Luther league.............5:30 P. iM. LENTEN SERVICES Wednesday evening at eighit o'cîock. MEETIN.IGg Choir. reheari*1. Friday evenling ait 7 :30 o'clock. catechetical wiII îîeet on Monday at 4 and Tuesday at :.0 o'clock. The Woman's society ivilli niet Thur'iis- day afternoon, March 1, at 2, 'cioek. Mrs. John Walter of Oak Park, Ill.. Mission Study secretary of the C'hicago. Conference of the Women's Miessionas-y soclety, will be the mpeaker. We.inivite You to attend our services and get acquaint.ed or reilew, acquaint- ance with Hlim Who alone 1is "the 'Way, the Truth and the Lite,". and Uritbout Whom '"no man (,ometh*to the Father.- Methodist.Church Êev. Oscar Thos. Ois-on, D. D., mnlister The minister' sernmot themefor the il o'ciock wormhip st'rvice Sunday morning, Februar>, 25,. wiil1 be '§Our 34easure of Chiliait>'." The generçi themie for thie iorniflg woýrhip i5ervices during the Lenten eiu is "Facing Our AsSets and Liabilties." Ali l naem- bers and friends. of thechurch art, urged to be ln attendance each Sunday rnorn- Ing at lo'clock. A recreatioi hield in theJ direction of1 grl m. 1 1programi for cblidren Is mary rooms, under the rand Mrk. Walter Pli- 'church, r after- wards . at te jLawson Y~. M. C.A.. The Sixth division will meet Tuesday, There Henry Chandler, noted Chicago February 27, at the home of Mrs .H.c. attorney, gave an address. Bremner, 716 Maeleani avenue, Keiiil- %VOrth. ai Il1 o'cloCk. *Lùncheon wiil be The rector oenred the meeting, or the Served at 1i ook. Mrs. Chester Coi- Harmony convention in the Village ha.ll grove wiiI give a.,book review. Mofnday evenling with prayer. The F'riendly circle 'viii be enter- Si. Augustine's troop <f Girl ScotSt- tained. iih a patriotie prograin Tues- Will hold a pot luck supper toliowed by day, February 2î, at. 8 o'clock In. the ganes' la the parish,.bouse* tomorrow Woînsroont. V.isitors Wil bt wl-(Friday ..afternoon fr,%m 4 <ciock to com11ed. Jostesseés: Mises Laura COi,7 :30. len, and Mesdames A. C.* Christensen, George Baldwin, and E. B. Snyder. The recior i preachiag, toniglit at Ail -1aints . Raen-.- d " diwx""u-,a at St. Matihew's, Evanirton. Bishop Woodcock ot Kentucky, one. ot the tanaous preachers of the churc.h, is the minister ihis week ai the noon-day Lenten services in the, Grand Opera houýe, Clark and Randolph streets, Chicago. The preacher next week willl be Dr. Fredéric S. 'Fleming, rector. of Trinity church. New -York. Thle, Boy Scouts 0cf the Vilae vill eall ai ail homtie.s S.eturýday aorning t(> colleet bundies ot paper and used cloih- *h*g. Paper will b. sold and the pro. veeds given to the Village Weitare boaird. The clothing will be talcen di- revtly to the board, which i.,- urgently in need of imoney and clothing. The S;outs shouid be encouragedfor their comaiendable effort. .The Wc>man's Aid. society: Wiiillieet 'T'hursday. March 1. The* executive, conimittee mneetingw.1ll be 2 o'ciock and, the business meetinig at 2:30. Mrs. ýGeorge Heritage cf Oak Park willspeak on "Song Storics." The tollowing divisipns are . meetiIgý today (Thursday) February2: Thli-d--l :30 p. ni.. M1rs. C. floilin. Smuith, 1728 Highland avenue. Fltth-10 :30 a. in, Mrs. A. Pu-y, 414 Laurel avenue. TPhe, 1gh Sehool 'Fpwon'h ieaîgue wil Ineet at 6:30 on Sunday, at the Iiaptist church, Wilmieite, where th-ywililbe, entertained byý the member.