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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Feb 1934, p. 36

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"AVery Cood Show"' Audiences Attest The Woman's club offered to .Wilnetté for threc nîghts last- %veek a* toinc of funl labeled '6Ga ieties,'" 1)oure(l out in mîirth provoking d r o0 s 1) uiiilu)rinig tWveity each .niighit. .er.ga.- a td sophiisticated, %vtil its i)re- vailiig nioodl decidedly :of the ýInoIenIt, a was met %vit1i entliu- siastic response- froîn the rising of the firstcurtain to its finale.. Flavored. with a littie spice. witlh j vriety, with n1liic, with colorful costumes, with- nonsense, wvth trav-. p esty. with séceîaery effective. witlh dantc- ing, poetic.. interpretative,. moderne, and withý song, it gave entertainmnent to're- fi ceptive audiences, adecsw(ey proclaining it "a very good s~î. The -Gaieties"' cut a cross section of stage entertainent, achieving a ma *ny-sided yaudeville, each act enx- tirely separate and ini contrast to its predecessor. Toe - dancing, tap dancing, excel- lent rhNthmic dancinig with the read- ing of poetry its only îmusic, acrobatie dancing, hilarious adagio burlesque. 4 interpretative dance to the throbbing rhythm, of the Congo. a graceful tango, and' ballroom dancing were provided for devotees of the dance. Duets by. tenor and soprano voices blending' well and of light opera timbre;ý recurring throughout the show, songs by, other soloists and their chorus accompaniment, an.,ex-1 cellent violin performanice of an opera: I$ aria, played to the strings of. hajrp accompaniment, gave vaýriety for.those. Who 'prefer thé muse of music. For, those Who like' comedy several. typi-ý cal, vaudeville *skits and numbers. were provided, and, as a gesture te those whose taste runis to plays, a ~f clever travesty on a stage and screen pla,% current this season, was pre-, iklrs. -Arthuir J. Dixoit, past pei <ent of the Wolnan's, Club of Wil- mette, zuho resides at 706 Lautrel avenue, tuas the energetic chairinan of the conimit tee selling tickets for the, "Gale-t ls," which, for three nights Iast îveek, went ifs ,>erry wtay to s7vell flhe club's building fund. Goucher Pré uideni fo Speak at Dinner President David-Allaîx Robertson.,of Goucher college,'and Mrs. Robert- Soni will be the,'giests'.of-hoiior at a dinnier to lie. given bv- the: Chicago and North Shore chapter of Goucher College altimnae on Saturdav. Feb)ru- arv 24, at the College club, 196 East Delavvare place. Dr. Robertson. is. attendinig the Present Play March 6 'rlie White H-aii(l*'has, heen select- e(l asthe NMallinckrodt Senior plaN tlîis vear. Unlike other seasons. thie play -vilI 1>e given at a niuich carlier date.Tsa, March fi. rather than are sttîdents who ave heen giviflg their M alinckrodt friends occasionial evidence of their talent withlin the last few în1onths., The plav is a three--act draina ver approp)riate for the present Lenteni seasOii. Its kiid lias tiever been stagedl at the Nlallinckrodt before. Th'Ie leading: roje is being plaved hy is.Narbelein Flanjagani. Other stU(Ients takinig prolinient parts are' the N1îs?:es .1flalia Barker. Niaric M\ev-er. Louise Belirendt. Narv Eliza- bethî O'Connell. Lorrainie Hunecke. Loretta Sturm ai Dorothy cwî Zer., Sm ith Club Announces Dinner and Meeting Thie Evanstoin-North Shore Smit h club will hold a. dinnIer meeting il 1 thec ibrary of the Georgian ho'tel ini Evanston Wednesday evcning, Febru- ary 28, at 6:30 o'clock. Nfrs. WVillianm D. Kirkpatrick. who. *as club president, wiIl be the Evans-' ton-North Shore Smith club's first representative at the February' Alunii- !nae council, xviii he the speaker. brihig- ing a colorful report of the happen- ings at Northampton FebruarN 19-21, anid the latest news of the college. *Husbands aýre cordially. invite<i to aecompany their ý%I;;ves,. for the ele-> ning, whlich wiÎll be informaI. 'and.:a card room will be at th eir ,disposaI after dinner, if 'they prefer relaxNa-' tion to inormation. Reservations are to.be made, by Mondav. Februarv 20, to. Charlotte Sykes, f1117 Fàrest aYenue, Evanston. Make Cala Program at Neighbors Club The 'thirty-ninth birthday .of the. Neigîhbors .of Knlot occurred on Tuesdav, Februar-v 13, at the Kenilworth club. The occasion was celehrat ed %Niththie y-early birthday luincheoni whi ch %vas atteîided 175 nmeffl)ers and gilests. The aft er-lunichieoni r ograni Av'as l 'iving plictures in alarge (double framie, pjosed Ihv nllel)bers of- thé, club to t Ile 1ýtrains of a 1pprol)riate sotngs. Mrs., Chase W. Love (Adelaide 1.ove) iwhom the club conside.rs, itself fortunate to have as a "Ncighbor.* ýopetle(1.the.stage prograni with liglîî, A large anid lovelv idv cake ivith candles was slio.w> on the Stage. with three very small piccaninnâ.' .coninig forwvard to *>o ont the can(lles and to give three tnmbers (if excelletclogging ini black and îyhite ýA telegr of goôod *ishes f ropi thé, clui>'s first i)resident, Mrs. Homner ýraylor, xvas received during the birth- (lav party, froxin ber home ini Grecen- fielid. as Special guests, at the Ilnnchlec't "ulesda%, were Mrs. Eanl Whitaker. president of the -Tenth district, Illi- nois Federation of Womien's Clubs. and Mrs. John Van der Vries of Winnetka, -who is candidate for clec- tion to th1e House of Repre-seitatiNves ,of the Seventh district., The sljc of . each living pietuire. an(l those %010 interpreted it, as wcvll as> those ýho, sang to provide a ni1i.sic background, were: Meoje.Mr.Chiarles Ware anid, frF. Caroline 'llmuorth (charter Memnhers) Séhool Daýys4 Naney AMcCloud and Ntred- deli Clark. Dutch Girl......Mrs. Wendell Clar k Tandem (Bi1cycle> ' MrÈ. Ward Starrett and Mrs. Leon Elits Ilother .......... Mr. William Taylort flTunting Sce.ne. .Mr.3. Frank Ketcham- and 15 to ie ne tive witn, spring flowers, gi< green candies, silver urns, andg ous hostesses. The refreshn were i.charge of Junior au Mmbers apd Juniorsushered. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Zinmner- man, 219 Sixth street, entertained, ai a buffet supper last Sunday -night. i ..', bb- tie un4IVUU éad bridge' club of the Wilmette chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, on Wednesday, February 21. Luncheon will be servred by Mrs. Shelîman and ber committee at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Albert G. Acker- Mnn of 811 Park avenue, is in chairge G ci- for the main evenmng meeting; also, its that very beautifut nmusic is to be ry presented. Full details of the pro-, gram wil be announiced later.

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