fast. easl mosture atinaiDELUXE tr~ Rlch, fulbodl.-packe. fresh in the re-usa.ble glassjar QUALITYMTS in Our Modem i Mst Dqâ&, ~hickns, Plumply mected and solten- der. Spit a small sizo'chicken end fry ln butter and lard un- tii golden brown or roasta lare, one with bracd ond colory dresing. 9o boumt with Veal Roast b.... aidpe1%i L«gorltump lBut of Veal 18mw Veufi '®t¶Ib 7,9b. At O ur uLow Prices Veufi Chops d1nw"u 23e1b. Sirloin Stok 239. VeufStocs 25lb.Port"ohuse Stock 29'n.. V.a Staks 25'b.Club Stock 27elL. Brouestof Veau 71b. 116 flust of sw " 158l Veauf tw s.o*u1I3elb. t.h I he, O@ L MIt Veuf P4e1fes l1 4çib. gBluePfi HewIig 41.. *D.lcafimen SpoclelWht.fksh wwuoeaI14%. DoIIed Rai Sliced Holibut 1i1Sun.. ~eh.Thkk~ 23.1* b. PickeruNoil...Dnas.d I Ob. FOR YOUR LENTEN MENUS green monb grnbàg*7 FRESH FRUITS AND VEGIETABLES Firsi of the new Crop fromn Florda-ýServe *à.h persl.y butter NEW Potatoes6 Ibs. 2 a5 Head Lettuce " T. 25 Sc irv. heéd 7c Green Peas cw. - ..2rà&258 CrlspCorosm&bu*c .â -!-4< New Cabbcige>f..h..i«.2 lb& 5c Frech from Our Madmn iSsnlhry Bakery rd11k Dread oewUhooIhI."mllk7C Wldte Dread i..d_- -f C luf* Doagmnuts* nonom ne-Plein 42 ,kgs. DouÊ'hnutsor Sugor-d-6 I. p4-.4. 1 GolduNuSnO LAWLCM2cak Am@roo aou-2lor-Moide from o b.ity Coçker redip.