Wand.rings" Among Lectures and Musc on Program Music '-and lectures are the se- lected program for the îîext ail- dayv meeting of the' Womlan-'s Club of Wilmette Wednesdav, February 28, dividing niorning and afternoon sessions equally. Mu.sic y he .orchestra 'froin t he, Governmnent bospital at, North Chicago w ill play a forty- fve mninuteý program to start the, mnorning off, and .then to corn- plete it, the, superintendent of the Chicago Christian Industrial league will, speak*. The, Ne%%, Trier Boys octet opens the after r' one - o'clock luncheon session. and then, 'ivith the mood relaxed anid in. harmny, nernbers viU yo on a lazy canoe jaunt through Anerica with an ardent canoe- ist for the guide. Mrs. R. M. Campbell, wbo is in charge of the conunittee for cooperationi with ex-service men, has arranged the~ morning progrant at 10 :30. Under the direction of the philantbropy depart- ment, whose chairman, is Mrs. 1Earl G. Low, the Rev. William Seath, from the *knowledge of bis wide experience will describe "Behind the Tinsel.' The Rev. Mr. Seath came- to Chicago carly in 1931, caled'to the superinten- dency of the. Industrial'league to succeed the iRev. George A. Kilbey, its organ- izer and superintendent for twenty-two years. From that tinte on, in addition to the league's regular work, he and bis workers carried on a shelter program for the housing. of homneless nmen ini commssion andgroups which grew outi cod neio wthhae 3,00meo niRelief and were serving 14,000 meals a'day.1 Mrs. Frances Warren Baker, reap- pears at the club to take club tnembers and ýguesta on another vagabond paddle tnip,. '.C a n o e Wandering Through Mrs. Cliharles P. Reynolds cf livanston, regent of the Fort Dear- ber» chapter cf thte Daught et s cf te American Revelutien, is general chair,ïwan for the Illii conference cf the Daughters te be in session at - the IEvansten Womaff's club Varch 14, 15, and 16. Sewing for Erie Chapel Institute on Mardi 2 The philanthropy department of thle Wornan's Club of Wilmette bas its niext sewing day on Friday, Marcb 2, select7,. inig for- its beneficiary that day, E'rie. Cbapel institute. Tbe. sewing chair-, man for the day is Mrs. John Bartbolo- mew, the luncheon cliairman, Mrs. Çarl Keller. Any Wilniette woman in- teresired in doing her bit for .the under- into the narurali nithie out-ot-cloors with moments of leisure and of cAnoe sport on fast riverg. iette for Fr1- ry 23, at 2 the ýVomins* clubl. *Mrs. Charles Broad, program chair- man, bas planned a very enjoyable programi., consising of selectionts by the New Trier actetý under the direc- tion. of Mi~s Mariati Cotton. and an address by the Rev.,Bernard L, Seil- meyer, S.J., headý of the -biology. de.- partilient 'at Loyola university. Thle titie of bis lecture is "'Race InI)rove- ment ,and the Law." Hostésses îfor the afternoon arc. Mrs. John G. Grant, Mrs. John Hoff- man, and Mrs. Charles Hauber. The Book study -group, uiider the leadership of Mrs. Harrv Sherwin. wilmeet next Tuesclav morning at 9:45 o'clock at bier borne,.,1029 Green- wood avenue. "Brazilian Adventure'* by Peter Fleming, is tbe book béing rea<l. Art Cilass Program The North Shore Art class ha.s its next meeting Monday, February 26, at il1:45 o'clock in tlhe morning 'witb Mrs. F. L. Joy the hostess at lier home, 812 Central avenue.. George leuebr of the Chicago Art institute will give a talk on "Conitern.iora;rv Art in Germanv."ý Mother -Daughter Luncheon The Delta Gamma Mothers %viil have a mothers' and daughters' lunc h- eon at the Orrington hotel on Sat- urday, February 24, at 1 o'clock. A program, "A Radio Fantasy," .will be followed bv cards. Chairman of Pley Chairinon cfthie ,play, cominittee for thte Womian's club. "Gaieties" was Airs. Faan J. McIlraith cf 1127 Chestnut avenue, ichese zeork cou- tributed to the success of the pro j- ecticehich provided three niights cf joli, e ntertaitimcnl fer Wilipett e. Northwestern Univeruity Theatre 1 Proesat "Notel Universe" Next Tusdy Afternoon Afte-r a successful run of th.ree -nights, before packed hôuses, at -the, University theater LOn Northwestern campus inEv-I anston, the, university theater ivill present Philip-Barry's "Ho- tel Universe,"JI as the progra1mý for the Neighbors of Ken.il-, %vorth Tuesday afternoon, Feh- miary 27, in the Kenilwyorth club. "Hotel Universe" marks a depa rttire f romi the usual theatrical form n i i hat, tbough-. a f ull length play' the curtain neyer lowers until tbe end. thle, action, continuing throughout. Set in the terrace, of îan hotel, on the Mediteranean, the stage offers a lo%*V- IV picture in thé setting designed by Lee Mitchell. The cast, is qrrIN garbed in modern resort wear. John F. Baird, director of the pro- duction, bas skillfully handled' the cast through . the sudd.en transitions in the play as, the action siiftly changes .from, tbe prestnt to the paist, Tmpressionistic in, form andsublject niatter, the, play aroused much con- nment and-discussion when first piré- sented in New York several sa.n The cast, for the most part, is cotn- posed of experienced actors frôni th(- Scbool of Speech, with Robert Breen playing the leading rote of Pat Far- 1ev. Breen will be remembered for bis work as "Romeo" in "Romeo and Juliet," as "cEveryma,", as "Paddy- ini "Tbe Hairy Ape," and for count- lcss, other major parts. Stacy Keach is cast, intb.e,,role of 'loin Ames, while Roland ILaughner %vill take týhe part of ýNorman Rose. tioth Keacb and' Laugbner are welIl known' to1 University theatre, audi- ences, both baving been f.eatutred ù1ii various productions during the past three or four years. Royal Rompel, wh'o played the "Stranger" but a M1r. and Mrs. Donald CurIess en- tertained at a bridge buffet supper làst Sunday in their apartment at 506lFifth street. Mrs. Curless is the, former Gretchen Dreyer of G lencoe. 4 I