fiveivr ont ofrtthe rixetheItsian Hill an-ians l"vh rntiof file sixidvMrs,.T%%eoera nasium shoes are especialy in derand. wrhIatteininIiiidas .______ P ,e er the Kenilworth Spiders, the Kenil- alew type of .cîtîensîp whchhaps there is a pair of outgrown iiesi hc m osi or art hclot hssýteKnlot n brce nterests ini international cm- gm sosi orgre.wih~oi hssteKnlot n tairs. idity state and local *oiiswudbe a perfect -fit for some kncwns andth Kenilworth Indians. a i1d - strpOîîC oungster. who is bein gkept ollt of Last Saturday at the Broadway armory ami. ho~ il in lo kig nt fo ~h g me ii he gymn for lack of ine Chicago the Kenilworth Spdr tiise bou t,~ lot**~ frtuateaýthemn. Won't yvij look? andi if ,were eliminated froff the Chicago Eve,- Nir. icerfin~d shoes or other clothingcail Ms.nîg American tournamnent by% the Chase tu-e ltt iC tphasizeti thé change Stopka. (Minmette 61) at the Howard, Park teatni 30 to 19. The Spide rs ad- -er, n othe moh ers ëad hm-school? -vanced f ather in the tournament: thafi nnkr~ ii hela~ fe* dcaesMan -any Kenilworth teain has gone in. simni- tlîî%-~îcl ere onice done ini thue 1ms R. E. Dal stroui'-- our BettÇr lar tournaments i n the past. ac cording home. are novc taken care of by 1fl Films cararprsta h i-t Robert. W. Towkydretrf (lr.atitenwdt3 fwmntures scheduled. for. Fridays. and ",a t- phvsical education 'at the joseph Se'r . 4ncettîmelei hi on urdavs thrciughout Mafrch are rated as school. lunitis ati her cuntiesandtOfamily pictûres. andý therefor quite, tu ike tut' ivorl(1 a. etter place, for ail t îve ii w iteliget plitcalac-suitable for the children. to attend. \rat r.Wle otsb 3 There is to be a special mnatince per- Mrad rsWltrGet*c.73 Preedig .rs Lebe's tlkth formance oôf:"Little, Wo'men" on: Mactean avenuie, Kenilwvorth,. left on Prctîig f té shJlebr'galk Thursday of this week from I :30 onl February 14. on a trip to Los Angeles llov cusftescoigve atou -Vilage theatre. SnFacso Aentertaining little, playlet. Mter and SnFacso ofthelicix t Il grade were Ihosiesseès for Th Pe-holire ll et teaitern0on. M rs. McCue. Mrs.1Th r-cé iclwl me Mijuiceant Mr. Mrgeer ourti.Tuesdav, \Iarch,12.'at thehome of * Svenlî rad moher oftheSt.M rs.F H., Gathercoal. 1511 High- N MA U -era ncisNaierP.T. A. iitihe en- landi avenue. The topié discuisseti wvillý br.e "The Child anti His Books." ___tertaineti at a tea at the home oif rs The hotel with the H. . Dlto, 129,Chetriit tre The Bâbies Friendly -will meet on ti otdaan Polly Krafthefer at 3 o'clock Mondav afternoon. Feb- Ntarch. at the home of Mis.. eVîn- f tomorrow wtqrîî ~ercvîctrion, 3 to 0. itig an47--authoritative speaker andi a____________ lotr ~f tt'sixevets o îîer cctit.routitable discussionof the problenris fourthe theesix grade to ild.rDoretht.Frank Wenter I11..1204 Ashianti Close to al Chicago'$ Follo i s' a summary(if fthc ' 1huerw 'g eareiato.avenue. retuItrned Sunday from a twoac vtes .. . ineetAssisting NMrs. Dalton will be Nirs we'visit with his auint, Mirs. Anti 200yar grls rlay-~m b Trîs. Edwin Georger, 'Mrs. D. PagIia rulo, Hall at lier home in St. Petersburg, mdm htleuip- 200 Yard nîel' -td-W on by TurneFIa Frderattnds Nrthwster 20yar<f ii's re1as- birst. i.. Pl 'IrNs. Harrv Klein,'Mirs. \Warren CIO lo-Frnkatens orida ste I his Ms.