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Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Mar 1934, p. 5

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101-, Ad bii tlu lui I8 '.SAA *. .3t W all launchied. The memblership %vas di- vîdled inito teams, each with a cap- tain. These captains then gave te rnenll)ers of their respective teams littie hags made of reninants oi inaterial1s used for the garments whichi go te. the Alice H. Wood sta- t ion. On tliese. bags wvere :stickers wlîich read as follows 'Help win by a 'mile,'ý Give a 'Foot' with a ,;mile. 'Infant Welfare society, Wilinette chapter '17 pennie s will add one foot in our OeMle Drive'" 'lo a dd mo.re ;zest to the project a thierinieter.,ill register the tcm- I)erature of each team and tle %vini- ning teain will 4e feted by menihers in an appropriate maniner. 0f course I il doesn't have to be just seventeen ceits, lbut stili it must he seventeen cents-if voeuknow v hat I iean. \Vhen you are -approache.d--Nit-h the!1 'iepthe mile"' suggestion, you'h koitis a. worthwvhiIe p)rojectï.aiotiîg; xvtlî'a comnpetitive scoring inii hl '-orne. hundred 'or so Inifanit Welfare worker.; are interested., The first: Officiai reading of the thernioîneter ,wîll l)e. Monday. Marchi 19. A Les. Lenora K,'itclzez'r .%-otih- j/id utorti, shore f'ianist, .iII ap/'car ini a ri- j/ata t be preseuî/cd bi' taî fa Kiiri Rck.rch Siunday allter-. nomi, Mlarclî 11,' at - o'cldock in /hUic N\iimba/llIibui(diîy (llth f/or), CIh;(ii!o. JMissç Kriichevr, Ui- pia ' v flic Seconîd Concerto by .llac- Puibli c Service Pays, Dorothy Davis Adds to Quarterly Dividends, Prestige as Trackç Star Qqarterly dividends of $1.50 a Dorothy Davis, 14-year-old daughter share oun the six percent preferreti of Daniel M. Davis, \Vilmette director stoick and $1.75 a- share on the seveir 9f recreation, and Mrs. Davis, 920 percent preferred stock of the Puh- Fifteenth street, woni high point honors ,ic S-erv-ice Côrnpany of Nortlîern ini the girls' anumal novice track ad Illinois were declared by the coi- field iiîeet sponsored by the Central panv's board of directoôrs at their' Association Amnateur Athletic union re- mueeting hield last ,week. These dis'!- centIl' at the 131lst infatntry armorv ini dends are payable Mýýarchl 20 to stock- Cîao holersof ecod o. M;rc 10 '1115 Miss Davis finishied first in the fortv- ithe dîvîdend -,vhîich wouild ordînaril- inite r dash for 14, 15 and 16-vear-olds. il ave hen laidon ebraryI.coverîng the distance i just one-fifth 19,34. but which. was deferred pending ofü a 'second less than the Arica tsuhimission to the stockho4Iers ;of 1Irc th recapitalization plan thlat lias rc?~.Hrfne~a . eod.l 110 henappovd.addition t('j winning the' dash she also .March 20 is ýthe earliest practicable place(lscndutesadn ra .date on. which the dîvidend . antI e julip). paid becautse of 'the fact' thatthe o a student at Newv Trier -Hi h rules of the.Chicago Stock'Yhanc cho(A, Miss Davis en'ovs the distinc- require notice at least. ten da 'v, prior ion (if laving been the hest all-rouind to the record date on ic thé stock girl atiete MIlle history of Ille \Vil- goes .ex-dividend.. I nett_ý public schools. Being an.al.-rounid Ail present officers of the ctnnpanyI athlete, shie is the possessor of mn %verereelcted troplîies ini a variety of events. 1Mrs.ý Charles Southward of ~,A. 3a06 vr. and _NlÉs. jtiarry Sr r of the busi- daughter, Dorothy, returri tvenue, is on~e day from a two weeks' cruu s of the north muda on the Monarch of 'ouf, bis son, landino in VNew York. continue their active connet sas executives of. the firm. Mr, Watt, :a former emùploye of Wolff-Griffis, bas had a broad .ex- perience in the hardware. and asso- ciated fields. The .concerný is 'celeb rating the change.in management with a special- "4get acquainted' sale, complimentary to Mfr.. Watt's assuniption of an ac- tive interest in the business. Roy Best. :939 Ramon .a road, wiI11 spend the wveek-end' visiting bis moth er. Mrs. Frederick, Best i Waverly, Ohio. -Af ter the Show- stop ut the KIANDY -KUPSGAItD for a Tasty Sandwich and Oneý of Our Extra Good Malted Milks 924 SpDnish Court loi.No-Mapg's ,Land, .Wilmette $423> DoYou Know What Th Is? It's a mortar and pestle. These were originally used bv the al- chemists hundreds of Years ago for the-pulverizing of drugs. They becamfe through the course of centuries an« accepted symbol of the pharmacy. The mortar and the pestie are stili iuse today. Witb us they sym- l)olie the methodical curé and acu rw e practice in filling .vônr prescriptions. PIeasé feel f ree to cail upon us for prompt deli%-erl in any emergency. - Boulevard Drug Store 1Louis A. ELLISBuIO, R.Ph.G. - 1101 Central Avenue, Wilmette PHONE WILMETTE 4298 Lady Assistase: First.Chuirch -of Christ, Sciehitist WILMETTE, ILLINOIS., A nnounces a Free Lectureon Chritacec By Mr. 0F PORTL. *Decormted Whipped Ci IServes 6 peope..... THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED am 49c TO ATTEND lit -Nýuvv JL %il&.

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