Gienco'e, Mr. Armstrong vas interested in the sale of.municipal and enginieering specialties. T We ,Murpl'y- Miles Oil com- pany bas recently conipleted -an ex- tensive -modern fuel oil plant' at P. w.Armiotrb WiIlow road auad the .SkokieVailly North. Shore',fne route consisting of.a large ýbrick 'of- fice building, garages, pum1p house and- loading racks.' Several new tanks have also been installed, 'git- ing commodious storage facilities to take care of fuel .oil deliveries. tor ail north shore- towns. The ýconcern is one of the pioneer gfuel oil cimpanies in. the Chicago metropolitan area, and is now the Iargest exclusive fuel oi distrthtftor ini that territory, it is explained. Everett Miles, president of the company recently purchased a home in- Glencoe and is now a resident oi, the ncrth shore. Dr. Horace G. Smith Entertained in Southz Whien Dr. Horace G. Smith, presi- dent of Garrett Bibical institute, arrived.; at St. Petersburg, FIa., last %veek lie was entertained at a dinner gien by several of bis nid pai'ishioners (if the Wil!mette Parish Methodist clîurci. 'l'le f ish were caught hy Ithe nie-il'of the party from the Gul f of Mexico. Guys present inclu ded, Mir. and Mrs. GyHamimond, M_%r. anid Nrs. Haroldi Hammnond, Mrs. Cupler, Mr. and Mrs. Èh . W. K., ROe. M r, and MNrs. Dec A. Stoker, Miss Davis. Mr.anI Mrs. AI- bert Varley and, Mrs. F. R. Skitnner. Dr. SnitIl preachied fast Sunday at thé First Avenue M1ethodist churchi iii St. Pcetershutrg. This churchi lias a *seating capacitv of 1,200 and is filled to capacity at every service, accordiing CAMPBELL'S PORK AND IJANS .6 GOLD MEDAL "KITCHEN-TESTED"O FLOUR. lit-OZ. CANS QUICK OR REGULAR QUAKER QATS 5 A&P GOLDEN SANTAM OR COU NTRY GENTLEMAN Fancy Corn* 3 'AN'S29c HEINZTO. r JELL-O L 2 3Sc' PKG. 5c MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI RED CROSS :3 B K S.17 c CANS 20-OZ. PKG. ICEBERG HEAD LETTUCE HE5c CALIFORNIA (Med. Six.) Navel Oranges 2 o. 39ec TEXAS SPINACH, .S APPLES whiere Mr. Burlingamne was caileci ail business. *-o--- Mrs. W. D. Collyer, 825 Forest ave- nue, is convalescing frorn a stroke, which she had before. Christm s. . .. in bonor of the men wbo, started this business three- quarters of a century ago. We always celebrate with a bigl sale and this year we feel we've outdone ourselves in of-, fering big values. Take advan- tage of, this big eveit-tôday! 25< 241/299O 6 e 25< BEAU. E5 UN