COMFOIRT Firestone High Speed, Air Bailoon Tires provide smart, lIow-Bwung. style, maximum safetyý and greatejr, rding comfort. They are scientifically dsgndto proie easy steering without shimmy. The 'tires, tubes and wheels are a balanced unit. Accept. our ienvitation to drive these new, tires under any and ail conditions.. We wil Put a set.on your car and.if to prvide gyreater safety, steeringeue, grater comfort aidsmarte style, w. will take tlwn, off and re- place your old equipment without obligation to you. Put am Set On ýYour Ca r Yo u'l1Be Si Omrim Tuctrend is t:low presse tiresbtD ie O he O- binatioluasm.sinart -or -attractive Alis Firestone High Speed Air flafloon Tires and Wheels. Bigyonr car up-the.minute -Tires in black .or.,whltel idewa beels lin green, red, céréam, blaék or ,chrome. Drivin g:he- corns please- iloating c* om- fori-ike ding ou cushMons of Your present equiprnent wil cover a substantie part -of the. cost of changing to these tires. 'sed AD, WILMETTE Central Avenue, % BIork West of Main street. Phone Wilmette 3212 KENILWORTH ;;go, 4, reei gay Road Phosie KenilWorth 47 WINNETKA (hesiut Street ' South of Oak Street. Phone Winnetkm,$02 Phone W Hubbard Woods Lifaîden Avenue, South et Gage Street., Pho~ne Wianetka 1 FIo~itiM Wo"