GradersStage. A laddin Drama On a recent Friday the SA class of' Howard school gave a play ýen- titled "Aladdini and the Wonderful Lamp." >ît this play a very mysterlous effect was pro- Id duced by, having >the 'Genie" an- nounce the scenes which-be saw in a, Cr y sta1 bail.: The play had seven scenes,, the first beit.g in the .streets of Cathay, the second in the cave, the third ini Aladdin's home, the fourtb in tlle sultan's place, the, fifth in Aladdin's palace, h it nte streets of ataand the seventh in Aladdin's pala,.e. Quitt a bit of activity liad, been going iti the art class to niake thle1 scenery which wýas used. A few -of the chatacters in this play were : Aladdini, Bert Simons; the magician, jane Bucbott; the aunt, Betty Todd; the uncle, Bob Lyons; Aladdin's mother, Doris Paterson; tbe street child, Pearl Anderson; tbe princess, Muriel Kenney, and many others. Howard SA hopes that the other rooms enjoyed it.-Doris, Paterson, Howard SA. WilmCtte Gagera Beat Forest Park 2 Gaines The Wiltmette boys who play on the lightweigbt, heavyweight, and peewee basketbatl teams clashed witb Forest Park, February 16, at Howard school. The Wilniette ligtweigbts won. 19 to 9. The peewees lost, 6 to 9. The heavyweights won1, 23 to 7. We are looking. forwar'd, to some more good gameés.-Ad.elaide'Koenen, 'Howard 7-R. CHERMIES AND HATCHETS The 7B roomn bas a, bulletin board on wbich ail news is posted. This vear it. lb being taken care of by About four weeks ago we started the play nameil "The King and the Shepherd." XVednesday wé started the third and last scène. There are but five people in the scene, and one would thin.k it difficuit to, keep the scene going. Gillion, the wife, is cross when her busband brings anybody into the house. Everybody laughs at this scene more than theother two scenes. -Bett.y Bleser, Howard, 7C. ,1 Student Likes Pictures on, Howard Schoolroom Mrs. Gib 1son has sorne pretty pic- tures i n the back of ber room.. One of tbein is the ."Angelus."ý It is-a picture of two people praying at their day's W'ork. Another picture is the, "Close of the Day." It ýis a man go- ing home from bis da3's work. An- other is thé helping hand. It is a little girl'helping ber father on the boat. -Peggy Magie, Howard SA.' David'Geppert Elected Pre.sident of Room 2 In 2C, Miss Chase's room,, we el ecét- ed dur officers for tbie..neiw yea 1r. They are as follows: president, Day- id Geppert; vice-president, George Puitnami; secretary, Carl ,Hotze: treasurer, Beth Hindley; program chairman, Madeline Clark; boy sports reporter, jack jennings, and girl sports reporter, Frances Akely.-Jean. Riedel, Stolp 2C. PItEPARE LINCOLN THEME Monday, February 12, 7B was in the art class taking down notes for a themne on Lincoln, The reason was that the best themnes will be sent to the Orientso the children there. vil kn*ow what we are studying bere and <now what a great man' he ivas -.iE Jane, Howard 7B., THREE MORE GJ Just three more cage left for the Wilmette1 ime.' arel itweighits. here and. Two boys were elected recently to get up. a program but they forgot ail about it; so we got a comtnittee of girls and 1 tbink it will work. They are getting up a play. 1 think et is a valentine one. The people who are ien it are Patty Ctawford,' Betty Myren, 'Mary Elizabeth' Bacon and Peggy. Magie. I think- it ie going to be very nice.-Alice Kresge, Miss Van Horne's room. The Picture Man Lost. Some Money, it.S.eema This. week Mr. Todd planned on laiga moving picture show.* The naàme of, the show is the 'F'.ather of. Waters." the day for camne and the picture man didn't show up; so he iost his Imoney. The moneY for the tickets was refunlded or the tickets were kep.- Marshall Reagen. HoWard 8A. C-1 Cornpk*cs Perfect Season With 12-O Win The C-i basketball team of Stolp finished its part of the schedule by beating C-3, 12 to 0. C-1 won ail of its gamès. The C-1 players are: cap- tain, Dick Hooker, Bill jennîngs,- Gordon Klein, Carl Peterson. Dick Andrews and Dick Magner. C-3 put up a good fight.-Dick Magner, Stolp, 7A. WRITERS STRUGGLING Howardj 7A pupils aire trying bard to learn how to write better. Miss Madsen has assignied us to write a long illustrated theme for ber. ýN e also are writing stôries about the Lin- .coin statue. 'Miss Flaskered is baving us write ballads; so we ail know bow badly We need the hielp in writing that.Mrs. Groves gives us. We. wil-1 try to overcome. our difficulties in1 writing because it is very necessarv to know, how, to write wel-Jatie D)rucker, Howard 7A by Pupils Here l'le latest information about Wil- înette's new scrapbook project is cIon- tain ed in t he two followving ,articles. The Wilmette scbools are g oing to send a. scrapbook to japan. This scrapbook will ýcontain work froni the different grades.' Before the scrap- book reaches japan it will be trans- lated. The seventh and eighth graders of Stolp scbool, were sbown a picture of the statue* of Lincoln in Lincoln park, Chicago. We were told to write. a composition telling abouÜt this statue and why .we consider Lincoln -,a great man. The best composition wil be chosen and put in the scrapbook. -Gertrude Weinstock, Stolp 7th grade. Mis Perring showed us a1 ho6k f rom France which was madle in some of the schools. It was very pretty. WVe decided to make one of these books andl send it to eitber 'Holland,, France or Tapan. Thursday, February 8, in Miss Donnell's roomi we heard that we were- to' send it to japan i. «W started recently drawing pictures of, the schOol, the village and other places we -thougbt would be of inter-, Stube, Stolp 2B. Seventh Graders Vie for Right to Give Play The seventh grades of Howard school have been, baving a race in ( ramatics to see who will drarnatize "King John and the Abbot of Can- terbury." Miss Flaskered said wîho- ever had the best scenes, and finishied first-might dramatize it for assembiv.ý -Mary Woodbury, Howard-7BM THIS TELEGRAPH WORKS In our room Teddy Johnson miade a telegraph that would work. I think it is very nice. Hie is learniing the code that Sonny Benson brought and made it b y himself. - "Bnig,-" Rer ow n, A - i wcentîy we started sewir lots of fun, I like cookinI In sewing we are just mal doing littie jobs. Later we v more complicated tbings,-7 Pearson, IHoward,7B3. 'UN. 1 PL.AY T IAG ON 3iAIRS CHEDULE NEARS CLOSE It is At recess we, play tag on the stairs Thes heavyweights have three more )etter. going up to thé ice pond. The top basketball games. We have one witb ,and step is goal. The person wbo is 'eit" Forest Park at Wilmette, one witb make bas to be on the saine step as the Park Ridge at Wilinette, andc one rjorie other girl or boy. We have lots of witb Forest Park, at F'orest Park. fun.-Peggy Kirchner, Howard 5B. Harry Seifert, HowVard SA. WELCOME KATHLEEN A new girl came to Howard school last mmeek. Her nanie is Kathleen Ting. Kathleen came from Grand Rapids. Sbe is. a very, nice girl.- Jeannette Kanies, Howard5C t