_______________Chicago, at 6:iu oCa, IS111 r C- Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Burchi and ecction Dr al 't erventpofe their daughter, cf 163 Abingdon ave- euainadt h etlpoe nue, Kenilworth, left ast week for Dr. Gallie' is a former presiden a trip to the West Indies. They 1w ill the Wilmette Civie league. For- n be away about, ene month. years .be has taken an active. par -o-- villag aff airs. Ruth Johnson, 158 :Melrose avenue, i Kenilworth, is returning this week M r.and Mrs. Per'y F. DeTai from St. Petersburg, Fla.. where she 1232-l GreenwoodI avenue. will eu bas been: for a few weeks. tain at a dinner bridge Saturday Starts Frida Y, February 23. &ale r $1.02' Make your own selection 'f om our great variety of fine candies - TOFFEE,'ORANGE PEEL, FRUIT, NUT. HARD CENTERS AND CREAMS DUTCH MJLL CANDIES 1187 Wilmnette Avenue Phone Wilmette 2140 1145 WILME1 LEG of SP MAX 006KT O rTE AV. WILMETTE 2814 AND) 731 RING LA ..8'to- LOIN LAMB CHOPS, lb................ LINDSTROWS, LOCK 8H01' 1222 Central Avenue WILI,.ETTE 3212 a. detlon 'the question. Action ivas at once: ablllty'.and experience to Serve Sstarted to secuire such a referendumn the commniu»ty in the varloue inNe Tie twnhi, ndpetitiôîîs officiffi capacities. We believe, rit of 1 .wTirtwnhp rd ta that cittizefls of. $uch (ltalificat- mayare iîow being circuiated for tattinsshui ccept te cailof ïpurpose. the comniunity to such servIie irt Ili NWot u«Wet" or "Dry" Issue as a clvlc duty. The fact is -emiphasized that. the Adhéré to Principles referendum is not a "wet" or *'lr%- To tese fuidalentlpriples mible. niatter, but a clean-cut moral ise w-e stili adhere. ritr-tht astedowih aiitinlgtn "The original' plan provided for the L highi character of north shiore villaes w,%tldrawal. at the. end of each con- and New Trier towvnship. Ih does not vention year of 25%. of,the dele- aim t prohibit a citizen fron lîaîviîîg gates and'their, replacement bv neN liquor in his home, but ont%, te pre(_ delegates chosen bya vacancy comn- vent the. establishment' ofý places .n maîee-none cf whom should ýbe i.where liquors are sold ai retail,,an(l nlneflhlers of the convention. The, which ofe a direct threat: toý the con1vention itself modified this por- melfare of the younig people of. the tinc h lnb'.Proii ta communiity4 50% cý f the delegates should with-, ________________draw each vear. This was done in Scum nn Panst t rder -te furtlher preserve the non- partisan, non-political character of l 'Give Program for Club 1tlhe convention. and te elim.inatc .n The February meeting cflte, iVil- idea that t le, -conivéntion. cf one ye*a r mette Teachers' club will he held in voluld' or could automatically ({lomi- the auditorium of the Hlowaritcoo nate or -control the. convention of them Mondav afternôon. Febihiarv 2(>. a t 4 fol'iowing year.Y o'clcck. Reoeive Suggestions The guest cf the afternoo iît lj )ü Following Chairman Lang's state- George Schumann, ineniber of tIe ment the mneeting 1'was ,cpenied for music departnet cf the \\Vaukegan suggested nomination s., As uFsual, Township Hîgh school. NIr.' Schn- lthe names, cf present incumibenits manni's program will consist of àapl-,, were presented, Harry W. Miller for anc and lecture recital on Richard, treasurer, Nicholas P. Miller, fof 'Wagner. Mr. Schumanni is an ex- yiN Mage clerk, and the three rétir- potient, cf both the piano and pipe- j tng trustees for reélection. - organ. Hie is a memiber cf the Arn'-; H.T. Reiling, 1521 GÉèreenwocd enican Guild cf Qrganists, director cf avenue, said that there mwas a con- St. Gecelia's choir and . organist o~f siderable sentiment for a ivcman on jChrist Episcopal church. 'Waukegati the Village board, and he offered as well as a niember of the Chxoir the names cf Mrs. Esther, Dunshce ~Master's Association of CShicago. His Bower, 1216 Ashland. avenue; r 7ccncert work hbas been devýoted largely i Art hur Di,çcn, 706 Laurel avenue, and te the piano. Nirs. E. V. Youngberg, 419 a.- M others of children il, \Vluliettc. îngton avenue. Iand other frienids have eninvt The name cf William 'Edtionds. *as gue't. 1935 Greenwoud avenue, was pre- Arraements for the' prograîn sented for, nomination for trrt:see. were made by Mýliss 'Grace .a'o but - cannot. bcconsidered, as Mr. 7 Edmonds. is a memecft on libari~ f te chol. - ' e i, which' dces- nêt endorse its. AUNT DIES cîvu members. for office. 7~Mrs. Albert Page. 901 Ahadave-Slc iktSo 7nue, returnied Mý\oi1da after* spendâi The next step is for the cor Cen- ing the Neek-endiiin Indianapolis ient rcedt elect a ticket Ir? iwhere she was. called I1w tlle death, the manner' laid down ly the plat) cf 'ber aunt. . uncer which it operates.- Mr ad fr.Ray . Kk TRAINING COURSE MONDAY 'l Ul Mr.ancd~The next sesin o-f the irl q-"i AMBP,