ý ot the B. Y. P. U.ý Dr. L. L. Fuller ot Garrett wili speak at ibis united service. Al mcmn- bers are 'urged to be )resent 1Pr<'niiptly at 0:3Q0. n.~ The miusic' for the Sunday mnorning---------------------Henry Fowler, our s.,enior wardeii, ii service wlll be. as follows: The Coliege leagu e %wlll min aij 6 1). In. a short iallc before the, sermon, urged Organ Prelude: "Chorale Symaphon- on Sunday with Dri. Ira Jones asý the ail parishioners to slgn imnicdiaîcly the fque" -. ...... ............ Dggle speaker of the evening. Hlayda Joncs officiai requesi for a referenduin 'Miss Marie Briel will be la .charge, of the social boul'. Ail rcquesting a voie ai the eomning Village The Introit: "Cast Thy Burden i ipon college age Yong people cf the church election as to whether Wilmette is, to the Lord".............Medlsh are urged to be preseni. Albert Acker- remiain dry. This is required by there The Antheni: "What Are These That mari, Jr., is president of this group. - cent act of the legisiature. Are Arrayed ln White Robes?". Stainer Ofteriory Solo Friendiy. lians meiet at the ehuî'c-h At the Suaday Evening club, lield in Organ Postlude: "Toccata" .Reiff Ltch Thursday at 4 p. ni. wiîlî Mr, Har- the Congregational church ai 7:30 nexi veY. Ail boys of 9, 10, il years 'iof age Stinday, the Cathedral artisi-s, five iioied A HIfymn ~ Festival service hais been air- are n rged to juin ibis tribe utfi"riendly oratorio andi operatie siagers, wilil pre-' ranged for. the 5 o'clock Vesper eri ndiams. sent "The Light ot the Worl.d." Six this Suriday evening. A new interestIis reels (if colored inoviag piçînres4, pro- bélng shown throughouî al of thé The .Hlgh -School league playéers wiîl duced la -Palestine .with -,()g accon)pani.- churches la hymna and church music. present- the Î amous .comiedy draina, nient, wilii poriray scenes froîn -ithe lite, Praeiicaiily ail of the. great churches "Sniiling Through,", on Fri day andi Sat- ot the Master. The recer *wL have' have recently produced or are ano* ilu urday, AprlU 6 -andi 7, insteadiof Mr, caeC f h-rlgin srice. the process of produciig. new hymnals. 2-aad 3. as- a.pciul annoulceti. 'the Mthodisîs have a commission thai Th e." saine players wil ,present "The Each iveek'>the extraLenien servies has beeri working siace 1928 ai the crea1- Rock," a religious play. appropriate for will be as' foilows: tion of a new Hy3mnal.. Dr. Oison is a Hoiy iveck, ai the church,' Tuesday. Holy Communion, Wcdnesday,, 7 a. in. axember of ibis commission. SuX1day ý Mareh 27,. The.pay15oentete ub eeially for ihose going t heciy evening at the Vesper service he wili lic, wiih a frce-wili ufferiiîg beingtakî Litany service aad short. ait say some things,,conceraning the work ot to defray expenses. 8 P. m. tis commission and the, seîtiig of the Ilii.a,1:3..m., Iioly Communion service will be la ternis of the. faimliar The following scouit troops for- boys (especiaily for bbc womnea of the par- andti sabie hynins. Invite your ncigh- :înd girls< nieet ia this chuirch: - ish). bers anid frlcnds te share wiih you In (.il] scout Troop 1-Thursdai s ibis -unusual service, ai 5 o'ciock. 