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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Feb 1934, p. 44

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line. wheii Deadine for Insertions WILMETTE LIFE or al three IWINNETKA TALK and ,Thursc Telephones: Wilmette 4300, Wliet Greenleaf 4306 or Sheidrake 5687. LOST gAND FOUND LOST-LADY'S 13LACK PURSE, TUEýQ day night. Vicinity of 527 Washing ton Avenue.ý Phone Wllmette M28. 3LTN41-It LOST -WIRE-HAIRE D MALE, . inonths old, brown. face, 2 black spot on back. Answers to name "Skîppei,. Reward. Wilmette 307. 3LTN41It ANiQuEs, WILL SACRIFICE FOR CASH BEAU tiful hig'h post cherry bed wjth hoi springs, also early victorian sofa.,uphol In blueJ velvet, rose carving. A largt slant top nah. desk ln beautiful dutcl niarquetry inlay, *t least 150 years old Lindwall. 808 Oak Street, Winnetka. 7LTN4I -1tr BEAUTY TREATMENT AT ONI"'S HOME,. FINGER ZWAVEý, mnarcel, shampoo, hair cut, facial, -scalp and eyebrow arch. .Mrs. Deani Grad. Chi. Hairdressing Acaderny. Ph. Wilinette 4860. 13LTN41-1lt BUILDING AND CONTRACTI14G MODERNIZ E YOUR HOME! LET'US MODERNIZE YOUR HOME! Basement recreation roorna, additions,' attic inodernization, home repalrlng in all branches. No job too small. Beason- able 10w prices. We have bullt more tbm.n 100 homes on the north shârë and know our business!I F. H. GAr'HERCOAL 1511 Highland Ave. Wilmette, nI. Phone Wilmette 225 15LTN31-tfp BUJSINESS SERVICE MelK:IBBAN - CARPIENTER, H-OUSE, repairsi,- painting, cement-pi.asterer patchlng. screens, porches, cabinet work, plans, estimates. Wilmette 2634-1 16LTN41-4tp> ATTENTION UPHOLSTER.ING EN YOUR HOME: Ivertisements run ln ail three papers AL MAES ONIPETENT COLORED GCIRL EX- ON ~ ~ ~ e DOLALLve g oAfvewod TTJNED, RECONDI- perienced ln eooking and housework OE DLA.Aeaeo iewrs tloned and repalred. Ph. Wilmette 2744. dsrsgo lc.PoeUiost sed. 9% diseount on ail cash advertise- miresN1-tplace.02one Unirsi-ty asut 122onral adve.timettr561urEXPERT PIANO TU.NING $3. REPAIR GENERL J.HOUSEWORK BY ï scout S al avetismens rn fur work guaranteedl 22 years Chickering, or week. Or cook and serve lunch- Boston. H. C. Thomas, 517 Fairvlew. Classfi.ied advertisements will be ac- Park Ridge 61)9-R. 45LTN41-4tlp cons and dinners. Experlenced cook c-epted ______________________p.__M._forwith forth shorereferençes.. Winnetka ýe papers; Wednesday q p. M. for 2548. LT4-t lay, 5 P. M. fr EW -SEWING MACHINE REPARRING frGLENCoE -ES EXPERIENCED> GRADUATE NURSE 2000(WIneta 50 afer P.M.', SE VIN MA HIN S bwill care for invalids, younig children, y tehour. RaoaliPhone iVil- .1AND VACUUM ý CLEANERS, ALI4 nlette3851., 68LTN40-2tp kinds repaired.* Establlshed more than QUIET YOUNG WOMNWL I) CLOCIK REPAIRING fifty years ago. Now located at 1008 a day'sý latindry or get dinners r<,i* Oakwood Avenue, Wilmette. L. E. Blunt. onj n ath. Prfr asement or Sý" CLOCI< EXPERT, CHMB, HALL, AN- Tél. WilMette 754 or 4368., over garage. Uni. 9596,. 68LTýN4I-Jtje 9- tiqe ok repairing. Learned 'trade 53Lr'N29-tfc X.WMN OO 0K IIE ln Europe. (ForÎnerly with Tiffanyand pr iewr rsed oiin t c Fild's.) WiII caîl., Free estimate. David TRAVEL-pane Wilmette 4552.r 6stea N41Posto. j oason hn Dvre 20LT16 t SINGLE YONG MAN, 28 YRS. OLD, COLRED GIRL WANTS GENîEIzrAL wihsto be traveling companlon, hsewk. Part, time or haîf days h __________________________escort, expert driver. WiIl go anywhee. Wilmette 911-J. 68L'1ýN41-ltp DRESSMAKING Write -B1-157,1 Box 40, Wilmette, -Ill., or DRESSMAKINGphone Franklin Park,13-W. 6T4-t SITUATION WANTED-MALE DESG~ANDMAE DESES7 years' experience.large chain dep't ,x IADSIGdresesmae DfRSlE WEAR-ING. APPAREL store.. Can take care of any: dep't. Remiodellng. Boas. Ph. Wilmette 25. BLACKC PONY' COAT, SIZE 14, IN Tl idwec g 8 rt 22LTN381..p go cniin13ugow.