Pleut y of Porklng Space No Welitug-P rompt Dellvery' JUNE US THE MONTH 0F ROSES--IAND FRESH, LUSCIOUS, FRUITS Tomaoto Juice. WEI.CH'S Pure juice of the frut. Keeps one ft and f-111l of vm. Drink,, it before for29 Ind*iv.idual Baby Lobsters r, e a d y to sea . ee 65e c tea Serve sliced- LAKE TROUT with new pofatoes and tomnatoes,IL. 19C Genuine Fîllet of Sole This is the real sole. It's delicio.usly . 7 tender and has real Flvor, lb... 37c And this iW the plae tfo geftheb prize of the crop-not only in f ruts but in: everytbinq for the. table. Meats, poultry, fresh vege- tables, staples, dcairy -produëts. Wehave the boit at thé lowest prices. Deliv*ryý included. .STEWING CHICKENS- On a cool, suffmmer, daiy there's, nothing, more. inviting, than Chicken Fricassee. Weigh fror 4'to 5 pounds2c each, IL.2 I Ck. The cheese with a 3ri ~real t an 9. Just the thing for a Creamlight lunch - saY.lil sandwiches and a 15 Chetstg 1 s ofcld, Cheese rotIiy beer, Ib. PORK TENDERLOIN buy. ail meat, no to bread Tfiis is a real1 'w aste, reodyi and f4, lb. bones, no 34c - ~6 liius and just as.2 . 9c refreshing. Hotf House Tomaotoes,, For salads, broi ng, frtgbaking or fi- ing. 2b29c W >NEW POTATOUS Mor e of the fine flaor is retained when -they are cooked in the jackets. I15-lb. peck39 Valencia Juice Oro ales Sweet.and fuI'1 of juice., 3l coz. 79c. Chicken Noodie Dinner COLLEGE INN - A fine ~ a Juncheon enfree aIl ready 8o .j fo ea I~.and seve Aoz ar2 Cicken Broth with Rice COLLEGE INN. Real cliicken stock. An < especially good buy for the small family. fcI t One can serves three generously. 3f.r 1 . No Csrryiisg.te Do We Deliver t. Yon - WILMETTE 402 Linden Avenlue Wlimette 160-161 WINNETKA 718 EIm Street Wlnnetha SI LAKE YIEW 3l959 Broadway ROGERS PARK 1508 Jarvis Rogers Park elle Orders Rrenght se Yen, Door Ail A long thse North Shore JUNE 7 93.4