0F 'ELECTION TO Tr VOERS h' TE VILAQE0F ILMETTE, COOK COUNTfY, ILLINOIS: Notice isheireby, gi%-ei that at the, ANN U M, VILLAGE ELECTION to be ediite VLAE0 IN1E'fTE, Counitv of Cook, State. of Illinois, on Tuesday, the seventeenth day' of. April, 1934, h following question of public policv -xviii .be submnitted to the vot ers of said Village of Wilmétte, CookCounty, Illinois: phat for- the îtlrlose precinetis:as follows: Precinct No. Precinct No. of holdinig s election .the 'Village .of Wilrnette shall. beA divi it' thirteen 1 -PQiling, Place: 3 Electric Place. 2-Polling Place: 1126 Wilniette A Given iler ni v lland(at \W.iliiette. (lax of March, A. D. 1934. NICHOLAS P., MILLER, Village Clcrk YES "SHALL THE SALE' AT RETAIL, 0F AL- COHOLIC LIQUOR E BE PROHIBITED IN THIS VILLAGE?"? NO I t