~9 -156. Box 40, Wllrnette, Ill.. nt, Phone, . GOWX OTA1SN DRSES SIS Winnetka 1457. 9L4,..îY Franklin Park 13-W. 69LTN41-ltp GOWNS COAASD DRASES S:______________WANTED-A POSýITION FOR 1y MADE T ORDER 1 BUSINESS QPPQRTUmITIza. colored housernon. Excellent cook, Phloe Wnnetka 1687 REA,%L CSTATE ýîAýLSWOqA.N IN good Yard man, also careful driver, for- ___________________________mer Chef on Peflnsylvania R. R. Pýhone 22L41-ltp North Shore office. Must be t!xp)el,- Gleno144.641lp $8 * ~~enced and farniliair with North Shore flo 4469 1-p $8 ~territory. Replies confidential. Writ,. PAINTING AND DECORATINO;.> AN Y WILL MAKE ANY SPRING FROCK. 1-167, Box 40, Wiljrnette, 11i.* kind of' cleaning around the ou~ We ls dotaIoingan rxnoelng61 LTN41 -lte- Phonie Wilmqette .2088. A.sk for Sid or l'E. iof alildescriptions. Phone Winnetka. 147. *6LN1î 22LTN40-4tp 'LOANS 7NO[JLtTD LIKE TO PLACE NT LOANS ON AUTfOMOBILES liable chiuftet-r, houseman, excellenIt INTRCTONContidential service, legal rates, drivrerwillIing worker, goo(î yrllamon. INSTRUCION - Phonie*Kenilwvorth 4781. 9LN 4 -1t' B EAN EEPIAESHO, MOTOR LOAN CO. -____________ MarellsMich. Boys-girls, 3-15. Eight State Bank Bldg., Evanston Gre. 3200 SIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMAL, grammar grades, accredited. Registra- 65LTN36-tft, KENILWVORTH WflLFARE COMMNIT- tions any time. $25 a. month. tee can furnlsh unemPloyed mnen and 30LTN39-4tp sITrUATIQN WANTrED-FEMAL women for housework,Otid rk MASSAGEalso skilled labor of certain kinds. plete scientifié massa e. Ultra rnun and IN 1933 THIS$ OFFICE oEEVl f Employment Cornmittee,. Kenilivorth Infra-Red lamps. Special 4 treatrnents over 3,000 cllIs- for domestic hiell. ?820. . 70LTN32-tfp for $5. 627 Gros-e St. Gre. 1642. Honesty to both ernployees andi-)IH IA 38LT41-lPployer Plus truthful iad\ertising bulît GRA)E DOMETC HEP our business. aalbefor any Position, inyoiur1 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SEe US FOR YOUR NEXT PSTO home. Referýences investigated' -rio- c-harge' to employer. Prompt, effleient FOR SýA'L-KIMB.ALL -i'R-IGHT PI- Pauline's Emrp. Agency sèrv'ice. Call or write. ano. Good condition. Rea-sonable. 421. Fourth S t. Wilme tte, 21,71 C-h-AYAPC * cý asigo Phone,Glencoe 454. 40L41-1ti) THE ORIGINAL PAULINE'S AGENýCY iagi * CW. ta ,iî>gtnTî M1Y BEAUTIFUL 8 MO. ýOLD BAB 68LTN41-tfc '7LTN41tî grand piano for sale for cash or smali EXP, GIRÎL; WANTS DAY WO RK. $3.00 A REF'INED FIEN CLO D monthly- paymnents to reliable pur- ý a.Cr 0 hlrnsrig couple désirée pos;mncafer chaser. I will pay movlng express. 'etc. Best, referene&s. Phone Wilmette butler, and ail 'round; wmngo Gurated anbetrnsered.' J. E. 5382. 68LTN1 -lt c('0k, fond of ebjîdren. WiII work sepa- Ward, 6509 W. Mozart Ave., Chicago. rtEXPoe ora00250KL1-t Rogers Park 4965. 4LTN41-Itp *P. CO WANTS COOKING Nrt.Pon o1l825 04-t _ NJRPNGprivate family, or as housekeeper by HELP umLjr-um A NRO people employed. Will also do general WANTED A.. NURS,_2YEAR' HSPIÂL T~Af4I-work in aduit family. Glencoe 585, Fri. flU Ave., phione 16L ,ater urs- lette 1405 A\RD W. R & PPE L -1 Reinhart's Empi. Agency. 241 748. Em st. Wlnnetka 3399, I.4tp 68LTN25-tfc 7lLTN41-lte GENERAL AID, FAILY 0F 3. No Iaundry. $1'5. Pauline's Emip. Agency. Wilmette 2171-2172. C00K AND SEC~OND> MAID FOR fam"Y of 3 aduits. No laundry, A-1 rMt. req, $15 week each. Paulînes mp;ý Agency. Wllmette 21721 2. 7 LT41.lte 1 > , týl

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