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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1934, p. 16

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*large and simall surns of mony, nd a i wholly exempt from ail Federai taxa Praetlcal'nîeans of finance for home- tio1,11.and are subject to no state, count Owner borrowers. Federal .par-ticipation o loal axes ge91 rta re ei le giv-en wlth the . object of supplying on other similar thrift and home il strong legal and regulatory safe guards fiance institution. and adequate financial favilities for, Repurchas,,eby payaient to any -holde proper development and operation . of of a part or the full vailue of ýhi this local,. mutual thif nsUtOl.sares, as requested, may be made oi Careful Investigation is' made by the 30 days' notice froni date of receipto Federal government as to thecharacter sueh shareholders applicaion for re And responsibility- of lis management, purchase. and it is subject to frequeni and thor- On shares repurchased withln 1 yéal oughi examinations. from th, date of investment, the as Five Types et Shares eociation retains on e-haif of'the dlvi The investor may choose from i ve dends declai ed on the amount ,0, pur different types of shares the ones that 1h 1 nshrs eucha , at meet hic reqluirement.1 Thèse are-: more than 1 Year but in less than year. from the date of purchase th( l-Installment Thrlft. share, a long association retains one-fourth of th' tdme savings' plan In whlch the Sub- dividends so declared in It.hat period seriber pays only 50 cents per m-onith On shares repurchaqed 3 year.q or mor( per share. reaching inaturity in aPprox- after the date of purchase,. the share- imately eleven years. Lairgei,,paymlents9 holder Is *entitled to fulli dividend. may be made If degiùed, thus shorten-ý declared tiiereon to date of repurchase lng. the term. To, stimulate this type of but flot exceeding the reasonable walue investaient a bonus of one percent Is tFet as determinedî by, the directors.ý aside and given, to the investor who A repurchase fee is chargeable tc inakes prompt paynîents and completes shareholders, but such1 repurchaee fee the ontact shh fot exceed 2 *percentof, the par -2-Optionaî Saivings ehare, designed value of the, share.M repurchased, mur partlcularly for professional men orr more than $25'in any case,. exeept on others Whose InComes are irregular, full-pald Incomre shares. 'thus preventing the following. of a stated The association may lend to ae- savi'ngs 'plan. The stubscrlber mâi<es hoôlde.r.up to 75 percent of the amnouni lump sum payment at periods conven- credited on bis ehares, provlded that noY lent to hlm, until the payments end ac repurchase applications have heen on crued dividends pay out. '1'e divldends fie wlth the association for more than are compounded seml-annualy. 30 days. 3-Prepaid share, whlch Is deslgned - he assqociation may flot borrnw an *for the -nvestor who desires a lum-lp Bum amount exceedlng 10 per cent of the investment to be .left undisturbed, wlth - amount paid in by shareholders, ýexcept out takln.g divldends but having thei la no the, Federal Home Loan Bank, and credlted to hie lnvestme nt. Fo(r.exami-ple n o event niay It.horrow over *M per $50 Isinestd ad emans nttjcedcent of the amount paid In by share- until the accrued dlvidends brîng ittchles total value to $1,000. The association i-s given theeconl-" 4-Full paid- Income share, for the hined ad\,antages of local, lirivate man- Invemtor who wishes to niake a um agement and the supervision of the reg- sumInvstmnt ndwitdra th dii ional Federal Home Loan bank.e. wlthi euda vs tment anmdue. rw'ted ithe sanie powers and responsibîîîties of dens a thy bcom du. ex anination as are applled under the Shares NonqImsessable. National Bank 'act andi the Federal Eaoh type ranks . eqialliy as to dlvi- Reseeve. act. dend rate in the distribution of earnlngs Audit of the association mnust be matde after expenees and rûeserves. Ail shares ai leasRt oncie a year by lualitled ae- are non-assessable... countants, in addition to examination at, A bonus is given to reivard, consistent, least. once annually by examineî's of the BysemUc lveamet b Sttlg P. Federal Home Lgan bank of' whlch the semi-annually, a reséêrve of one-haîf 0f association I s a meiber. 