Good cooldng made easy and economçica HELESTINE.AND DOW Becaué. we believe tha+ no other coolE book is so practical and, up to date as 'thisl, w. b.rnby GUARANTEE SATISFACTION If, et t ho end of five days, from the. date of purchase you are not enfiro1y stisfled, you 'h1ay re-> turn the book for refund if in salabI. condition) to this sdore. Chandler"s F<untain Square Evanston UCCI bUC a UOK a US .At I3'.s.8 ilv l al.. 's.. ...u.. a..o . ju haumeoa b~annot r x ofeadsflui IMr.. March bas given us a brilliant f tinies. The liveliness will bè enjoy- The subanneredfarmagofieadersic addition to the list of brlliant novels led in the two three-act plays and Thersunstanctialfa maazne uffblic. that hbave corne out of tbe South i the criticisrn may be sttudieci in the for insanc, tose unnnibredthe last few years. But lie has addd substantial preface wbicb precede.q bordes, shouild certainly. include one distinguisbing mark wlîich 1.s 0elacli play. Sanidwicbed betwe.en the. ]'Falling Star". in the course of tbeir many otber of tbe best Sbutieru tWo plays is.what Bernard, Shaw cailîs res carch.for this winter. l .c edetnfrtw vits"a 66lin tr"i - soy fsudonovels have lacked h le lias writen a oeitiafo w ocs"a li f,- 0-ithever gret ad. oya iof gpodtaste without any sacrifice tr"i soy of atdoi iusing duologue ini wbicb a young lif, f te er gratan roaloftrutîi and realism. woman. evin'ces a consimniate art of that world, witb sôme attention given s s the very oblscure, Wbose extremity' too The autbor..bas grouped telln fulI-l_ mansiin ehts t a h provides a lurid note. Little, timie i length'characters about one central nt'besewasi. pent o those idigscsss figure, a sensitive i ntoete o "Too Ttue to Be Good" is a. -Po- tose adequate performers, directors,. growinginto manhodlicaetrvan"laigbeth trials and tribulations of the rich, in and the, like, who mnust nimake up the A novel cotild bave been written 1her trugglesto find happns n bulk of the. population in this film about an'y-of ,these ten characters, ethe resn ilsyst pe ofn- fcapital,' this celluloid Athens. A little yet the reader neyier forges that Y. more conisidération of tbese Wortlîies itbey are seconidary to Chester Hurry. iYadcssivio. ~iîgbt leîîd any book on the, sc e who is eigbt. years old wben the story *'On the Rocks" is a "political tliere, a greater realitv. opens ini Mississippi, soon after thé comedy." It sets forth the problein Teeisni't much bumor. in this turn of the present century.ofteuepoedndrbecial book of Hollywood granîdeur.- There «Cbester'sfahrRortHry is is tic system in tbe persons of an Eng- lefteRbetlîrý isb Prime Mnse n i dies is even .less bumor than. there îS 'a barshly ineffectual man g rown Miitrad-i dies tranquility. Perbaps 'that. is true of' strainèd anid silent. 'Chester's nurse who are 'faced witb its solution un- fthe town itself. Perhaps that towni is !\,itty,. statuesque and jet black. der a- system wbicb admits ofno jwhere the comiics of the world con - Mitty'sjaluyo Cetrsaf ratiQual one-only a znethodi of force iêaou~ olChstes afec'- 1w subjugation or exterminationi. gregate is a. pretty grim affair after tion for Baptiste, his mulatto tutor, _______ ail. ,Yet s tme pbcueo or il belp a brings about the. climax of the first- bit o gie te pitureof ollyoodpart of the book. Nfitty înldirectly' su a pltSre 'a reality.Isu am he _______________causes Baptiste's death, by hanging- th a scene wbich Mr. Nlardh wisely onl iQpies oflheDay Hresreport Shat heLaieK underlines with lack of empliasis and Tic A. L,. A. bas recently lauincied arpoes rporttae THopLains,'ua-thereby makes doubly effective and a new series, "Exploring the Times," * frstnovl b Stnle Hokin, pb-aîmost unbèarable for the reader. of wbicl the name indicates the char- lisbed last September, wilI be repub- T eby h orro h wn-atr nuewt hsls eisi lishied on March 9. 1TeTobheyroro hesie-xplainn:ewthtislstsrisi "l3caue o th faThat xpin: hisifg Xegro burned into bis m.or, s: "The National Crisis Series of Teacli- country it was published at a time "ent to another part' of Milssissippi to ers College," very good and up to the whe i 'vs warpe in~ loo o Iive witi the family of bis grand- moment. There are t.wentv-sei-en books by farnous authors, it 'is nowfather, Frank Tarleton. bookiets in the group sponsored i)y- of tuei~ok ~the American Association for thû republished in the hope that it will The deriouernent fth oo Advacmn f cec, cluding. reach the wide audience it deser ves."' startling, unbelievable, and just wiat vnchtlensenasofScience inh ol 'Seven editions of the book were sold Ol odhaexpece foe la Today, Wonde'rs of -tbe Sky, Ciein- in England, and it bas been pur- been tiniking abead wviti the wvriter. istry -of TÔday,: and Our Trees. and, cbased for publication in Sweden It occurs wben Chester returns to Pl ,. h Frin oiy so and ini Denmark. the homie of bis childhood upon the deati of bis' fatier, and bu~t for a c2ation lias initiated a pamphlet serie% with, "the World Adrift and Soviet POCKET INTERPRETER iliracle of it would be sensa- RýUssia, and more discussions of inter- T. P. Terrv. wbose guide to Mexico tional and sb ckig u eeaan ainlafisaet olw hr is perbaps tbe best book of the, sort a lack -of em.phasis proves a test of is, of couse, the extensive series of wbich bas been produced, is the ability,. tracts issued by the Oxford Uni- author of a conversation book en-k There is no doubt that persons versity Press for tbe Society of Pure titled, New Spanish-Englisb-Englisb- jwbo pretend' to keep abreast of the' English, wbich ci ntains a variety of Spanishi Poçket Interpréter. This finest in the contemporary novel will philological and literary discussions. costs fifty cents in paper binding,'and hlave to' read 'ths'b'ook sooner or Thie University of North Carolnn 1ac affected them. KEEPING A SOUND MIND (Mac- millan) is the latest book by Prof. John J. B. Morgan, of thé psycbology department of. Northwestern univer- ij il 1 ri &Vbj YqU-R Ei