ANN MORJELAND 1663 Vernon Ave. Glencee'105 ____________________I1ILTN4I-ltc 3 ACRE ESTATE: 13 ROOMS, BEAUTIFUL GROUND)S, 6 Master bedroonis, 1.) niaid's rooms, 4' beaUtifui, tue, baths, Il- braryi 2 motor stalis, oil heatý, well constructed,' pric ed to .4elI. Mr. Rlnk. BAIRD & WARNER, hic. 523 PARK DRIVE, KENIL.WORTH Kenilworth 5566 Kenilworth 47S5i Oie * $27,500 Attractive eIder home, v- leoking lake. 4 bedrnis., 2 baths, slpg. porch. Exi lav. on Ist, floor. Large wooded lot. GRACE E. -GRANT ngables «Glencoe 844 111LT1N41 -Ite MODERN BRICK HOME ON %- ACRE ground ln Indian HtII Country club section. 6 bedroems 3 baths, and s9un rooms. Sacrifice price of $32,500;* HILL .& STONE 543. Lincoln, Winnetka 1544 111LTN41-ltte IIUBBARD WOODS COLONIAL Six room clapboard Colonial in ex. cellent section of Hubbard Woodis, orooms and 1 bath, ohl heat, garage-. * Véry fine condition. Owner has author- -Ized special price $10,500 An ecp tional oppertunity. SMITH & GOSS, hIc. .,725 Elm Street Winnetka 1500 111ILTNM4I-1 to MODERN WELL-ARRAN(OED 7-1111. Colonial; extra la.vatory on.l$t; oil burner; garage; near publie-an~d- -pa- ro>chrial schoolfi and transp. Write B-168, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. 111LTN41-ltc Wilm.tto's Only Fireproof Storago Warehoumo Offers. ýSecurity, Efficiency Responsibifity With Itis3 Moving, Pocking, $50,000, now less than $30,000. Southwest Olenco)e FRENCH TYPE HOME 7 YEARS OLD. Contains 8 rooms, 3 baths,' sunporch; H. W. oil heat; 2-cai- garage. Reduced te $17,000. MCGUIRE & ORR Opp. Kenilworth Station Ph. Ken. 228 316 Park Ave. Glencoe Ph. Glen. 131 _________ ________ XlLTN41-1te ASKING $15,00 WANT OFFER ON 4 bdr'm., ? bath, homne.,EKxcellent Win. ctin.C lose to transp. scis. and lake. Phone. Winnetka'1800. l1lLTN41-1 te COLONIAL BA RGAIN MODERN 8-ROOM BRICK. COLONIAL homne-un East aide. 6 bdrnis. 2 baths. 011 heat, attached garage. Nrr.. school and transp. Real Buy at. $18,000-' NORTU WESTERN REALTY & BUILDING CO. 528 Davis St., Evanston Uni. 9500: 111LTN41-ltc Glencoe Fine Homes, NEARàpLY NEW RED !BRICK COLO-' .nial. 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, libramy. 2 perches, 2-car gar. On 70-ft. lawn take with $2,500 down. Act quick as non-resident owner w1il rent If flot sold very. soon. ANOTHER FINE GLENCOE BUY; contains 6 roonis (with room for 4th berocin> 1% baths;. an spacious Ia.wn overlooklng foest preserve. The bouse Io brick witb tMe roof - nearly new. Thie price. l $14500. Close to -tation. OPEN ALLA DAY SUNDAY THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 718 Vernon Ave., Glencoe Glen. 777 I11LTN41-lte WINNETRA BUY 3 I3DRMS., WITH SUN ANDI SLPG. 1porches. H. W. ht. 1-car gar, Con- venlerit location .0. *' 1L. Ci ODR PRZALfrY CO. 933 Linden Ave. Winnetka 11 lllL.TN41-ltc WINNETKA SOUTHEAST. NU mou l . chool. Modern. brick. 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms. 3 baths. 011 heat. 1-car garage. $20,00. GLENCOE, WEST, HUBBARD WOODS Station. Cape Cod-Shinglé cottage.. 7 rooms, 4. bedrooms.. 3 baths. Coal heat. 2-car garage. 416;00. J. Li. FLOYD CO.. 84Center Street Winnetka. 3603 111LTN4-l:td HEREI1S nnrtnn~ A LfAFPlrAA'PA--- - gaarge, everytning autOrnatie andu InIm- inaculate condition. Brokers cooperRte. Cal Mr. Sader- SMART & GOLEE, Inc. 1564 Sherman Ave. Uni. 02$3 FlOUSE IN WINNETKA SU OI F Elm Street, $8,000 to $12,000. (ood cash paYment. with' owner. only. Write' B469, Box 40,, Willmette.. 