National's organization. He is 60 years be hetld i a he a na e etcin nex'thae ee iin g matheir Malnckro old and hias beeîî with the bank for bmond t telna etignx i.e engvn herMlicrd more than. forty years, rising to his red cainlvdneofti ali prescit position from a clerkship. Hc The speaker' at the 'February 5 cnt %vithin the last few months. Thé bias~ heen a vice-president ýsince 1916 mneeting, J., H. Hinshaw, a nmember play is a 'three-act dramna, especially and irn recent years bas been one of of the club, gave a talk on. auto- appropriate to the present L.enten sca- the .raliking <fficrs and genleral vice- mobile accident cases and on public son. The lcading role is being ptayed prsdet.Fiabilitv>.. Mr. Hinshaw àlso answered hy. Miss Maryheleni Flaniagan. Other Born at Bloomningdale, 1W, .ini 187.3. lquestionis which were asked hiini by studenits taking prominent parts 'are thle Sc miemibers of the group ivho wanted to Misses, Enlalia Barker, Marie Meyer. ,Mr. Olesoni received bis public 1ch0o1 knowv more about. certain cases in ILouise1 Behrendt, Mary. Elizabeth1 education in I.ombard, Ill. Hé joinied whicb., theyv had been. Ôled Conniel.l. Lorraine Hunicke, Loretta the 'First National organization iii 189tm'91. at lieageof16 s aninorclek. After the meeting adjouriled M.%r. IStum and'Dorothy. Schweitzer. and Ms Allen served refresýhments. The formiaI announicemfent conceru- !Tle recreation room in the basemrentif TO HAVE SOCIAL MEETIN G ing 'bis election to the position of èhair- of the> Allen homie vas used for the IT~ raieWiigcaso v man of fthc board of directors read eash meeting. Ig ças fEV follows ' anston will have.for the first time a 'n 'TepsfnÔf'chiarman of -theé Theanalmein1fth lb evening social meeting to which the, heThe posilmetintion lu wilbusbands will be invitcd. The party board, vacant since the retirement of be held on. March 5 at the. Shawnee will be given at. the Georgian hotel, .Frederick H. Rawson, (lue to iii liealth. Counltryv club. Dinner will be served this Sunday and '%vill be a sup- ~vsas fhé.'at 7 o'clock. after which there %vill per. Afterwards there will be anl 'John P, Oleson, an executive vite- lie-a brief business session... Coni- hour of. reading of origîinal manu- president and associatcd with the banilnîittee chairmew and officers - %ill 'script s. ,Tbeclass is being instructèd, for over forty-years, was electcd chair- give their reports for the, year. )y Jam.iàes,:Weber Linn. mlan of the board of directors. the sen- The b)usin'ess session wiII be fol- ior oficerof th bank" ~.J Jqwd by progan~ and the elec-j BPITCNA O4 Hutchinson to Disçuss Hitlerism, This Evening At. 8 o'clock tonight (Thursday) Dr.- Paul Hutchi'nson, of Winnetka, manag-j ing editor of the Christian Century, will speak at the Wilmette Parishi Meihodist church social hall, on "Uit-, lerisin and Germnany." Dr. Hutchinson. is one of. fthc foremost interpreters of European and Asiatic affairs. Uc has spent 'a great deal of tinie in Gerniany. As recently as last summer he was in that country 'studying the situation. HIe is a keen.student of current affairs, and a, brilliant speaker. This is ont of a serijesý of meetings running through Janu.ary,ý February and March, dealing, vth contemporary governiments, 'and current literature. ' J. R. -Harper.'and. Otto E. Geppert are chairmenl. OPENS HOME FOR LECTURE, Mrs. Charles Southworth. 306,,Ox- ford road, Kenilworth, -opened. lier bomne last Friday morning to 'Mrs. Is!ab)el Warrington Heaps' lecture on tion and installation 'of offi cers. Mcfm- bers' wilI receive notices fromn the secretary a'nd the election commit-. tee giving the list of candidates. T he club is expecting a large ttnrn-, out nt thi$ meeting. Roycemore Gives Play Benefit for The Cradie The play "The Emperors' New L Ivery miember ot the class is. participating ini thé produiction,' and upper schiool girls are in charge of al the committees. The .cas.t of the play. iicludes:- Vir- giniia' ,Lee,, Patty Austin (Glencoe), Jean Husted (Glepcoc), Angie Jac - obs (Hubbard Woods), Mary White, Katherine Keller, Jean Moss (Glen- coe), Shirley Slade, Caroline Mellinger, jean Ladd, MNercedes Matthews; Nan- Nineteen new contagious diseases cases in Wilmette .were reported by the local Health departnient for thel week ending February 17. 'There' we're seven cases of whooping cough,' six. of chicken pox and three eacli of mneasies and scarlet fever. DRINK WATER WITH MEALS GOOD FOR STOMACH~ Mrs. . E. Starr and ber baby daughter, Caroline Elizabeth, left last Fridayafter a three weeks' visit with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C., Schwarm, 925 Ashland avenue. 0o Mrs. J. K Ferley, Jr., 300 Abbots- ford road,. Kenilworth, will1 entertain- her quilting. club for, luncheon Friday, later Red Cross sewing ýwill be donce.. 11117 GREENLEAF AVE. PNO#Vg WIL. 194, Rnwtestreainlinie effect o yurca wt Renof the Tcar g I Your STRIPING . .. $1.00 ad up. I*Ir Onograrnaon your car wiIIiiprove islos Ail - p - 1- Tubes tested frçe at shop - AI kinds carisd -in Né service charge fer checklng set when we RadioIa Instai» anew suof.1 b.m 'Sparton Crésley Oi Poigrt.h;Street wUuiette IM , Edisons stock - All ,adiii ropaîrod Fada General EI.ctrlc Victor Atwater Kent MAajestic Stewart-Watflet Kellogg Stroeuberg-Carlao' Kistar oBruwick Philce sMd =Dy et ohrs EDGEWATER BEACH H On, Lake Michigan SM Block--gwkbn Rend. CW»"