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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Mar 1934, p. 56

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the direction of Rutheda L. Pretzel. Both artists, tbough youing, have already had outstanding successes in their fields, and each is a contest winner. Miss Bertling bas appeared before local and nationally known organizatibns here and ini the West as a ,soloist, and dùring the past year bas sung witb. the Madison ,Opera companv.: A welI known Chicago music critic bas sa.id of, ber,"Ms Bertling amazes ber audiences with the stunnni artistry she bas attained, and ,the natural beauty of her voice. ý,%Ne,. predici: one of the finest ýcareers of ýthe generation to be in, the desti11 of Lolita Bertling." Mr. Jackson is conisidered oue of the, finest of our younger concert pianists, and is said to'have a mnag- netic . pianistic personaljtv-. He ýis also' well known, in.-tbis part- of the -country as an,,accompan.ist of 1un- usual talent.. MILK TRUCK BURNS Friday of last week as Wil liamn Long, 1423 Lake avenue, Glenview, -was driv- ing a Bowman milk truck in the '2700 block on Lake avenue, Wilmette, the machine skidded, overturned and burst into flam es. The Wilmette Pire de- partrnent was called and exting-uislied the ire. Mr. Long was flot injured. * A CORRECTION Announcement in last--wçelCks issue] of the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs.1 %VILET iiuri .1ivEregrets the .error. Mrs. John Petty, who makes ber home with ber sister, Alrs. R. Mý . Campbell, 631 Central avexne, andi Mrs. Campbell's daughteriMrs. Jo- seph Nate, who left FcPbruary 22, io- toring to Texas, are visiting inEdin- burgh at present. Tbey will go to- Houston, San Antonio, Waco, and Austi ' . Mrs. Nate expects to retur in another week white Mrs. Petty will stay. several u~s Music at the services will be as follows: Ma Tovu .. Lewandosky Borchu .. . . .. . .. .. . ..Stark Shema .. . .I. ..... .... . 1Stark< Michomocho........ ... ...Traditional' I'zur Ylsroel...........Landsan Kedusha............... ...... Stark Let the Words'............. Idelsohn Anthem: -Yerushalayirn (Palestiniari Polk-Song) ......Binder Solo: "*Mornilng Hymin". Georg Henqchel' Miss Luc.ille.Lonig Va'Ànachnu............... Binder Largo....................Peia Elohenu ......Stark I SPEAKERJ Rabbi' Soleoon Freehof >of K. . .11. Temple in Chicago znil! address the Mel': ci! of \Torth S' ore Con gregation Israel Tiiesday rve- *"The Logan - Howard Broadcast," the one-act comiedyr presented by a sinaîl ca'st, proved to be really- very funny, and mucb credit goes to the' mot ber.s and teachers who gave tbeir, time. and their talent to the produç- tion. of it. They are Mrs. Russ.ell John- son,.MMrs. E. O. Anderson, Mrs. C. j.Nylund, M 1iss 'Pearle Olihoff, and. Mrs. Margaret Jo.ce 1the t -olast narned being teaçbers in'the Howard school,..Mrs. Joyce who was to have àpptared in the castfwas unable to be there thae night of the play, and- Mrs. J. D). Kinnear, ably took bier place. 