Friday evefllng The pLiii for ei t1j.- ssWil aý IoImshij3 social O church t fi, ic ciasý are .jnvited. the. infIluence Af pre.sented. îîhisbl meeting at Seceond trn vel ,and TN%- Mqingdnky eveflig, rebrt eh. Michil- Al str'eet.* 2 6. at (IlnSundayn-orin, 'bruary 25, at __________ 1l 'otk il chiidren of the eburvh zir*> rxed to be on hand, %vith their -iw rt,'v u Parelnt>, fior the spec ial Message ;of the p't '. "t'iildren'.s Day of Resp*, nsiil-1 Keîiiworth avemie and Warwik K roaiii ity" iII e the theme. 'The vhurCh i Dî' i feribertIlý. Wiiiett. , nt' -4i.lll viii 'ooerate witlt this servic.e. i .Wilettsle % ijeet for. Stnda. F'eb- >n ~îndy eenig a 6 <elok, he 25 . will be *frsiniy:nd the v ,uth itee£tings of both groueliI ,.e;iOrii. .-~ umsul iter.s. Pogrin' wil ie < h weiîtsdavlevening, Fehruary 2S, *.nn iiiedlaer înin1formai1 Wior ill be.,held at th, li eniti'(if temiter to wh ivb iniiiers Jirst Presbyterian i< ,inso h Ninitlî street at Gree-nleaf avenue' Tl'liewfuelVs guiid wiIli NMondav Jane.s T. Vvnieklaeien nîifig.F'rà 26.* The hpnurs of miini.ter 11 nîtl'IL t'El re îoin1-4)until 4 oc'bîek, Tii,' ; ii'are asked t< o fýjje-li ~for~ -Hrîo)ii Nî ows ,.and Et iipty -Siiriets" vîîi'h ti lt-as 1 <ibeib .The invrita.tion is the theni( of the sermon by th~e is lot 9)111aY f-r nienmbers 'of the~ guild iser IIn(aNy niorning at the woîi,, a nil1101 the <'<nlgegtio4n but for' anyiene eev<~ t loclc. à re 'îrilv tlie village, %whib, niay Ile interestt-d. inielti worship with is. Ts 1'h' msitai rogam çil hi' a fu- a. î.. il ilden etweeln the ageq of., If >wS : Prelude, "Impromptu- 101)i the'igif)ou- . <il'dai 1), Selubert; ant4iefi. -fi< h 'l; 11-tedt- \!-alfltai twoom'o ii nbtlyr, Loe"Shelley: offertry slo, The lZt.Oi Iiîrd t l y Light","Speaks, Mr'. ()lis: Begining Sunday, Mrh4 i.WI postluie, 'GadChoeur"' (Gregiîrianýi), îu*t w~ilgiilll-ta 1pre-litstel' coursýe of C: ijimanlt. Miss Ern'a Rounds is' direic- il'strutiin fori the Seilior 'eatmt a tor.hit Suîa'seio out'. 'Irie Sunday school nlieets at 19:30 TheI-Zet-'iiwflitti Yiuunig PeOplu'esiî. "i'.The Aduit Bible class a. neetsatit laov Even-ifz mlil> vili nîcet Sunday eve- 9 4 Ai-imk.You are invited to atte.nil îiàg t 6 :) p. Il Al e-tulleliît, 1f igh "bimol age a r, -iinvited., A eul>per %v~i lu e Tii,' I'asUîx"s Preparatuiîy îtîefol'-'st"v't'<lfoiiîwed l1w the prOgrax. those xishinig to prepare- for mhîr,' înt'mbership at Easter, ie meeting alt i : ~iJ u'lock'VL Terminal Area outside oi any mrunïcipaiity, an inter- esting meeting was jield in the Vil- lage hall at Winnetka last Friday, evening. Arthur Lee, Wilmette Vil- lage truastee, was chairn 'ian. *Present were several officiais of the different villages, including- 'Pres-i-, (lent Will.iam B. Moulton. of Winnet- ka;. President Au4guste, C. .Babizeof Glencoe; .Presidenit Bernard. Schild-' gen of Northfjeld; President C. P. Dubbs. of Wil mette; President Hiar- ry P. Harrilson of Kenilworth, and a numnber of trustees from the tlifferet villages, as well as- Village Managers George R. Young of Gleîicoe: H. L. .Woolhiser of Winnetka; .F..1L. Streed of K'enilwortb, an1dC. M. Osborn of Wilinette. Firederick' Dickinson, Vil-' lage attorney of Winnetkaà, Wýillis 1). Nancy, Village attorney of Wilrnette and Alex H-. NLarshàll, VTillage attor- ney of Glencoe,. were also present.. .Lee Cite* Need NIr. Lee opened the. discussion. 