\V P Brrinhaiani tvers;Ity anti \vent to Fo tiriig ped with every coin- (Turer)second, Palyila I.tee Buîiee NMr. illiani J. Spillane. hi iti-.senie.ter vacation,.ott m k'yu (Sawe);third, E. Ssi on(Tlurner.). fot ti -O---ou 50 ya rd nie:Vs. breast-First, Seliaefeýr .N r. and Nlr,. G. S. Hanmond. 801j stay a p1ea.sant onen. <'l'rners î second Postn(Shawnee).Hibbard road, anti their son and' M. (Slaiune); second, _Marlon e(i-i ' law. 'Mr. and Mrs. HaroldtoiSEFNMr (Shw- t. hl4-d, W.VV P. T. A. Hamrwond, 1630 Walnut street. mo-- (Turner). toreti to St. Petersburg, returning to 50ý yard 1lf'5bcklîrt erheî iiet botMr l4 ($h.tWnee); second, J. Lynch (Shaw- Thei Founders Day meeting, which Xleteaot\rc4 fe)third. Nat ,tinger (Turner). %vas hielti on February 20, in the StolpB 1AK 50yard ,girls' crawli-Pirst, 4HaU(îî.î schoo ivith the Central-Laurel asso- <Turner) ; third. %,. Lanigworst (Tur*ntr).' ciation atn shsess sd-- 50 yard boys,'> rawl-Flrst. Dav1z scribedelsewhere in this issue.ST PMH ,5 R (Shawnee); second. Lange (iaw(v) 'un 1tificpres killis moths, pre- A N DO0LPFbW (1r - Andron (urdfner). Mgnist, NissAieSad'rprt htt e tr-infct!on 5 years. Free estimates AT L^ASA L L E C. Eçkert 4Shawnee) seond, P. Kraft- new(.er (theý Iattnwe em -r aeps, chairs, rugs, drapes, C'. (ham-iee)';sec(,(l, P Kraf- iie tern (thelà:stten-wot téormai iorn th c s;t! unifornrnw.:PPhonetotada & . hefer (Shawnee)>; third,ý W. Neuiiiannh the year) for the. ballroomi classes, CHANOR I NC. Gre. 0234 Winn. 13241 (Turner). %vill begîn on Nlarch 2. This class is___________________________________________ Boy.s' 10w board fancy (llving-Firstfr, pisofte e.nhan -gt B. Lynch (Shawnee) ; Second, Rederer o uiso h eet niegt <Turner> ; third, Nattinger (Turner'>. grades,,.and these pupils will be tatught B Girls' 100 yard free stYle-Fitî1< C. the mo9dern tango steps, in addition Ecet(Shawnee)>; second, _ M. Bei'nd, to other ballroom dances. Shoflly (Turner); third, Jean Soiliti (sli.wnië) fe h einigo tetr,; Boys' 100 yard free tl- satrtebeinn f~h ei Troupe (Shawnee) ; second, Antderson! party will be given for membet's of Friday and Saturda Only (Turners) ; third, Post (Shawnee). this class. y ' O_______ .n February 27, the classes in APLEC AKE COMMEC^ K Mrls.. -E. J. Br'own 'of Decatur, IlL. ballet, tap andi acrobatic dancing for Réel Grtnan Apeor andi her sister-in-Iaw, 'Mrs. - Willian- youngsters foutr years old, "anti up' 12, jack< of Peoria, will motor from~ their ivil begin - 1iir iird, tern.' home Friday to visît Mrs. rw' s Any who enter these classes now: BAC 1WALN~UT LAYERCAK sister, MUrs. Alfred NMeDougal,, 325 wiIl be appear in the recital: With rieci eream'fillUog............ 3 r '\bbottsford road, Kenilwortb, Mrs. in june,, Registration, may be matie Jack will leave on Mondav for a visit, at any' tipte hefore, thé dates given Àso ru eTTRyw C - KoIS 'n the East. 1above e e*r witIhMiss tade, {WlI 1#us attractive s p . ..... ........ i'. 1i SoUthWortI O !2838) or with Nirs. Ben«am~in Jacob-. foad, Kenilworth, entertained a smafl it- _hlenn c1 J.....'.... grtq f frinds for neon last Mrs $ kareports that Dr. Bass -ail Makes CW* BOSTONShoEDP-teet lo oij~. it~... Dy or igM n Davs u r e wdne