7 :15p. in. Afoiod sale %will be held ti the parnsh (<,t, scout Tr, bo> 2-Tuvd Sâturday mnorning under the aus- The Church school nieeis each Sundaý 1:5 1), 11. .. ices ut the South circee morning ai 9 :30. There are class-es foi-, Gir! co Troop 4 Tuesday.q. ail ages frorn the nursery to the aduli 3:4' .n. ~ I-- 7lffD,#~*,i department. Ip., oni. cnsa~ i. The Cozy Corner circie naeets Tjilurs- day, Marcb 1, wlth MNrs. Rodney Perrili, 1500 L.ake avenue. The asslsting host- wilil e Mrs. J. C. Andeison, Mrs. Theodore 0. Delang, and Mrs. E. 1, Vona (#Iah n. Regular week-day -activîtiesout tu)e- church and schooi are t.eledùled las fol- lows: Tuesday-'3 :30P.ini., Ouillnette (Camp Pire Girls; 3 :30 P. M., Brownies :7 :30 P. in., Troop No. 2. Boy Scouts;- 8 1). ni. Aduit' choir reheairsal. Wednesday-7.:30 p.m., Troop N.1, Boy Scouts. T"1hurs-,day-3 :30 p.-im., Girl's' choirr- hearsal ; 4 P.ini., Boyýs' choir rellearsal; 7:15 p. ni.. Senior choir reheiti.l Friday-7:30 p. ni., Wekeacaifila (Camp Fire Girls. Sjpturd4y-li:30 a. 'in., cuirl> làak No. 63 ; 10 :30 a. in., Gil. choir Eersl il a. nm., Boys ' choir rehearsai. Abrzicadabrail 1lihold its neikt aneet- ing o>n l"radayr, Marchi 2, ai 8 p. ni., ui tire home ot MIr. and'Mrs.,Howa,,rd S. I)aidsn.1605 Highland a'venue St. John s Luetheran. Wi1mttéand Prkaveýnues, Vilrnette iRev. J. H. Goekel, pa.stor 406 Prairie avenue. Telephlone 131#6 SERVICES 9:5a. iii. First -service, in G(erinan. 9 :30 a.- M. SundaY -Schooi a nd Bible, classes. 1l a.. ni. second,. N p Di i;,,Wednesday. ,Lenteri service. MEETINGs Chirrhearsal, Monday ait 7 :4.1-. Adtilt confirmation ciass, Miîaat 8. ('hildrea' s, Tucîiday ai 4 p. m., Saiurday ti 9:30 a,. M. lanuthe .Sunday imor'ning aevc~the third ia the series (it sermons crn Chris- tian fup4lanientals will be preacheti. Subjeci: -Law: and,, Gospel-Whereln jDo They' Differ*." There are, after al,, j nly- two kinds of religion la the werid, nebaseti on man's efforts, the o>ther on the redleeming work cf Jesus Christ. Yct te keep frbon. contusing their basic, prinipb,;i someî of a pi(hien. )'tu aire inViiedti t hear it s Fsolution.. The ihird imid-week., -Lntea sÉermon .cri Wed 'nesday at .8 o'clock wii co aiiuete i treatà the general theme: '-Jesus ini Hi.s Passion.- ts, subjeci will be: "Bounti by the Otcr, Was Jesu.s' pasý;sion, 'but the suffering andi deaih cf a wvise and gootid teacher who unfortunately P-aul ulutenînson,.- managing editor of the Chrstian Century. Dr. Huiehinson ha.s speni a grea.t deai of time la Ger-i ma.îY. As recentlY as this pasi; suiii-er be wau ln thai country studyiag.the si- 'ommnumon ai 8 a.- M. 10 :45 a n The Assoclated Gullds are mieetilg e,%-- The closing event et-) the Willnu ry Frlday durlng Lent immiediaiely -SUfdaiy Even-iiig club season Will- fter the 10:30 service iri the church. held la ibis chureh next Sunday at 7 lmorrow the North circle wili meet- P. m., when the Cathedlral Artisisv 'ith Mrs., Joseph B. Marshall, 1040 pre-sent a. supertb musical andi draina * MsR. F. Lynch, chairinain,,. Iay with Mrs. Edwin Phelps M. -S. Diller as hosiesses. LI O.W. Schntldt,. chaiirilian,