113LTN41-1 te W L PAY CASH FOR MODERN 6 OR 7 room home ln S., E..Wlnnetk.t. Pricip niust be under $10.000. ýDe&sîre ta con- tact owner only. Write B-164, Box 40, Wllm1fette; Ill. ______ 113L41-ltp FOR -SALE-VACANT WE HAVE A FINE B3UILDING-' LOT you ýcan buy for $2.000.. This i-,,l1&.s than. haif of cost. Our client needm cash and munt Bell at once;. an ex-, collent speculation. McGUIRE & OR-R Opp. Kenilworth Station Ph. Ken. 22ý 530,Davis St., Evanston* Ph-.( e.1081j 114LTrN41It-t MARVELOUS VALUE ALMOST 3/40F AN ACHE IN'BEAu-. tiful1 North Shore section, flear lake, scIhoçls and transi). $4,5(H). For lmniediate sale, act 'itilc-kly. Mms. Benson-- BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 346 PARK AVENUE. GLENCOE. Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 * 114LTN41 -1 tt FOR SALE-CEMETNY LT FOR SALE--LOT IN MEMORIAL Park Cemetery; 236 square feet in Section EE. Reasonable,. Phone Glen- cas 555. 120L41-ltp, -EXCHANGE-RffAL ESTATE MODEJRN BRK. HOME, 2-CAR GAR.L, well irtarced. and <clear lot. Wilî' ex- change for any property ln distress. Owner only E. F. Schulz, 1818 So.-2ind Ave., Mayweod. Ph. 5373. 128LTN41-ltp WILL EXCHANGE MTY WELL LO- cated Winnetka lot 70X187 clear for six or seven'room house subjeet to «t lot mntg. net in default. Address Post Office Bona 16 ,2 Winnetka. 128LTN41-lte FOR SALE-IISEHOLD.GO D SIMMONS B E D COMPLETE, $5. Chest of draw'ers $3. Buffet, $3. Dining table, $2. Davenport,. $5. Rug, $5. Odd pieces. Tel. Winnetka 1920. * GRAFLEX CAMERA Sertes B or D, revolving back, 3Y4x4Y4. 1Must be in goed, condition. Call Win-. netka 3.196.' 132L.TN41-1te BOYS* AND GIRLS' BIC YCLES, TRI- cycles, sidewalk bikes and parts. WTil take on trade f9r new or recô.nditioned 'bikes or pray cash. Phone Glencoe .51. 132LTN4l-lto Goldinan JunkDealer Higheslt prices Da id for jun k. Wilmette 5417 Winnetka 3720 Mrs. Albert Fleischmann, of' 336 Essex road,' Kenilworth, entertained sÉev en guests at the birthday lunch- eon.of the Neighbors of Keilworth Tuesday. ôo Miss Agiies Watson, 1045. Forest avenue, has been visitixg 'a niece in Orlando, Fia., and is now at St. Pc-. tersburg. She wiIl be ini the south for several weeks. Mrs. HoWard Jordan, 320 Cumber- land avenue, Kenilworth, spent the week-end in Kanisas City, Mo., visit- ing her mother, Mrs. H. D. Miller. 0o Mrs. Foster Branson, and her. daughter, Miss Dorcas Branson., 817 Central avenue, left Sunday for a month's, visit ini Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Alexander Joslin, 240 Essex road, Kenilworth, entertaied a bridge fourso-me at' luncheoni Wednesday of Iast week. 0o Mr. and Mrs. Rex Elton Fair, 510 Flfth street, entertainedthe Discus- sion club at their studios in Chicago. Tue sday.of Iast week. 0o Mrs. Harold Spinney, 927 Ashland avenue, will entertain the ,Tuesdlay. bridge club of twelve, members. at luncheon February 20. -o Mr. -and Mrs. Martin Keyes of Chicago. spent the week-end visiting t he Walla.ce Behnkes of 524 Maple avenue. Dorman C. A wood avenue, idérin, y.- 13-3Davis St. EsRtabliliebd les# 110 S. Ffrst St. boc HigIituuidPrk bur >5, roll case,1 hcuse. "uVU1UELL.,.NEOUU -O0- À. N a L E 1.ALýsc Mrs. James L. Surpless, 212 Eight- i Bay blanket coat. eenth .street, bas recovered from a S2690. 131LTiN4I-ltc serious attack of the flu, >US ,HOUSEHOLD AR-0 desk, comb. desk and M rs. Per ires, screen, bric-abrac, ery Smithers, 711 -Lakeaveç- 622 Forest Ave., Wn- .-nue, was hostes's to her luncheon 131TN41-ltP bridge,* clubý last Wednesday. I le ý 1 1