturday, Februpary 16 the joyous Jumping1 inio the air and and, 17. the smart- clicking of heels by thej "Lýittie Women" will start, Sunday., patron.who gets an earful of'the new Fbrr. 18, for an extended tirne s-Ysteff: "Wide RangÉe gives a naturai shoiUng. reproduction, of humaixvies d- Se. "Sqam." (rom StartI1 vidual] musical instrum ents aid talk- Oradietptonwhwi t ing picture sounds free- from distor- get the most*oenjoyment from the tion wih aswepingeffct f ~ol-picture, "Berkeley Square," is to seé unie and with a clear quality equal9i t fo h einig hsi m nroîg verhadintlig itrsPortant because certain explaniatiotîs, priulm.Exclmade iScd th nthe first reel, are essential to Fil Exellnt or oum th nîst horough appreciation of the, TIhe film Sunday, february 18 (andfim -Mondav, too) :will -be"1otgh ereeSqaeisssutvdn Pema r,"gvithe ne soun 5Slas "Smilin'* Through"; Leslie% HoiNv- teman asra wro tacatowitaIl ard is throwt back .among Lisl8th the Iilting .tunes andstacatuta dancing, the latter provided. by the Cenur ancestors. Heatheir Angel' agile and sure-footed lames Cagxiey. pîays theledgfeiiereo- ~Scores of beautiful girls in gorgeous poie Hwàrd ini this beautifuil love( settings (including that. great wvater story. scelle> are ofliy a few of the nîany uLittle Women" Masterpiece, inducernents to see this film. Elaboiate settings, amazinglvý au-, Friday, February 16, the Valencia thentic ýcostumes and a true reprodtuc- offers 'avana- Widows" for those tion of the original story. character'- wlio crave plenty of laughs. This fine ize RKO-Radio's drarnatization of comied v fea tures Joan Blondeli, Glen- L.Puisa M. Alcott's classic, "Littl e da Farrell, Guy Kibbee, Frank Mc- Women," starring glamoro'us Kath-, Hugh and Allen Jetnkins. armne Hepburn .and featuring a niot- Skeets Gallagher and Lois Wilson, al at two popular stars, will 'he seen "I Without the conventional drainatic the Mýoney" Saturday, Februarv 17. license, the production is Louisa M. 14rW , 4a. Ir Alcott's story "in the flesh." the saine JOAN CRAWFORD - CLARK GABLE en . "DANCING LAD»Y"ý FRIDAY, FER. l16th-ONE DAY ONLy nesclay, îebruary 20 and 21, with Charles Laughton superb- in the raie of tlhe royal Bluebeard. Many will rate "The, Prizefighter anîd the Lady," featuring Max Baer at the Valencia Thursday and Friclay, erary 22an , as the best prize- fight picture theyve- seen. The great cast* includes Walter Huston, Myrna LON-, Otto Kruger, jack Demipsey- and Primo Camnera. dies. F0e the locales described hy the auhr have been 'studiously re- produced, including the famous olId Alcott homne in Concord., Mass. As in the original story, Jô's doubiv romance, first with Laurie, the -rici- boy- îext door,' and later withl the lovable Fritz, Bhaer, provides the main plot, while the romfances of MNeg and Amny and the sweèt Mie ai]d tragic death of 1ittle Beth, the kindly deeds of the mothér, Marmee, the kind heart of gruff old Mr. Lauren-.. fui, TWO SERIALS THILL Two serials providing Saturday matinee thrills for north shore young-. sters are ">.arzan the Pearleýss" and "The Wolf Dog.1" 't -77- Mum-MMUMM.»