So miuch. of interest and imi- portan ce is packed. into the three days that the thirty-eig hth annuaïl Illinois conference of the Daughters of the Amnerican, Revoution is in, session, at the Evanstoôn W'onan%' club, thai«t the Cnt ire program .can wont)' 1e ment joned in calendar f orm. Onie of. the hIighlight -events however, wvil1 be, the state din- nrThursday eévening, March, 15, at the .Orringtoii,'at wvhich the speaker, of the eveninig is. Frank L. Ford, who with beau- tiful slides inicolor,î iili relate, a "Vistualized American His- tory." lis colored pictures are fromi fanons historicâl paintings by J. L. G. Ferris, miaster paint- eér of scenes,-in AAmerican Hisý- tory. His, originale hang ini ln- dependence hall in Philadelphia. Nominations ivillýI e'ila(le tiat. night. The programn for March 14. 15 and 16, follows: Wednesday, March 14, 1:30 p). in. Cail to Asosembly, James A. Ms bugler. * Processional with Pages an d Flags. Invocation by State Chapfain, INrs. B. C. Van Lee,'. *Pledge . 1< the FIag, Anieriean'! Cirete(. *Assembly Singing. Welconîe froin May.or of Ivntn Hon. CharIes H. Bartlett. Response by State Vice-Legent, Ms Sainuel James Canmpbell. Q reetings from Distingul shed Guest. Itou. Call of 110 Chapters. - Report', of State Ottlcers. Wednesday; March 14, 4 P. f-1l1>, ingthe Lsession, MemberS of, the Con- ference wilI be taken to the Evans-- ton Township Hligh School tb wit- ness a pageant preserxted by the nlitary training cor-ps., > Ca:feterla Dinfler. Wednesday, March 14, 8, p. ni. C(ail tio Mtiss LWnta l'ruc of Wilmecttc. wchô se travels have takegn lier jitin .Pkany lands, u411 bc thte speaker ai flic »îecting toîiight (T'hursdayý) of the Junior auxiliarv of the If 'ont- an 's Cllub of Wilrnetic. China and. lapait will bc the subjedi ofhr mftornial /alk. Woman's, Catholic Club of Wilniette. is making plans for its aniual St. Pat- rick's Day party to be held iii the Wnan's club, Greeilleaf and 'renth street. Dessert will be servLed at 1 o'clock f ollowed by a fashion show a-ud, bridge. The f ashion display will' be especially attractive and Wil111 inclUde gowns for afternoon,. evening and day-. time wear, also suits and sport clothes. Mrs. George 11 . Beaudin. president. ýis aski .ig the support. of the. entire Olui for. tlis party. Assisting Mrs. M 1iuitz are Mrs. Claude Burnhamn. Mrs. Harry- Bettinghaus. Mrs. Gordon J. Diltz. *Mrs. Russell. Flood. Mrs. EFdwîi.. L. Georger, Mrs. Frànk L . Kaye. Mrs. Banlford Langî1i, Mrs. Heîirv A. Mar- tin,- Mrs. Peter J. McGurk. Mlrs. Henry- G. Presser., Mrs. Alfredl H. Robot and *Mrs. Albert B., Stall. AI Neighbors Club, A.rniouiiceenettlias beeu- made thai 'rhe Story of the Poetry Bookshop" will be told .at the Neighbors of Ken- ilworth Tuiesdav of next week. at Il oclocklu the mornanig. Alida Kieinan- taske of The Poetry Bookshop ini Lo i- dloni %vil1 speak, iii the mnorniung. A b)uffet luncheoti will be served at 12:30 o'clock', Nvith the mnibers playing bridIge and- sewulg ini the afternioon as a, hcoùme- acqulaiite<l gestllre. Speciali6.s to B. Offored îTh, Reading circle Is having, its nexrt meeting Mondav. March 12, at in Saturday's Food Sae 15 o'clock,. at the' home of Nîrs. o t read, an rols an Tho011as C. Mouilding. 1004Greeni- Ot oly'beds n oîsa woo<l avenue. cakes andi pies but those hiot dishes and other specialties for which memn- byers of the guild are known, will bc on sale Saturday morning (if tlîis wveek in the Parish House of St. Soloist Augustine's church on Wilmnette avenue, when the North circle of the Associated Guilds sponsors the fourth nii the seties of Lenten Food sales give.n by the. circles for the benefit of the gilids. . 1. K. StOver is eiirmnali. Club and (Garden Club With the calendar at that mlonth 'of the year wyh.en seed catalogues and. floNyer show Aî>1aîî t'ease the- imagintation Nvith their p)rünîise of ýspriiig., the XVonan's, Club- oÔf MXVinette and the' Wilmette 'a.rdeii clb umite for a day at the NWonîau 's club on March 14. It is, of- homne Iandscaping. of *g a r d c ýn s Mi Euirope, I in.,ga.rdens of J'apan 'where ",Beatt is flot sinIflyl to bé, se en, but to be feit %vithin the heart,", thàt, thev -%vill 'hear 'lvith fitting mu sic andl colored, gaerdeiî l)ictures ifltersj)ersed. The Garden club, over which Xirs. C. P. Berg presides, arranges the, înorning pr6giam, whiie the \XVoiani',s club, whose president is Mrs.. A. 1l.. Klunder, presents. the afternoon pro-.. grarn through its art departmnent w ith Mrs. Gordon Hannah chairinan. Butler S. Sturtevant o pens thie ai- day 10:30, with a lecture ,.on "European Gardens,", interpýrcted(l by 'colorful and accurately pro(luc.edI slides. Extensive travtl in -Europe reesthe authorit-ative background for his lectures which are considered refeshflgand individual. His slides. critics dec1are, "reproduce on thie screen some. of the imost beautiful garden .flowers. also intimate. glimîpses of Private gardens." A nienber of l)oth the arencîtil and the \Wonîant's clubl,.NI rs. JýdNvar<I L -clieidelIIell iS he ,fi"114our: .. spIeaker. *'Landscapîiig t h e11.0111 Grounds" is.the subject of le ak Mrs. Schiiedenheini has sp)ken before munierous north shore club,,. and lier series of lectures currelit aht the gar- dleni departnîent. of the\Vnntk \~'ouan'scluil). are veërv j4pipular ti tvinning rnost favoralble coxumlenlt.ý 1Luncheon service is. at 1. witil tle- aiftertn-on program at 2. soloist foir the afternooji is. Cliiie, Flute-like < aiv puritv ll- .alîd reature vvflaLef. .h ursday, March 15, 4:30 to 6 P. m.- Hostess chapters glving a te 'a at Woman's Club in hoflor of the State Officers., hutrsday, March 15, 7 p. m.-State Dinner at the Orrington. Hotel. Musi-Vioin olo, Dorothea Powerg; I:00t i:3 and I4egist 11:00 to 12:01 tary Law. National1 Defen-'e Eni- ,lotie Edticatlon. Chapter 1rreasurers -Regents, Parliainen- ( , 1 iUU0 Gafden c graciousness «ad and gutsts "japanese Homes; and cr with a well Gardens." With, surroun.dings of i drainalic abiity, mixed ancient and modern civiliza- st next Wednes- tion, he grew up. His homne was that hen the Wiîîjan's of a~ father who maiiaged one of and the IViliinette lte Iargest modern 'business establish- their animal joint ments in j apaq ,w ith biranches throughout the world. After his ,high,