brmng rare interpretaticu of the cus- toms a nd -culture of bis homeland, the land ini which thé. "home is in- separable f rom the garden, which the japanese believe stores nature's spirit." Hikoju Yanagida, in bis illus- trated lectures "presents -the funda- mental essence. of land- scape gardening which. is. characteris- tic of that people's, culture."i, at Flower Sh ow The flower show committee of The Garden Club of Illinois lhas worked out a schedule for the eighthi annual * Gýardeti and. Flower 'show in which fidwers and, vegetables combine1 to give the best and newest ideas in gardening, to amateurs and profes- sionals alike. Thie show is to be held. ....... on) Navy pier, Chicago, April 7 to 15, 1'he model kitchen gardens, each covering a space 20x2O, will teach the owner of a small property how be rfay have muchi joy and food besides, fromn a space so smali. The Evening Gardeni Club of Wilmette and The Kenilworth Home and Garden club will compete for honors in this class. The tool houses, in conjunction with a bot-bed or cold frame, will show how easily the old conceptions of these very necessary garden ap- purtenances may be bèautified.Th Barrington Garden club, The Garden Club of Morgan Park, and The West- erni Springs: Garden club have un- dertaken the building and landscaping of the tool houses. *Eighty. garden clubs located throughout the state have made entries for the show which has the.... united support of the large depart- m nent stores, seedsmen and nursery- mien, the Chicago Park boards and Irivate esta .es. ff. Dearborn D. A. R Namnes Pariey Delegales Fort Dearborn -chapter of the D. A. R. will not hold its regular nionthly meeting in March on ac-rer JIL I counit of the state conference taking Wt h hr fte~oga n euitui place at the Evanston Womazi's club sfltevrdneesithsl ecleton f March 14, 15, a .nd 16., The chapter usfl raidpee nti ag olcino delegates to the conference are Mrs. silver wiIl tempt vou with their omazingly Jow prices. Frederick B., Hinirich~s of Evans ton, r '~r chaplain, and Mis.R, B. Chittenden of Wiannetka, corresponding iecre- A FEW ILLUSTRATED . .. Ca delabra, tii.pair, $33 tary. Alternates are Mrs. Roy Olin Walker. of Wintka and, from, Ev'- $01t;a nd- pepper,',thep pcir, $11 ..Meot pJat.,fý$ Furothe particlasay b otin byralng. .Mors. Jhtnden; andg Weseriam Tihoaseo e mdeith Mlre, William C.B anest reeriof.leCos-