1witlî a (letailed stateent of the need( for. a unified plan that wotild protect the, villages f rom midèesirable develop- nients ini areas tîtat are now bevond their control or influience, and stated that the creation of somte plan is essenitial for submissioi to residents withotit the villages iii an effort to. wini thein to the idea of annexation to Onie of the estal)lishied nxunicipalities wliere the area is so locate(l that stich an' action is possible. Theetvîl rneetol Cratim2 tlok Te Pushes "Clean jJp,,public works and buildings, and for il'l' eet alCht 5:30 ma~'ur nan-y years secretary of the C'~hcg siubje't. for discussion mwiilbte. "What 'l'lie -U' Terminal B3usiness associa- Regional Planning comimission, wvas 1"riends .1-Should 1 Chôose?" Ai] Ycuung tion. whicb recently under'took to clean as ked to present bis views on the Pe.i>l~ o hih ehol ae ae ivitd. . p the streets and alleis of tîhe coni- question, and wvent quite fully into l'heFqermn,~j the. coilege and pue-mi- ercil district centeriîîg at Fourth the situation as it affects theobet * t'm gou.wili meet at 5 :10 'clock. street and Linden av-enue. as well as the sought. Hé pointed out tbat enabling Th,. top' ordlcseoi ii e. letheé aat sadjacent thereto lias been législation w dbc ecesar and * s'o<iaiistl,(ader*;hip Christian.?" Paul.ul eesav *V,"nukia.ecn wiii Iead -doiîgarakably g ood job, as midi- added that the tendenfcy in consolida- 'Ih Sndy veingclb t he cate l hv tilt appearance - of the. neigh- tion of. political units is toward tbe gr'gtii>aichurc .h at 1:30 k 01ho od.Aider R. 'righe, 521 Fourth - _______ pre-s'ent the ('athedrai Artist.--, with a street, Was chairman of the comnÎittee (. Six ri'imvine. picture on "Thé, Lightini charge (Àf the cleantup and stay dlean I f thc Worid." c0uInInuttee. andI repo rts that work was NL -)îyScut .Troop No. 5 :wiii mnt'tt ait gît'ento an1 Iuneu]ploy-ed matn who gatît- - . h tt' h Monday at. 7:30. . -ered.the waste together and lha(lit baul- tu EW MftT AVEpou ed am'ay 1w Villiage trucks. .DL*. l 112Z CENTRAI. AVE. ,ýý il . 3 0 - cuînithee tw, consïst of tnree mcm- bers from each. vilage, these to be the chairman of the Plan. commission, * president of the Park board and one member of 'the Village boardl, be ap- pointed to work out a plan for sub-, mission at a later meeting. The village managers of eacb village lare to ,co- operate, and Trustee :Arthur Lee of Wilmette is to be.the 'directing.head. Mrs.* Chaàrles N. Evans, 2822 Black- hawk road, will entertain, ber lunch-. eon bridge club on Friday.: Dr. Lee. Grassie DEN4TIST' announces the openhng of hi ew office at 400 Linden, Avenue, By Appointment Wilmbiette 119 I Hive You Se., 100 and 25t boxes. BPANUSH KANDY KUPSOARD 924 Spanish Cout lu No-Ma.': Laned BEAU SU-IP F qer Powder Beauty Culture in ali ifs Branches MRS CIAO PAUR Il~ I37,CENTRALVE,, THE! PUBLIC IS ODIALLY- INVfl'U> TO ATTEND THE CHURM 89VKES AND VM TTHE! EHADINO -ROOM