1 percent of-the total amoun.t outstand-, The accounting practiceS or the loIg to the credit of Installîment Thbrift association must 4be approved by shareholders Who, have pald their the Federal Home Loan Bank Bloard. Installments regularly, to be paid to such shareholders upon the maturity 0f', elt their shares if nô reprhs.as been à.9qew uptîmîste elt mnade thereon. Fact abot Lo.nsTheir Life Histories Loamis muet be made on homieS T ea lhe Wilinîete Optimist cu er estate- licluobe o si ne A. Loeated iWthin 50 miles of the the lfehtore f sx- e nibers Dran Charles M.. Thompson of the University of IlIùr is; wuil .spcak on ?mthe' "New ýDeal" 1.at..a foint duig, M e eting of J'Vilikiecuc League ,of ..Women 'Voters and .11'jmen .Civzic Ica que, at Shaw- eicc chub, TitesVhy evcning, Pcb- ra-'27,%at 6:45 o'clock. "*The' Winid" by Alkan and a, tran- scription from "Eugexn Onegin" bv Tschaikowsky - Pabst. She plaved ektremnely well and was eiitl11ý- ia stically received. Dr. William Sadier Talks The speaker of the day was 1)r. William Sadier of Chicago, em inient psyçhologist. He discussed the prob-, lenis confronting parenfts who w'anted to aid -in developing.the best ii lutc personalities of their children. It was.an address that kept the se' - éral, hund red -mothers intereste(l froin first to last-sometimes squirining i their- chairs as his truths hit home and oftentimles laughing in lunes %vith his keen sense of humor. He brought out five salient points that were fundamental in the. proper raising of children., Every child wvants the security of a home, recognition. love,. adventure, and' privacy. His talk cldwelt upon the various aspects of these Points. Tells l<,w Traite "Je]]" It was ail very instructive andl il- luniinating-and left many of tus Schul.tZ and Norde had donc or were doing ail srý ofthings tending to -ruin the proper Enlarges Building developtuentof o'ur young.. XXTe er- Work was in progress this'week 'on ed to our sorrow that once a'bad trait an extensive enlargement of floor lias "jelled," so*to speak,.it cannot bc space at the Schultz1 and Nord, Tl'le 1v.nieled"ý-andit seemed Just too bad Village Cleaners building at 1152 that we couldn't ýgo backý to our chil- Central avenue. . dren's babyhood and do the job cor- Expansion of the store space -. rectly.1 convrsin o a âr'The .ceremiony of lighting a birthd(av- cludes the conersio of h 'lare ake %vith 37 candles on it was a mice gnoarage a te s tipig r ucturec bit of sentimeènt at 'the opening of int a izale hipingroo, wjchthe meeting. Tea and a social liour n turin permits the enlargement Of eddtessin finishing room facilities to acconi-*eedtessin mnodate the constantly inéreasing business of the concern. Gen. Smedley D. Butier. Teimprovement wilI be followed *~ ~ by an increase ini tbe.working per- to LSpeak on.,Nortn ,anore, sonnel of the establishment>, officers Gen. Smiedley D.. Butler,. the of the conceri stated. i "Fighting Marine,". will 'speak at Skokie school, ,Winnetka' F ridav TAKIE SKATING IJIKE night, February 23, at 8:15 ocok Robert W. Townley, director of phy- under the auspices of Winnetka Poýt sical education at the joseph Sears No. 10, American Legion. school, Kenilworth, took a group of The Legion post, ini sponsoring this (Ader Cniubs and a number of BOY appearance of the noted marine in' Scouts oni a skating hike last Saturday XVinnetka, hopes to raise funds to srption f oWW r sla'.. nesclay ot last week for a six Weeks' Mr.Mre avrearce-i r an-1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Geither and ýar value upo matur- mtor trip through the east and south. tine for measles. * tlieir daughter of 1601 Tenth street' noun of he lan.spent .the week-end at the Jack O'Lan-ý tate must b. s;eeured Mr. and Mrs. NewellIC, Woods, W,- M. Kinney, 126 Abingdon ave- tern lodge at Eagle River, Wis., where home, or other Ira- 2127 Birchwood avenue, entertained at nue, Ienlworth, has returned f rom they enjoYed the winter sports. Te 14 Probibted frointa> dinner bridge for twelye Iast Satur- a business trip to Boston and other cire aconined by Mr. and-1Mrs. H or condueting a,,day. * Eastern points. SriDorothy ad Jn fCia

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