Katharine Hepburn is saiid to haie her most appealing. role, as "Jo" in "Little Wornen,", screent veso f the Lousisa Mfay /llcoit toveZ, which the Wilinette theater will present for an -exteàded trne ,çhowingi, startisng Sunday, Frbru- ary 18. Varsity Sckedules "Rio" Music ThriII A. musical %vith a punch and plenty of clever, plotography2-thiat's "FI%- ing Down to Rio," feature attraction at the Varsitv theater Friday, Satur- day and Sunday,, February 16-18, Dolores Del Rio, Gene Ra-ynxond, Paul Roulien, Fred Astaire and Gi117 ger Rogers are featured in this,nmusi- cal. extravaganza offering such. tunes as NMusic Makes Nie'" Orchids 1h The whiole fainil y. wiIl enjoy M'il] Rogers' hiumor in his new play, "Mr. Skitch;" slated for presentation at the Varsity Monday and'Tuesday, Febru- ary 19 and 20. At the start of the picture. the Skitch family (Will Rog- ersand ZaSu Pitts) find themselves, disposs"essed, so they start ou for. California the old family rattler. Things start looking up when daugh- ter Rochelýle Hudson meets a wealthv Movie realism reached ariotiier high note when the Fox Film studio sowed two acres of grass seed for a park set to. bc used in "Berkeley Square." "PIED PIPER" LINGERS "The Pied Piper," cartoon in color, proved so delightful to patrons of a local theater that it has. decided-to holà over this short. fcature .two days this week, VRSITYî EVANSTON-PRON E 1JNL f Opeu D.ily at 1: 30 p. in. Shows. COntinuous to 12 Midaight Thur*., Feh. 15 I(ey FtaM inl "1The House on Ç6th Street" With Ricardo Cortez Gene Raymond Fri., Sat., Sun., FeL. 16-17-18 'FLYING DOWN TO RIOP atur KIDS! A nkothm, ThriIIizài Chapterof 'Tarzan-the Fearless" Showm Saturday Mainuee Only. Don't Mise It I LESLIE HOWARD -le '4DERKELEY S4QUARE"P HeId ver-'IED PPER"Cartoon in Co r STA, veRTIOSD ATPE , 4VE lR.1 FOR AN EXTENDED. SHOWING SPECIAI. MATINEE THU SDAY-WASHINGTON'S- BU RTHDAY. FES. 22 TEY LEAP FROM TUE The. world's mome b. i the. picure Amerien bas waited tén equn. Ltm of a cmwayto es !Katharine HEP.BURN LOU SA MAY ALCOTTI LITTLE ruary 10 and 1/, is moreuman a sa vehicle. Through the eyes of thç doctor one sees the joys and sorrows. ofan eut ire New England commun- ity. Dr. Bull has. time for everything -even for' courting a widôw.1 But first, ithas to solve' thé romantic VIL1L OPEN "LADY KIL "*ROMAN ... . . . . . . . ... . . . . . .Joan Crawfd EAVEN'I .....1ý........................ Jool Mcci ................Nool Coward's Opera ... . . . . . . .... . . . . . .James C.gi AL. .............. ........... . Eddie Casi