'Muîsic loyers were given an unusual. treat in. the flute solos played by Rex. Elton Fair of> Wilmette,' with piano acconmpaniments by Mr.s. Fair. The "Valse Caprice," by.1-biner, and the."Initer.mez-zo", froin the opera, "0Oru. by Gluck were delight fuI, and eqlàliv so wvas ."Minuietto," the composition of bis own %whieh he .played. Mr-- air is a verv bwsy per- soi. wbo lbas charge of the Howard Scbool'band, teaches at New Trier Higlb scbool, bas classes in Highland Park, Kenilworth and Wilmette. con- ducts a wood-wind Scbool . of In- struction iii Chicago, witb a repair, departinenit for wood-wind instru- ients. His. two-voluine work on "Flute Methods" lias recently been pub- lished. The association is most grate- ;fui to Mr. and Mrs. Fair for their contribution to the program, as attestea ny mthe applause Which- folloived bis playing. On Tuesday of next week, M rs. NV. E. Beiînfobr, head of the book depairtinent of Cbandler's in Evans- ton, will speak on "The Little Child, and His Books" at the meeting of the Pre-School circle, in the home of Mrs. G. MI.- Gathercoal, 1536 Mlaple avenue. Tilnrs neld was reducea iroin six gaines to four. Prior to last Friday's matches the market and IJadden hall *were' tied for second place. Then in Iast wveek,'s- matches, Hadden hall .Won three- gaines. froi the C. and. R. Ou Mc'iie, and the market took two.o>ut of three f romn the league-ýleading Tailors. The fact that the market boys lost one o their three, gaines dropped themi into a third place tie with. Edelweiss 'and Rapp -Brothers.-(Win 'netka). 1-lad- den hall now holds seco nd place, four gaines behind the leaders, but threc tea -ms are crowditng closeý to Had- den's. Kenilworth nfiarket. Edélweit;ç and Rapp's are only one gaie outt of second place, the last Itwo teanw, named having swept their three- gaine series -witb Bleser's and the Bungalow tavern. respectivelv last Friday; The Tailors, Who have been1 setting a fast.pace lately, apparentl . had an off night. They dropped the first t%1.1 gai-nes to the market, 9'/2 to. 903 ançi 918 to" 89 and won the third hy .va margin of only eleven p)oiint. 899 to M8. The totals showed 2778 for:the market and 2700 for the Tailors. The last place C. and R. OilMcen threwi a scare into H-adden hall. after the latter* had taken the firçt txwo. games, 938 to 900 and 934 to 772- The third gaine went to Hadden hall hv a two-point margin, 833 to 831. Thîe winners were far ahead in the total scrshoweve., 2705 to 2503.ý diSposed ofth11e Bungalow 'iavern -with similar ease, 936 to 79, Q7R to 794 and 853 to 789. Totals of these matches were: Edelweiss 2756, BIc- ser's 2482; Rapp's. 2667, BungaloW tavern 2374. Followi'ng are the. teain standings: W. Wilmette Tailors .....38 Hadçlen hall .... -34 K<enllworth market. ..33 Edelweiss ............3 Rapp Brothers ......... 33 Bleser's .... *...........25' Bungalow. taver .ý...24 C. nd R. Ol1Mefn .... 2 Pct. .Ave. .633 86:1 .567 8153 .5590 866 .550 861 .5,;o 85-, .41-4 840 .100 830 .33840 Mrg. Charles Reese, 720 Linden avenue, entertained ber bridge club Tuesday at luncheon. Mr. and, Mrs. George Stewart. of 43ioqulois road, entertained at a bridge tea SundaY. r 9 - ."a, *.ail ull, tn en , j~u n-UI Mr. aude Martz of Austin spent day witb ber new son, John III, froin seral da Ys last week witb ber son's the Evanston, hospital. family, the William H. Martzes, 1433 --o-- Forest avenue.' - .Mis. Dwight Harris of 629 Central 0o avenue entertained ber bridge club Mrs. Robert, Stout of Omnaha, Neb., at a dessert. luncheon Monday. wiIl arrive the end of the week to -- visit,the Bentley 'McClouds' of 338 Mfrs. Sain Dennis, 328 Oak circle, Kenilworth avenue, Kenilwoith. entertained at a* bridge tea Tuesday. Mr. and M~rs, Forest avenue, froin a week'si week in New 0 in Panama, and e. Ifley spent a ns and ten days days in-Havana. Hugh Foiresman, 515 Essex road, Kenilwortb, returned Saturday froin Cleveland, Ohio, where lhe went to attend the-National Educational As- sociation conventioln.

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