NO TIC E 0F ELE CTIONI TO THE VOTERS 0F THE. VILLAGE 0F WILMETT, COOK COUNTPY, ILLINOIS: Notice is hereby given that the ANNUAL VILLAGE ELECTO will be held in the VILLAGE 0F -WILMETTE, County of Cook, State of Illinois, on Tuesday, the seventeenth-day of April, 1934, for the vpurpose of voting for, the following officers: ONE VILLAGE CLERK, ONE VILLAGE TREASURER THREE. VILLAGE TRUSTEES For a ten of 0»o Y«r. TWO TRUSTEES WILMETI7E PUBLIC LIBRARY FOR A TERM 0f, 'That for the purpose of holding said election the Village of Wilrnette shall be 1recincts as follows: THREE -YEARS divided into thirteen. Precinct No. rrecinct No.' Precinct No. Precinct No. Precinct NO. Precinct No., 1-ýPolling'lace: 2-Polling Place:' 3P olling Place: 4-Polli ng Place:' 5-Polling Place: 6-Polling Place:, 3 Electric Place. 112 6 Wilmette Avenue. Byron Stolp School. Byron Stolp School. 419 Fourth Street. Laurel Avenue School. Store-I 143 (ireenleaf Avenue.. Clerk